Vacation in the Yucatan peninsula.
Home of toucans, motmots, pelicans, sanderlings and much more. We did three birding tours - on the grounds of Villa Ecotucan with Jacqueline, who runs most things there (and we did a nature walk as well where we saw coatis, a snake and many trees but also birds);a flamingo and waterbird tour and a shorebird tour with Erik Ramos near Rio Lagartos. It's said that the Yucatan peninsula is home to 555 bird species, so we just scratched the surface, but it was great fun to see the many colorful birds and hear so much unfamiliar song and calls.
Our bird guides mentioned a number of birds I'm not certain I saw, or maybe misidentified. I should review my photos again. A total of 93 species is included, 93 of them have been observed.
Birds in Yucatan peninsula.
26 March 2023
27 March 2023
28 March 2023
29 March 2023
30 March 2023
31 March 2023
01 April 2023
02 April 2023
03 April 2023
04 April 2023
05 April 2023
06 April 2023
07 April 2023
08 April 2023
11 April 2023
12 April 2023
13 April 2023
14 April 2023
15 April 2023
16 April 2023
17 April 2023
19 April 2023
20 April 2023
21 April 2023
Birds in Yucatan peninsula.
02 April 2023
Our bird guides mentioned a number of birds I'm not certain I saw, or maybe misidentified. I should review my photos again. A total of 93 species is included, 93 of them have been observed.
Birds in Yucatan peninsula.:
2023-03-25 - 2023-04-22 in Yucatan26 March 2023:
YucatanBrown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
This brown pelican is not shy of people. 2023-03-26 13:40:24 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Magnificent frigatebird / Prachtfregattvogel (Fregata magnificens)
Magnificent frigatebirds in Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-26 13:47:02 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Great-tailed grackle / Dohlengrackel (Quiscalus mexicanus)
A great tailed grackle nesting next to our hotel. 2023-03-26 13:55:14 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Tropical mockingbird (Mimus gilvus)
Tropical mockingbird in Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-26 16:27:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Laughing gull / Aztekenmöwe (Leucophaeus atricilla)
Alternate classification: Larus atricilla
Someone enjoys feeding laughing gulls at Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-26 17:05:02 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
27 March 2023:
YucatanSanderling / Sanderling (Calidris alba)
First sanderling maybe seen in Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 10:24:32 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola)
Possibly a bananaquit at the botanical garden, Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 11:43:00 Yucatan
Exposure 1/800 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black-and-white warbler / Kletterwaldsänger (Mniotilta varia)
Alternate classification: Motacilla varia
Black and white warbler at botanical garden, Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 11:48:16 Yucatan
Exposure 0.006 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Prothonotary warbler / Zitronenwaldsänger (Protonotaria citrea)
Suggest a prothonotary warbler, at botanical garden, Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 11:50:22 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Social flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis)
Suggests social flycatcher at botanical garden, Puerto Morelos 2. 2023-03-27 11:50:34 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Iguana at botanical garden, Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 12:07:22 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Traditional Maya house built for display at botanical garden, Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 12:35:58 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Turkey vulture / Truthahngeier (Cathartes aura)
Also known as: Turkey buzzard
Turkey vulture at botanical garden, Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 14:29:20 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Brown pelican takes a dive at Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 17:39:50 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Brown pelican hits the water at Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 17:39:52 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Great egret / Silberreiher (Ardea alba)
Alternate classification: Casmerodius albus, Egretta alba, Egretta albus
Great egret says but check re Eriks tip that great blues have a similar morph. 2023-03-27 18:13:54 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Brown pelicans and a great egret hang together. 2023-03-27 18:19:02 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Barn swallow / Rauchschwalbe (Hirundo rustica)
Probably a barn swallow at Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-27 18:25:38 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
28 March 2023:
YucatanRuddy turnstone / Steinwälzer (Arenaria interpres)
Alternate classification: Tringa interpres
Also known as: Turnstone
Ruddy turnstones on the march at Puerto Morelo. 2023-03-28 08:42:10 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
29 March 2023:
YucatanBrown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Brown pelican formation in Puerto Morelos. 2023-03-29 09:12:48 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Tropical mockingbird (Mimus gilvus)
Action by the tropical mockingbirds at Tulum Maya site. 2023-03-29 09:34:40 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1250 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Plain chachalaca / Braunflügelguan (Ortalis vetula)
Plain chachalaca at Tulum Maya site. 2023-03-29 09:40:14 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Plain chachalaca in flight at Tulum Maya site. 2023-03-29 09:40:26 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Yucatan jay (Cyanocorax yucatanicus)
Yucatan jay at Casa San Diego in Tulum. 2023-03-29 16:38:32 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Great kiskadee / Schwefelmaskentyrann (Pitangus sulphuratus)
Great kiskadee with white head and black eyestripe at Casa San Diego, Tulum. 2023-03-29 16:39:38 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi)
Alternate classification: Turdus grayii
Also known as: Yigirro, Clay-colored thrush
The musical clay colored thrush. 2023-03-29 16:41:28 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Social flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis)
Social flycatcher enjoys the pool at Casa San Diego, Tulum. 2023-03-29 16:44:02 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Great-tailed grackle / Dohlengrackel (Quiscalus mexicanus)
Great tailed grackle drinking at Casa San Diego, Tulum. 2023-03-29 17:07:52 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Eurasian collared dove / Türkentaube (Streptopelia decaocto)
Eurasian collared dove, says. 2023-03-29 17:56:44 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
30 March 2023:
YucatanCouch's kingbird (Tyrannus couchii)
Couch's kingbird at Casa San Diego, Tulum. 2023-03-30 10:20:24 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Collared aracari / Halsbandarassari (Pteroglossus torquatus)
Collared aracari, Casa San Diego, Tulum. 2023-03-30 10:30:54 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Barn swallow / Rauchschwalbe (Hirundo rustica)
Says barn swallow over the lagoon at Bacalar. 2023-03-30 16:55:16 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi)
Alternate classification: Turdus grayii
Also known as: Yigirro, Clay-colored thrush
Clay colored thrush, Eco Yucatan, Bacalar. 2023-03-30 17:29:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Black-and-white warbler / Kletterwaldsänger (Mniotilta varia)
Alternate classification: Motacilla varia
Black and white warbler, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-30 17:30:48 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
31 March 2023:
YucatanYellow-green vireo (Vireo flavoviridis)
Says yellow-green vireo, one of the many yellow birds, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 07:37:58 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Collared aracari / Halsbandarassari (Pteroglossus torquatus)
Collared aracari, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 07:44:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi)
Alternate classification: Turdus grayii
Also known as: Yigirro, Clay-colored thrush
Clay colored thrush says , at Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 07:45:58 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1250 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus)
Black-headed trogon, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 07:48:52 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Brown jay (Psilorhinus morio)
Alternate classification: Cyanocorax morio Wagler, 1829
Brown jay at Ecotucan, Bacalar - the white belly confuses me as to the name but hey. 2023-03-31 07:52:36 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Couch's kingbird (Tyrannus couchii)
Couch's kingbird, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 07:52:46 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi)
Alternate classification: Turdus grayii
Also known as: Yigirro, Clay-colored thrush
Clay colored thrush, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 07:53:36 Yucatan
Exposure 1/640 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Great kiskadee / Schwefelmaskentyrann (Pitangus sulphuratus)
Great kiskadee with the white head, black eye stripe, Ecotucan. 2023-03-31 07:55:46 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Boat-billed flycatcher (Megarynchus pitangua)
Boat billed flycatcher has a much bigger beak than other yellow birds, photo at Ecotucan. 2023-03-31 08:05:34 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Masked tityra (Tityra semifasciata)
Masked tityra. 2023-03-31 08:30:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yucatan woodpecker / Yucatánspecht (Melanerpes pygmaeus)
Yucatan woodpecker has a red belly and a much bigger red area on the head than the yellow fronted. 2023-03-31 08:32:10 Yucatan
Exposure 1/640 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Altamira oriole (Icterus gularis)
Altamira oriole, Ecotucan. 2023-03-31 09:54:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Rose-throated becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae)
Xx Rose throated becard. 2023-03-31 09:59:56 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Altamira oriole (Icterus gularis)
Altamira oriole, Ecotucan. 2023-03-31 10:02:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Rose-throated becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae)
Rose-throated becard. 2023-03-31 10:02:22 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Masked tityra (Tityra semifasciata)
Masked tityra - nice look at the tail. 2023-03-31 10:04:40 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Great egret / Silberreiher (Ardea alba)
Alternate classification: Casmerodius albus, Egretta alba, Egretta albus
Possibly great egret, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 11:14:46 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Gray-breasted martin (Progne chalybea)
Possibly gray-breasted martin at Bacalar, also suggests brown chested martin. 2023-03-31 11:24:56 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yucatan woodpecker / Yucatánspecht (Melanerpes pygmaeus)
Yucatan woodpecker has the red at the back of the head. 2023-03-31 11:29:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Turkey vulture / Truthahngeier (Cathartes aura)
Also known as: Turkey buzzard
Turkey vulture, Ecotucan. 2023-03-31 11:38:50 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Tropical kingbird / Trauertyrann (Tyrannus melancholicus)
Tropical kingbirds have gray, not black, a white chin and a blackish eye stripe. 2023-03-31 11:39:50 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Olive-throated parakeet (Eupsittula nana)
Alternate classification: Aratinga nana
Olive throated parakeet, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 12:04:54 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1250 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Pied-billed grebe / Bindentaucher (Podilymbus podiceps)
Pied-billed grebe, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 13:17:14 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Great blue heron / Kanadareiher (Ardea herodias)
Great blue heron, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 14:02:10 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Brown jay (Psilorhinus morio)
Alternate classification: Cyanocorax morio Wagler, 1829
Brown jay shows fruit acrobatics in Bacalar. 2023-03-31 16:24:32 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Plain chachalaca / Braunflügelguan (Ortalis vetula)
Plain chachalaca, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-03-31 16:26:24 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Yucatan jay (Cyanocorax yucatanicus)
Yucatan jay has tail feathers similar to trogon. 2023-03-31 16:38:02 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yucatan woodpecker / Yucatánspecht (Melanerpes pygmaeus)
Either a yucatan woodpecker, but they have gold at the beak, or a golden-fronted woodpecker, Velasquez's subspecies which has more red on the head, Ecotucan. 2023-03-31 16:38:34 Yucatan
Exposure 1/640 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus)
Black headed trogon, Ecotucan. 2023-03-31 16:39:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yucatan jay (Cyanocorax yucatanicus)
Yucatan jay, Ecotucan. 2023-03-31 16:39:26 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
01 April 2023:
YucatanCollared aracari / Halsbandarassari (Pteroglossus torquatus)
Collared aracari, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 06:44:36 Yucatan
Exposure 0.004 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Boat-billed flycatcher (Megarynchus pitangua)
Boat billed flycatcher. 2023-04-01 06:54:38 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus)
Black headed trogon. 2023-04-01 06:59:36 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Rose-throated becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae)
Rose throated becard in flight, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 07:08:18 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Masked tityra (Tityra semifasciata)
Masked tityra, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 07:10:20 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Summer tanager (Piranga rubra)
Says Summer tanager, which I find unlikely. 2023-04-01 07:17:00 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Baltimore oriole / Baltimoretrupial (Icterus galbula)
Also known as: Northern oriole
Says Baltimore oriole, and Jacqueline also saw one, though I was doubtful. 2023-04-01 07:21:00 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Altamira oriole (Icterus gularis)
Altamira oriole, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 07:29:46 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Yellow-throated euphonia (Euphonia hirundinacea)
Says yellow-throated euphonia, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 07:58:10 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Summer tanager (Piranga rubra)
Now that's a summer tanager, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 08:16:06 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Couch's kingbird (Tyrannus couchii)
Couch's kingbird. 2023-04-01 08:29:46 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Turkey vulture / Truthahngeier (Cathartes aura)
Also known as: Turkey buzzard
Turkey vulture, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 08:36:12 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Black-headed saltator (Saltator atriceps)
Black-headed saltator, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 08:37:32 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Squirrel at Ecotucan - it's not always birds! 2023-04-01 08:43:46 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Gray-breasted martin (Progne chalybea)
Says gray-breasted martin, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 08:59:26 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Turkey vulture / Truthahngeier (Cathartes aura)
Also known as: Turkey buzzard
Turkey vulture, Ecotucan, the red head is nicely visible. 2023-04-01 09:00:08 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus)
Troupe of black headed trogons. 2023-04-01 09:15:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Blue-gray tanager / Blautangare (Thraupis episcopus)
Alternate classification: Tangara episcopus
Says blue-gray tanager. 2023-04-01 09:16:26 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yellow-throated euphonia (Euphonia hirundinacea)
Two yellow-throated euphonia, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 09:22:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus)
Black headed trogon is black and blue on the back, not yellow like the belly. 2023-04-01 09:25:00 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1250 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yellow-faced grassquit (Tiaris olivaceus)
Alternate classification: Tiaris olivacea
Says yellow-faced grassquit. 2023-04-01 09:25:10 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black-headed trogon (Trogon melanocephalus)
Black headed trogon pair shows the color contrast nicely, Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-04-01 09:25:42 Yucatan
Exposure 1/640 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Sulphur-bellied flycatcher (Myiodynastes luteiventris)
Sulphur-bellied flycatcher, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 09:30:12 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi)
Alternate classification: Turdus grayii
Also known as: Yigirro, Clay-colored thrush
Clay-colored thrush, Ecotucan. 2023-04-01 09:37:18 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Purple martin / Purpurschwalbe (Progne subis)
Could be a wild guess - says purple martin - it says identification features are (in part) best left unidentified. 2023-04-01 14:20:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
02 April 2023:
YucatanSummer tanager (Piranga rubra)
Summer tanager has a mouthful, Ecotucan. 2023-04-02 06:49:00 Yucatan
Exposure 1/320 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Collared aracari / Halsbandarassari (Pteroglossus torquatus)
Collared aracari, Ecotucan. 2023-04-02 07:13:10 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Brown jay (Psilorhinus morio)
Alternate classification: Cyanocorax morio Wagler, 1829
Brown jay at Ecotucan. 2023-04-02 07:50:30 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1250 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Perfectly camoflouged butterfly at Ecotucan, Bacalar. 2023-04-02 09:05:54 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002
Smoky-brown woodpecker / Rußspecht (Dryobates fumigatus)
Alternate classification: Leuconotopicus fumigatus, Veniliornis fumigatus
Smoky brown woodpecker, nature walk in the woods with Jacqueline at Ecotucan. 2023-04-02 11:16:18 Yucatan
Exposure 1/400 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yellow-billed cacique (Amblycercus holosericeus)
Alternate classification: Sturnus holosericeus
Says yellow-billed cacique and notes pale ivory-yellow bill and staring yellow eyes. 2023-04-02 11:17:28 Yucatan
Exposure 0.003 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black-headed saltator (Saltator atriceps)
Black-headed saltator, Ecotucan. 2023-04-02 11:57:56 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
03 April 2023:
YucatanCommon yellowthroat / Weiden-Gelbkehlchen (Geothlypis trichas)
Alternate classification: Geothlypis trichas (Linnaeus, 1766)
Suggests common yellowthroat - Kohunlich. 2023-04-03 10:51:28 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
American redstart / Schnäpperwaldsänger (Setophaga ruticilla)
Possibly a female American redstart at Maya site Becan. 2023-04-03 12:11:18 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Turkey vulture / Truthahngeier (Cathartes aura)
Also known as: Turkey buzzard
Turkey vulture circling at Maya site Becan. 2023-04-03 13:23:00 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Pale-vented pigeon / Rotrückentaube (Patagioenas cayennensis)
Says pale-vented pigeon. 2023-04-03 16:37:04 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Collared forest-falcon (Micrastur semitorquatus)
Collared forest falcon awaits dinner at Zetzo bat cave near Ixpujil. 2023-04-03 18:00:06 Yucatan
Exposure 0.004 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Hundreds of bats at bat cave near Ixpujil. 2023-04-03 18:18:56 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002
04 April 2023:
YucatanRed-billed pigeon / Rotschnabeltaube (Patagioenas flavirostris)
Alternate classification: Columba flavirostris
Says red-billed pigeon but I'm not convinced, reference pictures are not so light-colored. 2023-04-04 07:18:48 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Tapir in a pond near Calakmul May site. 2023-04-04 09:18:48 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Gray fox trots through Calakmul Maya site. 2023-04-04 13:10:52 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Black-and-white warbler / Kletterwaldsänger (Mniotilta varia)
Alternate classification: Motacilla varia
Black and white warbler at Calakmul. 2023-04-04 14:10:50 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
05 April 2023:
YucatanAltamira oriole (Icterus gularis)
Altamira oriole in front of tower at Maya site Ixpujil. 2023-04-05 09:53:08 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Bat falcon (Falco rufigularis)
Bat falcon at Ixpujil. 2023-04-05 10:01:54 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Bat falcon may have nest in Maya temple at Ixpujil. 2023-04-05 10:10:16 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
06 April 2023:
YucatanTropical mockingbird (Mimus gilvus)
Tropical mockingbird in Campeche. 2023-04-06 16:46:36 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Couch's kingbird (Tyrannus couchii)
Couch's kingbird is a city bird in Campeche. 2023-04-06 16:49:18 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Least sandpiper / Wiesenstrandläufer (Calidris minutilla)
Least sandpiper has wandered off the sea into the city in Campeche. 2023-04-06 16:53:02 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Laughing gull / Aztekenmöwe (Leucophaeus atricilla)
Alternate classification: Larus atricilla
Immature laughing gull in Campeche, maybe after second winter. 2023-04-06 16:57:36 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Double-crested cormorant (alternate) (Phalacrocorax auritus)
Also known as: Double-crested cormorant
Double-crested cormorants hang out on the lightpost in Campeche. 2023-04-06 16:59:40 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
07 April 2023:
YucatanBlue-crowned motmot / Amazonasmotmot (Momotus momota)
Also known as: Amazonian motmot
Turquoise-crowned motmot in Uxmal. 2023-04-07 15:28:32 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1250 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Brown-crested flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus)
Fluffy-headed brown-crested flycatcher at Uxmal. 2023-04-07 15:41:12 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Hooded oriole (Icterus cucullatus)
Another yellow bird, probably a hooded oriole at Uxmal. 2023-04-07 15:44:14 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Blue-gray gnatcatcher / Blaumückenfänger (Polioptila caerulea)
Blue-gray gnatcatcher at Uxmal. 2023-04-07 15:47:50 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
White-winged dove / Weißflügeltaube (Zenaida asiatica)
White-winged doves at Uxmal Maya site. 2023-04-07 15:48:26 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
08 April 2023:
YucatanGreat-tailed grackle / Dohlengrackel (Quiscalus mexicanus)
Great tailed grackle bathes at hotel Fray Diego in Merida. 2023-04-08 11:05:38 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
11 April 2023:
YucatanCave swallow (Petrochelidon fulva)
Cave swallows at Izamal, from the name an unlikely city dweller but others also identify them as such. 2023-04-11 18:23:06 Yucatan
Exposure 0.04 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
12 April 2023:
YucatanYucatan woodpecker / Yucatánspecht (Melanerpes pygmaeus)
Yucatan woodpecker in Izamal, Hotel Santo Domingo. 2023-04-12 07:01:22 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Great-tailed grackle / Dohlengrackel (Quiscalus mexicanus)
Great-tailed grackle conflict in Izamal. 2023-04-12 07:10:20 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi)
Alternate classification: Turdus grayii
Also known as: Yigirro, Clay-colored thrush
Clay-colored thrush in garden at Hotel Santo Domingo in Izamal. 2023-04-12 07:13:28 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Rufous-browed peppershrike / Rostbrauenvireo (Cyclarhis gujanensis)
Rufous-browed peppershrike in garden at Izamal. 2023-04-12 07:19:10 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black-headed saltator (Saltator atriceps)
Black-headed saltator at Hotel Santo Domingo, Izamal. 2023-04-12 07:26:42 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1250 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Altamira oriole (Icterus gularis)
Altamira oriole at Hotel Santo Domingo, Izamal. 2023-04-12 07:30:38 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Yucatan woodpecker / Yucatánspecht (Melanerpes pygmaeus)
Action by the Yucatan woodpeckers in Izamul. 2023-04-12 07:37:22 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Cave swallow (Petrochelidon fulva)
Cave swallows nesting at Izamal's Convento de San Antonio. 2023-04-12 11:03:06 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Cave swallows nesting at Izamal's Convento de San Antonio. 2023-04-12 11:12:06 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002
13 April 2023:
YucatanBlue-crowned motmot / Amazonasmotmot (Momotus momota)
Also known as: Amazonian motmot
Turquoise-crowned motmot at Chichen Itza - every good Maya ruin has some great birds! 2023-04-13 10:26:16 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Great kiskadee / Schwefelmaskentyrann (Pitangus sulphuratus)
Great kiskadee with yellow spot on head at Chichen Itza. 2023-04-13 11:56:10 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Bronzed cowbird (Molothrus aeneus)
The red-eyed bronzed cowbird at Chichen Itza. 2023-04-13 11:57:06 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
White-fronted parrot / Weißstirnamazone (Amazona albifrons)
Alternate classification: Psittacus albifrons
White-fronted parrot at hotel Villas Arqueologicas Chichen Itza. 2023-04-13 17:40:54 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
14 April 2023:
YucatanBlue-crowned motmot / Amazonasmotmot (Momotus momota)
Also known as: Amazonian motmot
Turquoise-crowned motmot in cenote, a natural swimming pool. 2023-04-14 12:53:56 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Bat falcon (Falco rufigularis)
Bat falcon at cenote xxx. 2023-04-14 13:03:34 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black vulture / Rabengeier (Coragyps atratus)
Alternate classification: Aegypius monachus
Black vulture at cenote xxx. 2023-04-14 13:13:48 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Mexican sheartail / Rosenkehl-Sternkolibri (Doricha eliza)
Mexican sheartail female in Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-14 16:14:26 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Mangrove swallow (Tachycineta albilinea)
Mangrove swallow in Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-14 17:29:26 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
15 April 2023:
YucatanGreat egret / Silberreiher (Ardea alba)
Alternate classification: Casmerodius albus, Egretta alba, Egretta albus
Great egret at Rio Lagartos - or is this the one Erik said I misidentified? 2023-04-15 08:22:36 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Greater flamingo / Rosaflamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)
Alternate classification: Phoenicopterus ruber roseus
Also known as: Flamingo, Red flamingo
Flamingo tour with Erik Ramos. 2023-04-15 08:27:02 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Snowy egret / Schmuckreiher (Egretta thula)
Suggests snowy egret, but not so sure. 2023-04-15 08:34:40 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Boat-billed heron / Kahnschnabel (Cochlearius cochlearius)
Alternate classification: Cochlearius cochlearia
Suggests boat-billed heron, which is difficult to judge from this angle but looks plausible, birding tour near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 08:37:52 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1250 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Common black hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus)
Alternate classification: Falco anthracinus
Suggests common black hawk, flamingo tour near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 08:40:26 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Western kingbird / Arkansaskönigstyrann (Tyrannus verticalis)
Suggests western kingbird, birding tour near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 08:41:04 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Group of brown pelicans, birding tour near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 08:44:40 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Magnificent frigatebird / Prachtfregattvogel (Fregata magnificens)
Magnificent frigatebird hopes to snatch a fish from a brown pelican. 2023-04-15 08:45:56 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
A magnificent frigatebird makes the catch of a free fish near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 08:46:42 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Double-crested cormorant (alternate) (Phalacrocorax auritus)
Also known as: Double-crested cormorant
Magic blue eyes of a double-crested cormorant (but I could be wrong) near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 08:47:30 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Birds are not the only highlight of a birding tour. 2023-04-15 08:54:42 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Roseate spoonbill / Rosalöffler (Platalea ajaja)
Alternate classification: Ajaia ajaja
Roseate spoonbills near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 08:56:42 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
American anhinga (Anhinga anhinga)
Alternate classification: Plotus anhinga
Also known as: Anhinga
Wonderful patterns of an anhinga near RIo Lagartos. 2023-04-15 08:57:48 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Tricolored heron / Dreifarbenreiher (Egretta tricolor)
Likely an adult tricolored heron near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 09:07:32 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Laughing gull / Aztekenmöwe (Leucophaeus atricilla)
Alternate classification: Larus atricilla
Our gang - laughing gull, double-crested cormorants, brown pelicans - at Las Coloradas, Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 09:11:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Salt works at Las Colorados, Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 09:25:38 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Double-crested cormorant (alternate) (Phalacrocorax auritus)
Also known as: Double-crested cormorant
A double-crested cormorant can walk on water at Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 09:27:58 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
American flamingo / Kubaflamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)
Also known as: Caribbean flamingo
Our first caribbean flamingos at Las Colorados - closeup. 2023-04-15 09:33:10 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Shortbilled dowitcher / Kleiner Schlammläufer (Limnodromus griseus)
You can see why it's called Las Colarados here - I believe Erik said short-billed dowitchers. 2023-04-15 09:33:38 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Red knot / Knutt (Calidris canutus)
Red knots, according to - underway to somewhere better at Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 09:34:08 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Royal tern (Thalasseus maximus)
Alternate classification: Sterna maxima
Leaving no tern unstoned at Las Coloradas - royal terns, I believe. 2023-04-15 09:34:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
American flamingo / Kubaflamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)
Also known as: Caribbean flamingo
Caribbean flamingo parade at Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 09:35:42 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Royal tern (Thalasseus maximus)
Alternate classification: Sterna maxima
Comparative sizes - big royal terns, middle-sized short-billed dowitchers, a tiny sanderling. 2023-04-15 09:36:54 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Tricolored heron / Dreifarbenreiher (Egretta tricolor)
Beautiful tricolored heron near Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 10:04:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Reddish egret / Rötelreiher (Egretta rufescens)
Elegant reddish egret near Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 10:05:52 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Ruddy turnstone / Steinwälzer (Arenaria interpres)
Alternate classification: Tringa interpres
Also known as: Turnstone
Ruddy turnstone near Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 10:06:32 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Willet / Schlammtreter (Tringa semipalmata)
Alternate classification: Symphemia semipalmata
Willet near Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 10:06:38 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Reddish egret / Rötelreiher (Egretta rufescens)
Hunting with use of the wings - a reddish egret near Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 10:08:08 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Red knot / Knutt (Calidris canutus)
A group near Las Coloradas - possibly a red knot, laughing gulls and sanderlings, brown pelicans and probably a double-crested cormorant. 2023-04-15 10:10:00 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Black skimmer / Schwarzmantel-Scherenschnabel (Rynchops niger)
Black skimmers near Las Coloradas. 2023-04-15 10:11:18 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Mangrove swallow (Tachycineta albilinea)
Mangrove swallow at RIo Lagartos. 2023-04-15 10:53:46 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
The brown pelican hangout at Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 11:05:36 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Mangrove swallow (Tachycineta albilinea)
Mangrove swallow enjoys our swimming pool at Hotel Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-15 15:32:12 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
16 April 2023:
YucatanSmooth-billed ani / Glattschnabelani (Crotophaga ani)
Smooth-billed ani. 2023-04-16 06:25:20 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Blue-gray tanager / Blautangare (Thraupis episcopus)
Alternate classification: Tangara episcopus
Blue-gray tanager in Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-16 06:32:40 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Least flycatcher / Gartentyrann (Empidonax minimus)
Least flycatcher on second outing near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-16 06:34:50 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Altamira oriole (Icterus gularis)
Altamira oriole on second bird tour with Erik. 2023-04-16 06:37:22 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Least flycatcher / Gartentyrann (Empidonax minimus)
Least flycatcher on second outing near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-16 06:39:50 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Blue-crowned motmot / Amazonasmotmot (Momotus momota)
Also known as: Amazonian motmot
Turquoise-crowned motmot on birding tour with Erik Ramos. 2023-04-16 06:45:52 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
White-winged dove / Weißflügeltaube (Zenaida asiatica)
White-winged dove near Rio Lagartos. 2023-04-16 06:46:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Least flycatcher / Gartentyrann (Empidonax minimus)
Well-hidden least flycatcher on tour with Erik. 2023-04-16 06:52:22 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Brown-crested flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus)
I love that hairdo - brown-crested flycatcher. 2023-04-16 07:11:36 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Altamira oriole (Icterus gularis)
Altamira oriole waits in line while the golden-fronted woodpecker feeds. 2023-04-16 07:14:12 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Brown-crested flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus)
Fancy do on another yellow bird - brown-crested flycatcher. 2023-04-16 07:15:16 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Great-tailed grackle / Dohlengrackel (Quiscalus mexicanus)
Great-tailed grackle eats fruit while much smaller hooded oriole waits its turn. 2023-04-16 07:15:32 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yucatan woodpecker / Yucatánspecht (Melanerpes pygmaeus)
Action among the Yucatan woodpeckers, on tour with Erik. 2023-04-16 07:16:44 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yellow-tailed oriole (Icterus mesomelas)
Says yellow-tailed oriole - are there really that many kinds of orioles in one place? 2023-04-16 07:17:50 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Western kingbird / Arkansaskönigstyrann (Tyrannus verticalis)
Thinks western kingbird, whereas it mostly saw Couch's otherwise - not so sure if this is right. 2023-04-16 07:25:14 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
White-winged dove / Weißflügeltaube (Zenaida asiatica)
Check out the blue eye rings on the White-winged dove again. 2023-04-16 07:52:34 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
The standard of living isn't high in this village. 2023-04-16 08:05:12 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Yellow-tailed oriole (Icterus mesomelas)
Yellow-tailed oriole. 2023-04-16 08:22:10 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Green heron / Grünreiher (Butorides virescens)
Alternate classification: Ardea virescens
Green heron. 2023-04-16 08:37:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Ruddy ground dove / Rosttäubchen (Columbina talpacoti)
Alternate classification: Columbigallina talpacoti
Ruddy ground doves by the cenote with Erik. 2023-04-16 08:38:56 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
A couple of doves at the cenote during our second birding trip with Erik. 2023-04-16 08:46:46 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Ferruginous pygmy-owl / Brasilzwergkauz (Glaucidium brasilianum)
Ferruginous pygmy owl - what a name! 2023-04-16 08:56:50 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
A kid and his dog during our birding trip. 2023-04-16 09:21:44 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
Black vulture / Rabengeier (Coragyps atratus)
Alternate classification: Aegypius monachus
Closeup look at a pair of black vultures. 2023-04-16 09:29:12 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Blue-gray gnatcatcher / Blaumückenfänger (Polioptila caerulea)
Blue-gray gnatcatcher. 2023-04-16 09:34:24 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Erik, his wife and Anna on our second birding tour. 2023-04-16 09:58:16 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001
17 April 2023:
YucatanYellow-faced grassquit (Tiaris olivaceus)
Alternate classification: Tiaris olivacea
Yellow-faced grassquit on second outing with Erik. 2023-04-17 13:07:34 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Black-headed saltator (Saltator atriceps)
Black-headed saltator. 2023-04-17 13:29:26 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Altamira oriole (Icterus gularis)
Altamira oriole. 2023-04-17 13:30:56 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Bronzed cowbird (Molothrus aeneus)
Is this a bronzed cowbird? 2023-04-17 13:35:24 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Masked tityra (Tityra semifasciata)
Masked tityra with red eye ring on second outing with Erik. 2023-04-17 13:40:14 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
19 April 2023:
YucatanKeel-billed toucan / Fischertukan (Ramphastos sulfuratus)
Two keel billed toucans. 2023-04-19 11:40:26 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Xeno-Canto
20 April 2023:
YucatanOrange-crowned warbler (Leiothlypis celata)
Alternate classification: Vermivora celata
Suggests orange-crowned warbler, which has many different color variations. 2023-04-20 11:26:48 Yucatan
Exposure 1/800 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Laughing gull / Aztekenmöwe (Leucophaeus atricilla)
Alternate classification: Larus atricilla
Laughing gull. 2023-04-20 12:44:54 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Willet / Schlammtreter (Tringa semipalmata)
Alternate classification: Symphemia semipalmata
A willet walks the shore at Holbox on our last full day there. 2023-04-20 12:47:20 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Mangrove swallow (Tachycineta albilinea)
Mangrove swallow once again at Holbox. 2023-04-20 12:51:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Sanderling / Sanderling (Calidris alba)
A sanderling parade on our last full day at Holbox. 2023-04-20 13:14:26 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Willet / Schlammtreter (Tringa semipalmata)
Alternate classification: Symphemia semipalmata
Willet am Strand in Holbox. 2023-04-20 13:29:06 Yucatan
Exposure 1/2000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
Great-tailed grackle / Dohlengrackel (Quiscalus mexicanus)
Great tailed grackles are almost seabirds at Holbox. 2023-04-20 16:20:20 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Semipalmated sandpiper / Sandstrandläufer (Calidris pusilla)
Alternate classification: Tringa pusilla
Dark-rimmed wings of these beautiful birds, probably semipalmated sandpiper, show up in flight. 2023-04-20 16:29:32 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Red-winged blackbird / Rotflügelstärling (Agelaius phoeniceus)
Alternate classification: Oriolus phoeniceus
Red-winged blackbirds were a surprise at the Blue Holbox pool. 2023-04-20 16:58:00 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Great egret / Silberreiher (Ardea alba)
Alternate classification: Casmerodius albus, Egretta alba, Egretta albus
Says great egret near sunset in Holbox. 2023-04-20 18:59:10 Yucatan
Exposure 1/500 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
21 April 2023:
YucatanI thought it was a great, Erik corrected me that it's the white morph of the great blue egret. 2023-04-21 06:30:02 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002
Northern cardinal / Rotkardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Northern cardinal in Holbox. 2023-04-21 06:40:12 Yucatan
Exposure 0.003 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Osprey / Fischadler (Pandion haliaetus)
Also known as: Western osprey
Osprey with eyes wide open in Holbox. 2023-04-21 06:54:26 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Yellow warbler / Goldwaldsänger (Setophaga petechia)
Alternate classification: Setophaga aestiva, Dendroica petechia
Also known as: American yellow warbler
Yellow warbler, male of one of the mangrove subspecies. 2023-04-21 07:01:54 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Yellow warbler, male of one of the mangrove subspecies, feeding off coconuts used just to sell the milk as a refreshing drink. 2023-04-21 07:08:16 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002
Yellow warbler, male of one of the mangrove subspecies. 2023-04-21 07:08:56 Yucatan
Exposure 0.004
Possibly one of many subspecies of yellow warblers, through it looks different than the male mangrove warbler I saw shortly before. 2023-04-21 07:30:04 Yucatan
Exposure 0.002
Brown-crested flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus)
Brown-crested flycatcher in Holbox by a morning walk. 2023-04-21 07:30:58 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Cinnamon hummingbird / Zimtbauchamazilie (Amazilia rutila)
Alternate classification: Ornismya rutila
Cinnamon hummingbird on morning walk in Holbox. 2023-04-21 07:33:30 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
Yellow warbler / Goldwaldsänger (Setophaga petechia)
Alternate classification: Setophaga aestiva, Dendroica petechia
Also known as: American yellow warbler
Yellow warbler, looks like the northern subspecies. 2023-04-21 07:37:06 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1000 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Tropical mockingbird (Mimus gilvus)
Tropical mockingbirds are not shy. 2023-04-21 09:48:50 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
White-winged dove / Weißflügeltaube (Zenaida asiatica)
White-winged dove - note the blue ring around the red eye. 2023-04-21 16:19:40 Yucatan
Exposure 0.001 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Couch's kingbird (Tyrannus couchii)
Couch's kingbird on our last day at Blue Holbox. 2023-04-21 16:20:50 Yucatan
Exposure 1/1600 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto