Rosy starling / Rosenstar (Pastor roseus)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto NABU

Wikipedia: Rosy starling Source: OTHER Rosy_Starling_-_Almaty_-_Kazakstan_S4E1244_%2822382991808%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Sturnus; Family Starlings (Sturnidae)
General: The rosy starling (Pastor roseus) is a passerine bird in the starling family, Sturnidae, also known as the rose-coloured starling or rose-coloured pastor.[2] The species was recently placed in its own monotypic genus, Pastor, and split from Sturnus. This split is supported by recent studies, though other related species within its new genus are not yet known for certain.[3] [more]

🔍 No documented observation