Red-backed shrike / Neuntöter (Lanius collurio)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUNeuntöter im Apfelbaum beim Bauernhof Friedliweid. 2024-08-03 17:39:44 Friedliweid Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 8.625
ISO 160
Exposure 1/400
Classification: Genus Lanius; Family Shrikes (Laniidae)
Kulturland. Im Gebüsch an der Stillen Reuss.
Saw this masked bandit at Maienfeld. I was also told where to find it in the hedges at the Stille Reuss in Rottenschwil.
Culture: The BirdLife Switzerland bird of the year of 2020, the red-backed shrike or Neuntöter, made a surprising appearance in the New York Times in May 2021 when a private collection of manuscript and books from the Brontë family was put up for sale. Among the books is father Brontë's copy of Thomas Bewick’s 'A History of British Birds,' which Jane Eyre leafs through in a scene in Charlotte's novel of the same name. [NY Times, 'A Lost Brontë Library Surfaces', by Jennifer Schuessler, May 25, 2021]
Etymology: Er spiesst Beutetiere oft an Dornen oder spitzen Seitenästen auf, um sie zu bearbeiten und zu zerteilen oder als Vorrat zu halten. Seinen Namen soll der Neuntöter dieser Eigenart verdanken: Man hat früher irrtümlicherweise angenommen, dass er immer erst neun Tiere aufspiesst, bevor er wieder eines verzehrt. [Link]
Song: Call a hard "check check" (like striking two rocks together), and a variable nasal "twee" Song surprisingly varied with many expert imitations of small passerines, interwoven with bell-like ringing and dry chirping sounds. May be confusing and hard to identify if bird not seen. Song not very loud, but phrases can be very long. [Link]
Physical details: length=17 cm, wingspan=24-27 cm, weight=25-35 g
Habitats: Agricultural Looks similar to: Northern wheatear. Song: Reminds me a bit of a Rohrsaenger/Feldlerche with its short, varied bits. BirdID says Song surprisingly varied with many expert imitations of small passerines, interwoven with bell-like ringing and dry chirping sounds. May be confusing and hard to identify if bird not seen. Song not very loud, but phrases can be very long. 'May be confusing' - tell me about it! What's not confusing about trying to tell apart 422 species of Swiss birds!
Song attributes: Melody: sings 30 seconds or longer, slow, Frequency: medium (1-5 KHz) Special sounds: mimicry
XC570644 - Marsh Warbler - Acrocephalus palustris - song.
First documented observation: 2021-05-29 in Maienfeld. Most recent observation: 2024-08-03 in Greater Fehraltorf.
Background - hier die Apfelbäume, wo der Neuntöter war. 2024-08-03 18:23:38 Greater Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 7.625 ISO 100 Exposure 1/200 |
Neuntöter. 2023-06-19 09:40:08 Bolle di Magadino NIKON D5600 ISO 400 Exposure 1/1250 |
Neuntöter. 2023-06-19 09:40:00 Bolle di Magadino NIKON D5600 ISO 400 Exposure 0.001 |
Neuntöter hat gerade etwas von seiner Reserve geholt. 2022-06-25 08:43:48 Source: OTHER 20220625_084348-DSC_0898 Neuntoeter hat gerade etwas von seiner Reserve geholt.JPG Wauwilermoos NIKON D5600 ISO 400 Exposure 1/1000 |
Neuntöter im Busch wo es sein Nest hat. 2022-06-25 08:43:44 Wauwilermoos NIKON D5600 ISO 400 Exposure 1/1000 |
Uznach 2022-06-04 13:16:17 ♫ 2022-06-04 13:16:17 Source: BirdNet 20220604_131617 birdnet - Neuntöter - Uznach.mp3 Uznach (song?)
XC386987 - Red-backed Shrike - Lanius collurio - song with mimicry.
La Sauge 2022-06-25 08:47:59 ♫ 2022-06-25 08:47:59 Source: BirdNet 20220625_084759 birdnet - Neuntöter - Brot-Dessous.mp3 La Sauge (song?)
XC386987 - Red-backed Shrike - Lanius collurio - song.
Additional Images
To identify, neuntoeter weibchen vielleicht. 2022-05-22 11:04:42 Leuk NIKON D5600 ISO 720 Exposure 0.001 |
Neuntöter. 2022-05-22 10:47:38 Leuk NIKON D5600 ISO 360 Exposure 1/2000 |
Neuntöter. 2022-05-21 11:10:14 Switzerland NIKON D5600 ISO 400 Exposure 0.001 |
Neuntöter landet, Leukerfeld. 2022-05-21 11:10:14 Switzerland NIKON D5600 ISO 400 Exposure 1/2000 |
20210525 Red-backed shrike, NYTimes from Sothebys. Source: OTHER 20210525_Red-backed shrike, NYTimes from Sothebys.jpg |