Black woodpecker / Schwarzspecht (Dryocopus martius)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUSchwarzspecht in Wildert Naturschutzgebiet. 2024-12-18 14:30:58 Wildert Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 69/8
ISO 640
Exposure 1/400
Classification: Genus Dryocopus; Family Woodpeckers (Picidae)
Seen and later seen, but never photgraphed well.
Appearance and identification: The black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) is a large woodpecker that lives in mature forests across the northern Palearctic. It is the sole representative of its genus in that region. Its range is expanding. It does not migrate. [Link]
Habitat: The black woodpecker is mainly found in forested regions, with a preference for extensive, mature woodland, including coniferous, tropical, subtropical and boreal forests. It is very widespread throughout mountainous and lowland forests. It is more likely to occur in marginal woods near human habitations during the non-breeding season. [Link]
Vocalization: Most sounds diagnostic and very far reaching. Drumming very powerful and long (1.8 - 3 sec.) with slightly falling intensity and accelerated ending. Each beat clearly distinguishable as in Tree-toed Woodpecker, but duration much longer. [Link]
Song: Beide Geschlechter ähnlich Grünspecht aber klangvoller. „klückklückklück“ 10-20 Laute. Die „klück“ werden etwas von unten heraufgeholt, vor allem gegen den Schluss zu. Häufiger hört man „kliüüh“ von am Stamme sitzenden Vogel. Bei Platzwechsel ruft er „krükrükrü“. [Link]
Song a quick series of "klee" calls resembling Green Woodpecker, but with a purer tone and upward infliction at end of each syllable. [Link]
Calls: Drumming:
Flight call a characteristic resonant trill "krrreekrrreekrrreekrrree". A characteristic short, sharp and plaintive "keeaaa" with descending pitch often uttered when excited. A few slower drawn-out introductory calls before the phrase gets going is diagnostic. [Link]
Physical details: length=45-57 cm, wingspan=64-68 cm, weight=290-370 g
Habitats: Forest Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
XC554337 Black woodpecker song.
Calls: 1: General: A loud unearthly call on a single unwavering note.
Blood curdling call
Blood curdling call Source as noted in xeno-canto: Recordist Bodo Sonnenburg 2021-10-11 07:26 Latitude 52.2333 Longitude 13.8365 Location Oder-Spree (near Storkow (Mark)), Brandenburg Country Germany Elevation 40 m
2: Describe drumming here, cf to other peckers!
XC553023 Black woodpecker drumming.
3: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
XC549818 Black woodpecker flight call.
Call attributes: Call melody: one note, slow, Frequency: 1-8 KHz,
First documented observation: 2020-10-21 in Oberreitenbachholzweg, Rumlikon. Most recent observation: 2024-12-18 in Wildert.
Schwarzspecht Nesthöhle im Hönggerwald. 2021-03-27 12:42:48 Wald auf dem Hoenggerberg NIKON D3100 ISO 400 Exposure 0.002 |
Wikipedia Schwarzspecht. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Schwarzspecht.jpg |
Wikimedia Black Woodpecker adult and young. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikimedia Black Woodpecker adult and young.jpg |
Unearthly call near Oberer Reitenbachholzweg in the woods by Rumlikon I looked for similar calls at XenoCanto for great spotted woodpeckers, red kites and kestrels, since I heard woodpeckers in those woods and saw the kites and kestrels nearby. I was pleased to find that it's a black woodpecker, which I had heard once or twice before but not been able to identify. Oberreitenbachholzweg, Rumlikon 2020-10-21 15:13:08 Singers: Black woodpecker, Great spotted woodpecker