Oenanthe pleschanka / Pied wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto NABU

Wikipedia: Pied wheatear Quelle: OTHER Pied_Wheatear_%28Oenanthe_pleschanka%29_%288079431820%29.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Oenanthe; Familie Schnäpperverwandte (Muscicapidae)
Allgemein: The pied wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka) is a wheatear, a small insectivorous passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but is now more generally considered to be an Old World flycatcher (family Muscicapidae). This migratory central Asiatic wheatear occurs from the extreme southeast of Europe to China, and has been found wintering in India and northeastern Africa. It is a very rare vagrant to western Europe. [more]

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