Psilorhinus morio / Brown jay (Psilorhinus morio)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Arenal feeder 2 brown jays. 2018-02-27 13.24.36 Costa Rica
Systematik: Gattung Cyanocorax; Familie KrÀhenverwandte (Corvidae)
Allgemein: The brown jay (Psilorhinus morio) is a large American jay which has the habitus of a magpie, but is slightly smaller and with a shorter tail, though the bill is larger. [more]

Zuerst dokumentierte Beobachtung : 2018-02-27 in Costa Rica.


Brown jay at Ecotucan, Bacalar - the white belly confuses me as to the name but hey. 2023-03-31 07.52.36 Yucatan

Brown jay shows fruit acrobatics in Bacalar. 2023-03-31 16.24.32 Yucatan

Weitere Bilder

Brown jay at Ecotucan. 2023-04-02 07.50.30 Yucatan