Willow warbler / Fitis (Phylloscopus trochilus)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUFitis am Pfäffikersee. 2021-04-22 09:45:24 Pfäffikersee
Exposure 0.001
Classification: Genus Phylloscopus (Phylloscopus); Family Phylloscopidae (Phylloscopidae)



Physical details: length=10-11 cm, wingspan=16-22 cm, weight=7-12 g
Habitats: Forest Song: Song similar to common chaffinch but higher, faster, tendency to descend but with more ups and downs.
Song attributes: Mnemnoic: Buchfink diva Melody: stereotype melodic, fast, Frequency: high (3-9 KHz) Singing season: 04-01 - 06-30 Dawn chorus start, 22 minutes before dawn.
Call: Whoop very similar to chiffchaff, etc. but starts at an even level, then ascends.
Call recorded in UK, sounds typical to me, and spiced up by a yellowhammer in the background and several other birds
Call recorded in UK, sounds typical to me, and spiced up by a yellowhammer in the background and several other birds XC444002 - Willow Warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus trochilus - call in UK, with yellowhammer in background. Callers: Willow warbler, Yellowhammer

Call attributes: contact call Call melody: one note, slow, Frequency: 2-4 KHz, Special sounds: whoop.
Presence: 03-10 - 10-10 Breeding: 04-20 - 05-31 Migration in: 03-10 - 04-30 Migration out: 07-15 - 10-18 First documented observation: 2020-04-24 in Pfäffikersee. Most recent observation: 2021-04-27 in Wetzikon.
Fitis beim Pfäffikersee. 2021-04-22 09:20:38 Pfäffikersee Exposure 0.001 |
![]() Internet--fotocommunity.de--fitis. Source: OTHER Internet--fotocommunity.de--fitis.jpg ![]() |
![]() Cornell photo Fitis, Willow warbler. Source: UNIVERSITY_OF_CORNELL Cornell photo Fitis, Willow warbler.jpg ![]() |
![]() WikiCommons Fitis 13901013023. Source: WIKIPEDIA WikiCommons Fitis 13901013023.jpg ![]() Shutter speed 10.644 ISO 200 Exposure 1/1600 |
Fitis am Pfäffikersee Song starts similar to Buchfink / chaffinch Pfäffikersee 2020-04-24 10:07:55
Uznach 2021-08-19 09:10:28 Singers: Common chiffchaff, Willow warbler
♫ 2021-08-19 09:10:28 Source: BirdNet 20210819_091028 birdnet 1946 - Common Chiffchaff doubtful, saw willow warbler - Common Chiffchaff - Uznach.mp3 Uznach (song?)
Pfäffikersee 2020-04-24 10:30:05 ♫ 2020-04-24 10:30:05 Source: BirdNet 20200424_103005 birdnet 400 399 cld also be fitis - Willow warbler.mp3 Pfäffikersee (song?)
Pfäffikersee 2021-04-22 09:24:42 Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Willow warbler
♫ 2021-04-22 09:24:42 Source: BirdNet 20210422_092442 birdnet 1475 - Eurasian Blue Tit plus Willow Warbler - Eurasian Blue Tit - Pf=C3=A4ffikon.mp3 Pfäffikersee (song?)
Willow Warbler in photos, birch tree at Pfäffikersee. Pfäffikersee 2021-04-22 09:46:27
XC556112-Fitis 1 Laubsänger 2 song.

ZOOM0307a LR fallender Gesang - BirdNet meint evtl Fitis, aber sehr unsicher. Bannriet, SG 2024-06-20 19:19:34
Pfäffikersee 2021-04-22 09:22:19 ♫ 2021-04-22 09:22:19 Source: BirdNet 20210422_092219 birdnet 1474 - Willow Warbler, see photo - Willow Warbler - Pf=C3=A4ffikon.mp3 Pfäffikersee (song?)
Wetzikon 2021-04-27 17:28:00 ♫ 2021-04-27 17:28:00 Source: BirdNet 20210427_172800 birdnet 1487 - Willow Warbler - 2021-04-27 17:28:00 - Willow Warbler - Wetzikon.mp3 Wetzikon (song?)