Motacilla tschutschensis / Eastern yellow wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis)

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Wikipedia: Eastern yellow wagtail Quelle: OTHER 1200px-Motacilla_tschutschensis%2C_Tomohon%2C_North_Sulawesi.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Motacilla; Familie Stelzenverwandte (Motacillidae)
Dieser Vogel erscheint jenseits grossen Meere in Kontinenten : Europa, Nordamerika, Asien, Australien.
Allgemein: The eastern yellow wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis) is a small passerine in the wagtail family Motacillidae, which also includes the pipits and longclaws. It was often classified as a subspecies of the Western yellow wagtail. [more]

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