Neotis denhami / Denham's bustard (Neotis denhami)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Denham's bustard Quelle: OTHER 1200px-Denham%27s_Bustard_%28Neotis_denhami%29_%287083219537%29.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Neotis; Familie Otididae
Allgemein: Denham's bustard, Stanley bustard or Stanley's bustard (Neotis denhami) is a large bird in the bustard family. It breeds in much of Sub-Saharan Africa. It is a species of open ground, including agricultural land, grassland, flood-plains and burnt fynbos. It is resident, but some inland populations move to lower altitudes in winter. The common names for this species refer to the English explorer, Major Dixon Denham, and the English naturalist Edward Smith-Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby. [more]

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