Common swift / Mauersegler (Apus apus)

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Mauersegler über Isola Bella am Lago Maggiore. 2024-07-04 13:48:17 Italy Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 8.625
ISO 100
Exposure 1/400

Classification: Genus Apus; Subfamily Apodinae; Family Swifts (Apodidae)
Vielleicht haben wir bald Mauersegler Brutkaesten am Haus!
Vocalization: A shrilling trill "zreeeee" of about 1 -2 seconds length, gradually rising in pitch with accentuated firs half, then falling from the middle of phrase. [Link]
Calls: Often continued with a dry lower pitched "trrrrrr" before calling again. Very vocal at breeding area, and often a flock will call together. Despite being quite similar to Pallid Swift, the call is probably the best field character to separate the two. Pallid puts the stress on the ending of the call, followed by a quick fall in pitch (dynamics like moaning with a quick release). Plain Swift calls similar to Common Swift, but differs in slightly fluctuating pitch during the call, and a loss of resonance towards the ending (thinner sounding). [Link]
Physical details: length=16-17 cm, wingspan=42-48 cm, weight=31-56 g
Habitats: Settlement

Song: Song: Sie singen im Flug (eigentlich LEBEN sie im Flug), und wenn du sie nicht siehst, schau weiter hoch, dann noch einmal - sie koennen mehrere 100m hoch fliegen oft in Gruppen von 3-10. Kappe abziehen wenn noetig! [Link]
A shrilling trill "zreeeee" of about 1 -2 seconds length, gradually rising in pitch with accentuated firs half, then falling from the middle of phrase. Often continued with a dry lower pitched "trrrrrr" before calling again. [Link]
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: 5-7 KHz
Call: Heard from high in the air

XC564619 - Common Swift - Apus apus - calls.

Call attributes: Call melody: one note, fast, Frequency: 4-7 KHz,
First documented observation: 2020-06-10 in Sils. Most recent observation: 2024-07-15 in Greater Fehraltorf.


Mauersegler fliegen viel höher als die Rauchschwalben in Fehraltorf. 2024-07-01 17:05:21 Fehraltorf

Mauersegler nesten hier unterm Dach vom Haus in der Schützengasse, Fehraltorf. 2024-06-13 14:33:51 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10.375
ISO 640
Exposure 1/1250

Mauersegler in Levanto. 2024-05-29 07:09:44 Levanto

Mauersegler von Grys Terrase aus gesehen. 2024-05-29 07:09:43 Levanto

Mauersegler. 2023-07-08 18:41:22 Neeracherried NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 1/1600

Mauersegler - Rufe der kleinen - plus Elster Rufe später. Greater Fehraltorf 2024-07-15 15:01:00 Callers: Common swift, Eurasian magpie

XC813064 - Common Swift song - Apus apus.

Additional Images

Mauersegler. 2023-06-19 18:44:08 Bolle di Magadino NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 1/1600

MerlinBirdID meint Mauersegler. 2022-05-21 10:12:14 Switzerland NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 1/1250

Mauersegler nahe Susten Golfplatz. 2022-05-21 10:09:00 Switzerland NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 0.001

Mauersegler, Sils-Maria. 2020-06-10 12:30:10 Sils NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 1/1600

Web pages with this species:

Bolle di Magadino an Lago Maggiore, plus Locarno 2023 / Teil 1 der Klettgau-Tour / Spring in Switzerland, 2024 / Summer in Switzerland, 2024 / Klingnauer Stausee, May 20 2024 / Levanto, May 26-June 2 2024