Strix nebulosa / Great grey owl (Strix nebulosa)

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Wikipedia: Great grey owl Quelle: OTHER Strix_nebulosaRB.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Strix; Familie Strigidae
Dieser Vogel erscheint jenseits grossen Meere in Kontinenten : Europa, Nordamerika.
Allgemein: The great grey owl or great gray owl (Strix nebulosa) is a very large owl, documented as the world's largest species of owl by length. It is distributed across the Northern Hemisphere, and it is the only species in the genus Strix found in both Eastern and Western Hemispheres. In some areas it is also called Phantom of the North, cinereous owl, spectral owl, Lapland owl, spruce owl, bearded owl, and sooty owl.[2] [more]
Gesang: Song: Cyclic, repetitive, very deep calls rising and falling in volume. Accented start and end of each "hooh". [Link]
Rufe: As the call fades away in volume, the speed accelerates. Sometimes disyllabic "ho-ho,ho-ho,ho-ho,ho-ho". [Link]
Körperlich: Länge=65-70 cm, Flügelspanne=134-158 cm, Gewicht=500-1500 g

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