Eurasian bullfinch / Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Ersatzvogel für den abgehauenen Gimpel - ein Hausrotschwanz, ohne Haus. 2024-06-25 08:07:18 Mettmenalp, GL Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10.375
ISO 1600
Exposure 1/1250

Classification: Genus Pyrrhula (Pyrrhula); Subfamily Carduelinae (Carduelinae); Family Fringillidae (Fringillidae)
General: The Eurasian bullfinch, common bullfinch or bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is a small passerine bird in the finch family, Fringillidae. In Anglophone Europe it is known simply as the bullfinch, as it is the original bird to bear the name bullfinch. [more]
Song: Song a quiet, modest mix of contact call and various chirping sounds, with peculiar harmonics. [Link]
Calls: Contact call a soft, full-bodied, descending, pure whistle; "peeuu". [Link]
Physical details: length=14-16 cm, wingspan=22-29 cm, weight=27-38 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: 3-note long M, pause, HL (somewhat falling)...Gim! Gim-peeel! Sounds a bit like a pirol.
Song attributes: Melody: stereotype melodic, slow, Frequency: 2-8 KHz
XC637392 - Eurasian Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula - song, recorded in France.

Call: laconic 1 note call w slight dip? Song NABU 1 parakeet like puppy-dog whining, NABU 2 whistles, 2-syllable peek-a-boo, ...

XC214867 - Eurasian Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula - contact call, recorded in Germany. Germany

Call attributes: contact call Call melody: one note, slow, Frequency: 2-3 KHz,
First documented observation: 2021-02-21 in Adelboden. Most recent observation: 2024-06-25 in Mettmenalp, GL.


Von Fruehstückstisch aus durchs Fenster fotografiert - ein Gimpel! 2024-06-25 08:07:08 Mettmenalp, GL Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10.375
ISO 1600
Exposure 1/1250

Gimpel. 2023-05-27 10:09:50 Amden Hinder Hoechi NIKON D5600 ISO 640
Exposure 0.001

Gimpel. 2023-05-27 10:05:54 Amden Hinder Hoechi NIKON D5600 ISO 320
Exposure 1/2000

Gimpel gesehen das erste Mal, Ammler Höhenweg. 2021-08-02 15:55:56 Ammler Höhenweg NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 1/640

Adelboden 2021-02-21 12:51:52 ♫ 2021-02-21 12:51:52 Source: BirdNet 20210221_125152 birdnet 1214 gimpel - Eurasian Bullfinch - Adelboden.mp3 Adelboden (song?)

Ammler Höhenweg 2021-08-02 16:17:41 ♫ 2021-08-02 16:17:41 Source: BirdNet 20210802_161741 birdnet 1882 - Eurasian Bullfinch, was watching bw woodpecker - Eurasian Bullfinch - Amden.mp3 Ammler Höhenweg (song?)

Carona 2021-04-02 15:47:13 ♫ 2021-04-02 15:47:13 Source: BirdNet 20210402_154713 birdnet 1395 - Eurasian Bullfinch by Carona, uncertain - Eurasian Bullfinch - Lugano.mp3 Carona (song?)

Web pages with this species:

Besuch bei Ruedi auf der Alp, Wandern auf dem Ammler Höhenweg / Last FOK2 outing: Amden Hinder Hoechi. / Summer in Switzerland, 2024 / Zwei Tage im Berghotel Mettmen als Geschenk an Ruedi fuer seinen 75 Geburtstag. Das heisst natuerlich auch Wandern und Voegel und Natur fotografieren.