Red-billed pigeon / Rotschnabeltaube (Patagioenas flavirostris)

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MerlinBirdID says red-billed pigeon but I'm not convinced, reference pictures are not so light-colored. 2023-04-04 07.18.48 Yucatan
Classification: Genus Patagioenas; Family Pigeons (Columbidae)
General: The red-billed pigeon (Patagioenas flavirostris)[2] is a relatively large, girth-y pigeon which breeds from southern Texas, United States, and northwestern Mexico south to Costa Rica. It belongs to a clade of Patagioenas which generally lack iridescent display plumage, except some vestiges in the pale-vented pigeon. [more]

First documented observation : 2023-04-04 in Yucatan.