Rallus limicola / Virginia rail (Rallus limicola)

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Wikipedia: Virginia rail Quelle: OTHER 1200px-Rallus_limicola_-Cloisters_Park%2C_Morro_Bay%2C_California%2C_USA-8_%281%29.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Rallus; Familie Rallen (Rallidae)
Allgemein: The Virginia rail (Rallus limicola) is a small waterbird, of the family Rallidae. These birds remain fairly common despite continuing loss of habitat, but are secretive by nature and more often heard than seen.[2] They are also considered a game species in some provinces and states, though rarely hunted.[3] The Ecuadorian rail is often considered a subspecies, but some taxonomic authorities consider it distinct. [more]

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