Ala-Pieper-Stelzen-Lerchen Cheatsheet

Images and brief info about song and calls. A total of 9 species is included.
No information about song motif Simple rhythmic: whoop Stereotype melodic Sings 30 seconds or longer One note Two notes
Name/Image Song mnemonic/description Description
Simple rhythmic: whoop
Tree pipit / Baumpieper (Anthus trivialis)
Wikipedia baumpieper Anthus trivialis. Von Vogelartinfo - Eigenes Werk, GFDL 1.2, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia baumpieper Anthus_trivialis.jpg Profile
Song Reminds me of a greenfinch - series of trills, whoops and other sounds with a long pause ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC570506 - Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis - song.mp3 (song)

Song: Mehrere unterschiedliche Tonreihen aneinandergefügt. Zuletzt „zia zia zia ziah“. Zuerst auf Baum sitzend, dann im Singflug, Zia-Rufe während Gleitflug (Fallschirmvogel) [Link] Song: Song characteristic. Starts with a series of Chaffinch-like "che-che-che" which gives way to long, descending, "ricocheting" whistling notes (especially at the end of song-flight). [Link] Calls: “psiet“ etwas nach unten gezogen. Auch „zieh“ [Link] Calls: Flight call a short buzzing "tzzzeet". Given at even pitch, and in a fuller tone than Red-Throated Pipit. [Link]
Stereotype melodic
Tawny pipit / Brachpieper (Anthus campestris)
Wikipedia: Tawny pipit Source: OTHER AnthusCampestris_cropped.jpg Profile
Song Song simple. Consists of three notes merged in a short, continuous and ringing "tsee-ro-ee", given every 1-2 seconds. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC726515 - Tawny Pipit - Anthus campestris - song.mp3 (song)

Song: Song simple. Consists of three notes merged in a short, continuous and ringing "tsee-ro-ee", given every 1-2 seconds. Timbre is wagtail-like and intonation variable, but consistent in each song. Flight call similar in timbre, like a cross between Yellow Wagtail and House Sparrow (song). Thinner and more wagtail-like than Richard's Pipit. [Link]
Western yellow wagtail / Schafstelze (Motacilla flava)
Schafstelze. 2024-02-02 16.00.54 Laos Profile
Song Just a few notes, call seems to be common but song rare. Very short chirp of ~ 1 sec, long pause of 3 secs. At Wauwilermoos it seemed to be 'Twee tweetwee (higher note:) twee!' ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC721189 - Western Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla flava cinereocapilla - song.mp3 (song)

Calls General: Single note repeated
Song: sperling ähnliches lh lh lh. Dachte die wären melodisch?? Nein. BL chirpy ml ml [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC653784 - Western Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla flava flavissima - call.mp3 (call)

Song: Song primitive and less striking. Beware differences in calls and songs between different subspecies. [Link] Calls: Contact call characteristic and widely used; a sharp, drawn out "pseeeoo" with an accented ending falling in pitch. A variable phrase with two or three notes resembling the contact call in timbre. [Link]
Sings 30 seconds or longer
Eurasian skylark / Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis)
Wikipedia Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis). Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Eurasian Skylark (Alauda_arvensis).jpg Profile
Song Fast chirpy improvization without a break, not very high, reminds me of a nightingale or a Eurasian reed warbler/Teichrohrsänger with the exact rhythm, but most likely sung in a cornfield. Or a Singdrossel that repeats its elements longer that that guy. Repeats elements 1-8 times. Sometimes buzzy/trilly. Can go on for minutes at a time. Ich habe es auch mit einem Amsel verwechselt, da er lang und melodisch, fast wie Amsel aber hört nicht auf. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC685846 - Eurasian Skylark - Alauda arvensis - song, recorded in France.mp3 (song)

Good to know: Aus dem Kurzjahresbericht BirdLife Schweiz 2022: Die Feldlerche, vogel der Jahres 2022..., ist eihne dieser bredrohten Arten, welche durch die Industrialisierung der Landwirtschaft ausgerottet wird. [Link] Appearance and identification: Somewhat like a house sparrow but 18-19 cm long, not 14-15, kleiner als Star. Ruffled head feathers. NABU says streaks on breast contrast with white belly. [Link] Song: Song a pleasing energetic stream of chirping, merry trills, interspersed with mimicry. Trills quite resonant with fairly full tone. Song usually given in flight high in the air. Less characteristic, shorter, weaker and more varied song when given from ground. [Link] Calls: Most typical flight call a short trilling "chirrup", with the end note noticeably lower pitched than the start. Also several other more cryptic calls. [Link]
One note
Meadow pipit / Wiesenpieper (Anthus pratensis)
Wikipedia: Meadow pipit Source: OTHER 1200px-Wiesenpieper_Meadow_pipit.jpg Profile
Song Single note, possibly rising at the end. (Or: long 4 second phrases, gradually louder then softer; swoopy or whoopy.) Sings in flight. BirdID: Song very similar to Rock Pipit, but tone less full and more brittle. Lacks Rock Pipit's closing trill, and beginning is less "hammering". - but what does a rock pipit sound like? ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC722919 - Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis - song.mp3 (song)

Song: Ähnlich Baumpieper, aber ohne Zia-Rufe. Vollständiger Gesang nur in flatterndem Singflug. Lange Strophen. Mittelstück meist zart und hoch [Link] Song: Song very similar to Rock Pipit, but tone less full and more brittle. Lacks Rock Pipit's closing trill, and beginning is less "hammering". [Link] Calls: fast tonlos „ist, ist.“ [Link] Calls: Contact call a short "eest". Similar to Rock Pipit but shorter,cleaner and most often in quick series. Warning call a sharp, high pitched "tzeet". Also a rattling "trrrrt". [Link]
Water pipit / Bergpieper (Anthus spinoletta)
Bergpieper glaube ich. 2023-05-27 09.38.16 Amden Hinder Hoechi Profile
Song Er singt überwiegend fliegend ein ein- bis zweisilbiges „zip“ oder „tsi tsi“. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC716570 - Water Pipit - Anthus spinoletta - song, recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (song)

Appearance and identification: wie ein grauer Fink. [Link] Song: Monoton, GAR NICHT BERGIG. Tsilp tsilp, gleich note, wiederholt sich über 10+ Sekunden, leicht schneller aber nicht zu viel. [Link] Song: Meist drei nicht scharf abgesetzte lange Tonreihen. Singflug. Mittelteilstück rauer und geräuschhafter als bei obiger Art [Wiesenpieper]. [Link] Song: Song slightly more melodious, often with Tree Pipit like glissandi at end of phrase. [Link] Calls: „fist“, etwas rauer als bei obiger Art [Wiesenpieper]. [Link] Calls: Contact call sharper and more drawn. [Link]
Two notes
Wood lark / Heidelerche (Lullula arborea)
Wikipedia: Wood lark Source: OTHER 1200px-Lullula_arborea_%28J%C3%A1n_Svetl%C3%ADk%29.jpg Profile
Song General: Slow for a lark? Fast to me.
Song: Fallend dadui dadui. Or figaro figaro - picture Heidi in an opera. Wenig Variation. [Link]
Der flötende Gesang der Heidelerche gehört zu den schönsten der Vogelwelt und ist tagsüber wie auch nachts zu hören. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC769994 - Woodlark - Lullula arborea - 2-note song recorded in the Netherlands.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ XC756161 - Woodlark - Lullula arborea - flight call recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO XC756161 - Woodlark - Lullula arborea - flight call recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (flight call)

Appearance and identification: Sieht aus wie ein braun-weisser Drossel mit heller Überaugenstreife/Maske. [Link] Song: Song: Distinct and quite slow for a lark. Consists mainly of varied, disyllabic elements, or single syllables repeated in descending, accelerated phrases. Starting soft and hesitantly, then gaining in strength and speed. [Link]
No information about song motif
Red-throated pipit / Rotkehlpieper (Anthus cervinus)
Wikipedia: Red-throated pipit Source: OTHER 1200px-Red-throated_Pipit.jpg Profile No documented observation
Greater short-toed lark / Kurzzehenlerche (Calandrella brachydactyla)
Wikipedia: Greater short-toed lark Source: OTHER Greater_short-toed_lark_%28Calandrella_brachydactyla%29_Photograph_by_Shantanu_Kuveskar.jpg Profile No documented observation