Bird call combining all the things I should learn better.

Test your ability to identify birds by their song or call. Click the audio controls to listen, then check the tooltip for the answer. Checkboxes are for your recordkeeping.

1: ♫
Lösung Mönchsgrasmücke / Black cap warbler (Sylvia atricapilla) Ruf Mönchsgrasmücke klick klick rufe. Right Wrong Datei 2024-08-17 08_15 mönchsgrasmücke klick klick rufe.mp3

2: ♫
Lösung Sumpfmeise / Marsh tit (Poecile palustris) Ruf XC733901 - Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris - pee-choo call, sometimes just pee - recorded in Germany. Right Wrong Datei XC733901 - Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris - pee-choo call, sometimes just pee - recorded in Germany.mp3

3: ♫ Lösung Blaumeise / Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) Ruf XC574294 blaumeise call. Right Wrong Datei XC574294 blaumeise call.mp3

4: ♫
Lösung Mauersegler / Common swift (Apus apus) Ruf XC564619 - Common Swift - Apus apus - calls. Right Wrong Datei XC564619 - Common Swift - Apus apus - calls.mp3

5: ♫
Lösung Buntspecht / Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) Trommeln XC625181 buntspecht drumming. Right Wrong Datei XC625181 buntspecht drumming.mp3

6: ♫ Lösung Gebirgsstelze / Grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) Flugruf Gebirgsstelze bei letzen 30 Sekunden durch geflogen, evtl Flugruf. Right Wrong Datei 2024-09-09 08_24 Gebirgsstelze bei letzen 30 Sekunden durch geflogen, evtl Flugruf.mp3

7: ♫
Lösung Eisvogel / Common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) Ruf XC511677 Common kingfisher call similar to one from NABU app. Right Wrong Datei XC511677 Common kingfisher call similar to one from NABU app.mp3

8: ♫
Lösung Kohlmeise / Great tit (Parus major) Ruf XC586723 great tit call wheat chuck-a-chuck. Right Wrong Datei XC586723 great tit call wheat chuck-a-chuck.mp3

9: ♫
Lösung Turmfalke / Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Ruf XC928672 - Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus - calls. Right Wrong Datei XC928672 - Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus - calls.mp3

10: ♫ Lösung Mehlschwalbe / Common house martin (Delichon urbicum) Flugruf Right Wrong Datei 20200810_144528 birdnet 864 flight call - Common house martin.mp3

11: ♫
Lösung Baumfalke / Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo) Ruf XC796706 - Eurasian Hobby call - Falco subbuteo. Right Wrong Datei XC796706 - Eurasian Hobby call - Falco subbuteo.mp3

12: ♫
Lösung Bartmeise / Bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus) Ruf XC765306 - Bearded Reedling - Panurus biarmicus - two types of calls, one-note and two-note. Right Wrong Datei XC765306 - Bearded Reedling - Panurus biarmicus - two types of calls, one-note and two-note.mp3

13: ♫
Lösung Haubenmeise / European crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus) Ruf XC926922 - European Crested Tit - Lophophanes cristatus - 1x4-10 call recorded in Sweden. Right Wrong Datei XC926922 - European Crested Tit - Lophophanes cristatus - 1x4-10 call recorded in Sweden.mp3

14: ♫
Lösung Rauchschwalbe / Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) Flugruf XC898815 - Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica - flight call. Right Wrong Datei XC898815 - Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica - flight call.mp3

15: ♫
Lösung Stieglitz / European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) Ruf XC468566 European Goldfinch call in UK. Right Wrong Datei XC468566 European Goldfinch call in UK.mp3

16: ♫
Lösung Schwanzmeise / Long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus) Flugruf XC517804 Long-tailed tit flight call. Right Wrong Datei XC517804 Long-tailed tit flight call.mp3

17: ♫
Lösung Fahlsegler / Pallid swift (Apus pallidus) Flugruf XC897963 - Pallid Swift - Apus pallidus - flight call in Portugal. Right Wrong Datei XC897963 - Pallid Swift - Apus pallidus - flight call in Portugal.mp3

18: ♫ Lösung Hausrotschwanz / Black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) Ruf Probably black redstart call by Fämi's. Right Wrong Datei 2021-08-22 09.53.21 probably black redstart call by Fämi's.mp3

19: ♫ Lösung Gartenrotschwanz / Common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) Ruf Right Wrong Datei 20200616_181641 birdnet 671 almost certain - Common redstart calls.mp3

20: ♫ Lösung Amsel / Common blackbird (Turdus merula) Ruf Amsel rufe 1x5. Right Wrong Datei 2024-08-31 08_40 amsel rufe 1x5.mp3