Oceanites gracilis / White-vented storm-petrel (Oceanites gracilis)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: White-vented storm-petrel Quelle: OTHER Eliotts_storm_petrel.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Oceanites; Unterfamilie Sturmschwalben (Hydrobatidae); Ordnung Röhrennasen (Procellariiformes); Infraklasse Neognathae; Klasse Vögel (aves); Unterstamm Wirbeltiere (Vertebrata); Stamm Chordatiere (Chordata); Reich Chordatiere (Animalia); Domäne Eukaryoten (Eukaryota)
Allgemein: Elliot's storm petrel (Oceanites gracilis) is a species of seabird in the storm petrel family Hydrobatidae. The species is also known as the white-vented storm petrel.[2] There are two subspecies, O. g. gracilis, which is found in the Humboldt Current off Peru and Chile, and O. g. galapagoensis, which is found in the waters around the Galápagos Islands. It is a sooty-black storm petrel with a white rump and a white band crossing the lower belly and extending up the midline of the belly. It has long legs which extend beyond the body in flight.[3] [more]

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