Merganetta armata / Torrent duck (Merganetta armata)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Torrent duck Quelle: OTHER 1200px-Merganetta_armata_%28Pato_de_torrente%29_%2824726521941%29.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Merganetta; Unterfamilie Halbgänse (Tadorninae); Unterfamilie Anatinae; Familie Entenvögel (Anatidae)
Allgemein: The torrent duck (Merganetta armata) is a member of the duck, goose and swan family Anatidae. It is the only member of the genus Merganetta. It is placed in the shelduck subfamily Tadorninae after the "perching duck" assemblage where it was formerly assigned to was dissolved because it turned out to be paraphyletic.[2] [more]

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