Bearded reedling / Bartmeise (Panurus biarmicus)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Wikipedia: Bearded reedling Source: OTHER 1200px-Panurus_biarmicus_-Oare_Marshes%2C_Kent%2C_England_-male-8_%283%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Panurus (Panurus); Family Old world warblers (Sylviidae)
General: The bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus) is a small, sexually dimorphic reed-bed passerine bird. It is frequently known as the bearded tit, due to some similarities to the long-tailed tit, or the bearded parrotbill. It is the only species in the family Panuridae. [more]
Vocalization: More often heard than seen. [Link]
Song: Song a primitive, 3-syllable phrase, consisting of contact call-like sounds. [Link]
Calls: Usually identified by contact call; a ringing, explosive "tschin" with a characteristic "dirty" timbre. Also a hard and very short "pit", often mixed with the previous. [Link]
Physical details: length=12 cm, wingspan=16-18 cm, weight=12-18 g
Habitats: Wetland

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
XC765306 - Bearded Reedling - Panurus biarmicus - two types of calls, one-note and two-note.

Call: Chirping

Call attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: 3-7 KHz
First documented observation: 2024-08-24 in Klingnauer Stausee (man-made lake). Most recent observation: 2024-09-14 in Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge.

Bartmeise, blaumeise, grünfink calls in Fanel. Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge 2024-09-14 09:21:00 Callers: Bearded reedling, Eurasian blue tit, European greenfinch

Web pages with this species:

Summer in Switzerland, 2024 / FOK3 expedition August 2024 to Klingnauerstausee / FOK3 in La Sauge