Hooded oriole (Icterus cucullatus)

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Another yellow bird, probably a hooded oriole at Uxmal. 2023-04-07 15:44:14 Yucatan NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 1/1600

Classification: Genus Icterus (Icterus); Family New world blackbirds, orioles and allies (Icteridae)
General: The hooded oriole (Icterus cucullatus) is a medium-sized New World oriole. The male of this species ranges in color from a bright orange to a paler yellow, with a black back, face, tail and bib, with the wing containing two white bars. The female is more of an olive color with some yellow accents.[2] [more]

Only documented observation: 2023-04-07

Web pages with this species:

Vacation in the Yucatan peninsula.