Least flycatcher / Gartentyrann (Empidonax minimus)

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Well-hidden least flycatcher on tour with Erik. 2023-04-16 06:52:22 Yucatan NIKON D5600 ISO 1000
Exposure 1/500

Classification: Genus Empidonax (Empidonax); Family Tyrannidae (Tyrannidae)
General: The least flycatcher (Empidonax minimus), (also called chebec, or chebecker, after the sound it makes), is a small insect-eating bird. It is the smallest Empidonax flycatcher in eastern North America. [more]

First documented observation: 2023-04-16 in Yucatan. Most recent observation: 2023-04-16 in Yucatan.


Least flycatcher on second outing near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-16 06:39:50 Yucatan NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 0.001

Least flycatcher on second outing near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-16 06:34:50 Yucatan NIKON D5600 ISO 500
Exposure 0.001

Web pages with this species:

Vacation in the Yucatan peninsula.