Somateria spectabilis / King eider (Somateria spectabilis)

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Wikipedia: King eider Quelle: OTHER 1200px-King_Eider_%28Somateria_spectabilis%29_%2813667616745%29.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Somateria; Tribus Meerenten und Säger (Mergini); Unterfamilie Anatinae; Familie Entenvögel (Anatidae)
Allgemein: The king eider (pronounced /ˈ.dər/) (Somateria spectabilis) is a large sea duck that breeds along Northern Hemisphere Arctic coasts of northeast Europe, North America and Asia. The birds spend most of the year in coastal marine ecosystems at high latitudes, and migrate to Arctic tundra to breed in June and July. They lay four to seven eggs in a scrape on the ground lined with grass and down. [more]
Rufe: Male: Calls similar to Eider but easily distinguished by the vibrating quality. A "aaaooooooh" (shorter in duration than Eider) Starting on a low note, slowly ascending and ending on a descending note with a distinct vibrato/pulse. Often in the form of three calls: "oohh, a-ohhh hahahaoohohohoh". Usually accompanied by the female "ga ga ga ga". [Link]
Körperlich: Länge=47-63 cm, Flügelspanne=86-102 cm, Gewicht=1500-2000 g

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