Blue-crowned motmot / Amazonasmotmot (Momotus momota)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Curi cancha blue crowned motmot in tree. 2018-02-18 13.52.48 Costa Rica
Classification: Genus Momotus; Family Momotidae
General: The blue-capped motmot or blue-crowned motmot (Momotus coeruliceps) is a colorful near-passerine bird found in forests and woodlands of eastern Mexico. This species and the Lesson's Motmot, Whooping Motmot, Trinidad Motmot, Amazonian Motmot, and Andean Motmot were all considered conspecific. The IUCN uses blue-crowned as their identifier for this species, however it was also the name used for the prior species complex. [more]

First documented observation : 2018-02-18 in Costa Rica.


Turquoise-crowned motmot in cenote, a natural swimming pool. 2023-04-14 12.53.56 Yucatan

Turquoise-crowned motmot on birding tour with Erik Ramos. 2023-04-16 06.45.52 Yucatan

Additional Images

Turquoise-crowned motmot at Chichen Itza - every good Maya ruin has some great birds! 2023-04-13 10.26.16 Yucatan

Turquoise-crowned motmot in Uxmal. 2023-04-07 15.28.32 Yucatan