Eurasian collared dove / Türkentaube (Streptopelia decaocto)

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Türkentaube in der bekannten Birke am Luppmen. 2024-11-16 16:45:22 Luppmen Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10.375
ISO 400
Exposure 1/1250

Classification: Genus Streptopelia (Streptopelia); Family Pigeons (Columbidae)
This bird appears across the great seas in the following continents: Europe, North America (introduced), Africa, Asia (introduced).
General: The Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) is a dove species native to Europe and Asia; it was introduced to Japan, North America and islands in the Caribbean. Because of its vast global range and increasing population trend, it has been listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List since 2014.[1] [more]
Song: Gu-guh-gu, klingt wie „ Gross-mue-ti“ Dazu auch „chräi“ oder „chwii“ [Link]
Song a characteristic, rhythmic cooing, consisting of three syllables with emphasis on the second. The third lower pitched than the rest. Can be rendered as "su-do-ku" (or "deca-oc-to", latin name derived from song). [Link]
Calls: Excitement-call a nasal "wrrraa". [Link]
Physical details: length=31-33 cm, wingspan=47-55 cm, weight=170-240 g
Habitats: Settlement

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
Quinta das Vinhas, Calheta, Madeira - Kanarengirlitz Gesang, Türkentauben, Frösche, Hahn kräht. Madeira 2023-03-14 08:21:46 Singers: Atlantic canary, Eurasian collared dove

First documented observation: 2020-05-21 in Luppmen. Most recent observation: 2025-02-18 in Canary Islands.


Türkentaube in der Birche beim Luppmen. 2024-07-17 10:43:01 Luppmen Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10.375
ISO 500
Exposure 1/1250

Sehr helle Türkentaube auf einem Dach. 2025-02-18 14:07:54 Canary Islands Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 8.625
ISO 200
Exposure 1/400

Ich habe mich gefragt, wo die Vögel gehen wenn es schneit - wenigstens die Türkentaube geht auf die Birke bei Bahnhofstrasse 16. 2024-12-23 10:42:41 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 7.625
ISO 1250
Exposure 1/200

Wusste nicht dass die Türkentauben so sozial sind. 2024-11-20 10:33:59 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 8.375
ISO 320
Exposure 1/320

Türkentaube, big picture in der Birke am Luppmen - oder Bahnhofstrasse 15 bei Kinderkrippe EInhorn. 2024-11-17 11:12:58 Luppmen Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 8.375
ISO 160
Exposure 1/320

Türkentaube in der Hängebirke bei der Brücke über die Luppmen. 2024-11-17 10:15:31 Luppmen Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10
ISO 5000
Exposure 1/1000

Additional Images

Türkentaube. 2024-08-03 09:26:06 Luppmen Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 9
ISO 200
Exposure 1/500

Türkentaube auf dem Dach, Feuerstein Siedlung in der Bahnhofstrasse, Fehraltorf. 2024-05-04 09:37:26 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 9.625
ISO 200
Exposure 1/800

Türkentaube landet auf Strassenlampe, Fehraltorf. 2024-05-04 09:27:54 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 9
ISO 100
Exposure 1/500

Türkentaube auf einem Dach in der Bahnhofstrasse, Fehraltorf. 2024-05-04 09:27:17 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 9.625
ISO 200
Exposure 1/800

Türkentaube, Feuerstein-Siedlung, Fehraltorf. 2024-05-02 17:04:38 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 8.625
ISO 800
Exposure 1/400

Türkentauben, Quinta das Vinhas, Calheta, Madeira. 2023-03-12 18:23:42 Madeira NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 0.001

Additional Audio

Birdweather-Eurasian Collared-Dove. Greater Fehraltorf 2024-11-01 07:38:36

Türkentaube, Fehraltorf. Fehraltorf 2024-05-13 05:51:36

Türkentaube. Luppmen 2020-05-21 07:45:50

Web pages with this species:

Birds of the Canary Islands / Vacation in Madeira. / Vacation in the Yucatan peninsula. / Teil 1 der Klettgau-Tour / Spring in Switzerland, 2024 / Summer in Switzerland, 2024 / Klingnauer Stausee, May 20 2024 / My second outing with Tom Bischof in the torf and wetland nature preserve Bannriet by Altstätten, SG / Fall and winter at home / Two new Canary Islands in 2025