Feldsperling / Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)

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In tree by First, ZH. 2020-05-04 17.33.32 Luppmen
Systematik: Gattung Passer; Familie Sperlinge (Passeridae)
Singvögel, Sperlinge, ■■
Dieser Vogel erscheint jenseits grossen Meere in Kontinenten : Europa, Nordamerika (introduced), Afrika, Asien.
In Fehraltorf gibt's 5 Haussperlinge für jeden Feldsperling.
Geographie: Brought from Germany, about 20 of these birds were released in St. Louis in 1870. The population took hold there, and they might have spread except that the House Sparrow, seemingly more aggressive and adaptable, reached the St. Louis area at about the same time. Eurasian Tree Sparrows are still found in parts of Missouri and Illinois, and have reached southeastern Iowa, but they are fairly local in farmland and suburbs. The tougher House Sparrow may keep them out of other areas. [Link]
Vokalisierung: Most other sounds similar to House Sparrow, and may be difficult to identify. [Link]
Gesang: Chattering sounds are generally harder, and song slightly higher pitched than House Sparrow. [Link]
Rufe: Distinct, high-pitched and explosive contact-call; "che-witt" typically given in flight. Second syllable rising rapidly in pitch. [Link]
Körperlich: Länge=14 cm, Flügelspanne=20-22 cm, Gewicht=18-29 g
Habitate: Siedlung

Gesang: Monotones Zirpen, rauher als Haussperling. Hauptsächlich 2-7 KHz mit vielen Übertönen.
Gesang Eigenschaften: Melody: einfach rhythmisch, langsam, Frequency: 2-7 KHz
Ruf: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording

♫ XC558751-Feldsperling. Quelle: XENOCANTO XC558751-Feldsperling.mp3 (Gesang?)

Zuerst dokumentierte Beobachtung : 2020-04-10 in Luppmen.


In tree by First, ZH. 2020-05-04 17.33.36 Luppmen

Feldsperling. 2020-04-10 17.59.16 Luppmen

Feldsperling. 2020-04-11 07.35.12 Luppmen

Feldsperling - habe tonaufnahme. 2020-04-11 08.05.52 Luppmen

Feldsperling futtert jungen Vogel. 2023-05-12 12.37.36 Am Aabach (Robenhausen)

Weitere Bilder

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Weitere Aufnahmen

Quelle: BirdNet 20210429_152340 birdnet 1493 - really Eurasian Tree Sparrow, sounds almost like bf - Eurasian Tree Sparrow - Fehraltorf.mp3 2021-04-29 15.23.40 Fehraltorf (Gesang?)