Dunnock / Heckenbraunelle (Prunella modularis)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Heckenbraunelle singt auf Baumspitze - nicht in der Hecke. 2024-06-25 07:33:46 Mettmenalp, GL Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10.375
ISO 1250
Exposure 1/1250

Classification: Genus Prunella; Family Sparrows (Passeridae)
Heard at Hungerseeli and near Lendikon according to BirdNET. Finally seen near Amden 2023, Mettmenalp 2024.
Song: Singt schon im Vorfrühling. Klangfarbe ähnlich Gartenbaumläufer. Aufbau ähnlich Zaunkönig, aber ohne Triller. Viel leiser und dünner. [Link]
Song a fast and evenly paced, high pitched stream of clear notes. No consistent phrasing. Similar in timbre to Robin, but does not vary tempo or pitch nearly as much. Often compared to the sound of a squeaky wheelbarrow. [Link]
Calls: Hohe „zi“ „tsi“. Auf dem Zug „zieht“. Etwas absinkend.. [Link]
Contact call a dry, thick trill "trrr", and a short King Fisher-like, high-pitched "zeep". [Link]
Physical details: length=14 cm, wingspan=19-21 cm, weight=16-25 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: General: High-pitched, repetitive but complex little tune, 3 seconds long with about 15 notes rising and falling, falling at the end, then 3 second pause.
Song: Melodisch, slowly rising, roughly like black-cap warbler, which I guessed in the bird-song.ch quiz. [Link]
Schnell wie ein Rotkehlchen aber nicht herunter plaetschernd, hoch und runter zwischen 3 und 7 kHz. [Link]
Song attributes: Melody: stereotype melodic, fast, Frequency: 4-8 KHz Singing season: 02-15 - 07-31 Dawn chorus start, 45 minutes before dawn.
Call: Swooping staccato call 0.5 seconds long heard near Lendikon. Repeated irregularly after 1-3.5 seconds.

XC594397 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis modularis - call recorded in Poland.

Call attributes: Call melody: one note, fast, Frequency: 5-7 KHz, Special sounds: swoop.
First documented observation: 2020-04-16 in Hungerseeli. Most recent observation: 2024-06-25 in Mettmenalp, GL.


Heckenbraunelle. 2023-05-27 10:23:28 Amden Hinder Hoechi NIKON D5600 ISO 450
Exposure 0.001

Heckenbraunelle bei Amden Hinder Höhi. 2023-05-27 09:28:30 Amden Hinder Hoechi NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 0.002

Dunnock oder Heckenbraunelle aus Wikipedia weil nur gehört. Source: WIKIPEDIA Dunnock oder Heckenbraunelle aus Wikipedia weil nur gehört.jpg

XC778759 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis - song recorded in Spain. Spain

XC779064 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis - song recorded in France.

Heckenbraunelle-Gesang, Mettmen. Mettmenalp, GL 2024-06-25 13:03:09

Grabs 2021-06-27 12:55:28 ♫ 2021-06-27 12:55:28 Source: BirdNet 20210627_125528 birdnet 1781 - Dunnock - 2021-06-27 12:55:28 - Dunnock - Grabs.mp3 Grabs (song?)

Weisslingen 2021-07-20 15:54:39 ♫ 2021-07-20 15:54:39 Source: BirdNet 20210720_155439 birdnet 1834 - rapid staccato descending call as wild guess dunnock - No confident detection - Weisslingen.mp3 Weisslingen (call)

Hungerseeli 2020-04-16 07:55:09 ♫ 2020-04-16 07:55:09 Source: BirdNet 20200416_075509 birdnet 200 it says dunnock almost certain heckenbraunelle.mp3 Hungerseeli (song?)

Hungerseeli 2020-04-16 07:54:44 ♫ 2020-04-16 07:54:44 Source: BirdNet 20200416_075444 birdnet 199 it says dunnock almost certain.mp3 Hungerseeli (song?)

Hungerseeli 2020-04-16 07:55:16 ♫ 2020-04-16 07:55:16 Source: BirdNet 20200416_075516 birdnet 201 it says dunnock almost certain heckenbraunelle.mp3 Hungerseeli (song?)

Hungerseeli 2020-04-16 07:54:44 Singers: Dunnock, Common chiffchaff
♫ 2020-04-16 07:54:44 Source: BirdNet 20200416_075444 birdnet 199 it says dunnock almost certain Heckenbraunelle ohne Zilpzalp.mp3 Hungerseeli (song?)

Wikipedia Dunnock (Prunella modularis) (W1CDR0001422 BD6) song.

Wikipedia Dunnock (Prunella modularis) (W1CDR0001422 BD6).

Web pages with this species:

FOK Bergvogel-Exkursion / Last FOK2 outing: Amden Hinder Hoechi. / Summer in Switzerland, 2024 / Zwei Tage im Berghotel Mettmen als Geschenk an Ruedi fuer seinen 75 Geburtstag. Das heisst natuerlich auch Wandern und Voegel und Natur fotografieren.