European crested tit / Haubenmeise (Lophophanes cristatus)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Wikipedia - Haubenmeise - Lophophanes cristatus - 01 - Carlos Delgado. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia - Haubenmeise - Lophophanes_cristatus_-_01 - Carlos Delgado.jpg
Classification: Genus Lophophanes; Family Titmice (Paridae)
General: The European crested tit, or simply crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus) (formerly Parus cristatus), is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. It is a widespread and common resident breeder in coniferous forests throughout central and northern Europe and in deciduous woodland in France and the Iberian peninsula. In Great Britain, it is chiefly restricted to the ancient pinewoods of Inverness and Strathspey in Scotland, and seldom strays far from its haunts. A few vagrant crested tits have been seen in England. It is resident, and most individuals do not migrate. [more]
Song: Song: an improvisation over previously described calls. [Link]
Calls: Call a characteristic vibrating rolling trill "Trrrrurrrurrrit", with last syllable emphasized and ending with ascending pitch. Often preceded by a couple of introductory "tzi tzi". [Link]
Physical details: length=11 cm, wingspan=17-20 cm, weight=10-13 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: Higher-pitched than great tit - how distinguish from coal tit, etc?
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: high (3-9 KHz) Special sounds: slur
First documented observation : 2020-07-31 in Pragelpass.


Haubenmeise am Stazersee bei St Mortiz hebt ab. 2023-02-05 15.48.04 Sils

Haubenmeise am Stazersee bei St Mortiz. 2023-02-05 15.48.04 Sils

European Crested Tit song Source: XENOCANTO XC560609-european-crested-tit-lophophanes cristatus2020.05.20_11.51_01 song.mp3 (song)