Madeira Cheatsheet

Images and brief info about song and calls. A total of 19 species is included.
No information about song motif Non-singer
Name/Image Song mnemonic/description Description
Little ringed plover / Flussregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius)
Little Ringed Plovers, Phnom Krom. 2024-03-03 09.12.46 Cambodia Profile
Song Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20220410_111023 birdnet - Flussregenpfeifer - Flussregenpfeifer - Felanitx.mp3 2022-04-10 11.10.23 Mallorca (song)
Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ XC835676 - Little Ringed Plover - Charadrius dubius - flight call, song - Dundgovi, Mongolia. Source: XENOCANTO XC835676 - Little Ringed Plover - Charadrius dubius - flight call, song - Dundgovi, Mongolia.mp3 (flight call)

Calls: Common calls are a two syllable "krrll-uuit" with a rising pitch or just a sharp, rolling "krrri-krrri". Also a longer rolling "krree-looo" with pitch rising in first syllable and falling in the second. [Link]
Wood sandpiper / Bruchwasserläufer (Tringa glareola)
Wikipedia: Wood sandpiper Source: OTHER 1200px-Wood_Sandpiper_Safari_Park.jpg Profile
Song Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20210819_082604 birdnet 1940 - Wood Sandpiper, saw a bird flying, check reports in Ornitho - Wood Sandpiper - Uznach.mp3 2021-08-19 08.26.04 Uznach (song)
Calls: Flight call a soft, but explosive "whiff whiff" , sometimes with only one syllable. Display call similar to redshank but with only two accented beats; a fast melodious "dee-loo", repeated in cycles. [Link]
Eurasian curlew / Grosser Brachvogel (Numenius arquata)
Grosser Brachvogel. 2021-02-12 11.59.24 Profile
Song Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ XC625195-grosser brachvogel, michal jezierski, uk. Source: XENOCANTO XC625195-grosser brachvogel, michal jezierski, uk.mp3 (song)

Calls Das Männchen steigt mit einzelnen, klangvollen Rufen auf, die vor der Landung in einen weithin hörbaren Triller übergehen. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC625195-grosser brachvogel, michal jezierski, uk.mp3 (flight call)

Song: Song starts similar to Whimbrel, with long wailing notes "kluuueee", but takes on a different ending as it accelerates to an ascending phrase repeated in rapid cycles . [Link]
Pied avocet / Säbelschnäbler (Recurvirostra avosetta)
Saebelschnaebler bei Ses Salines. 2022-04-08 17.01.38 Mallorca Profile
Song Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20220408_171858 birdnet - Säbelschnäbler - Säbelschnäbler - Campos.mp3 2022-04-08 17.18.58 Mallorca (song)
Calls: Most common contact call a soft, short "kluitt" reminiscent of Ringed Plover, but harder and less varied. Also sometimes followed by repeated chattering: "kluitt-trt-trt-trt-trt-trt-trt". [Link]
Common ringed plover / Sandregenpfeifer (Charadrius hiaticula)
Sandregenpfeifer im Profil, Neeracherried. 2022-09-04 07.25.18 Neeracherried Profile
Song: Song a cyclic repetition of the contact call. Sometimes with a shortened phrases and a more creaking timbre. [Link] Calls: Contact call a short, soft "koo-eep", with the emphasised second part higher and rising in pitch. [Link]
Dunlin / Alpenstrandläufer (Calidris alpina)
Wikipedia: Dunlin Source: OTHER 1200px-Dunlin_%28Calidris_alpina%29_juvenile.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Wetland
Song: Song: A drawn out, nasal "tweeet", and ringing variations on the contact call in decrescendo. Low chattering heard from feeding birds. [Link] Calls: Contact call a diagnostic, very nasal "trrreeet" . Given throughout the year and in many situations, including when being flushed. [Link]
Common sandpiper / Flussuferläufer (Actitis hypoleucos)
MerlinBirdID meint Flussuferläufer. 2022-09-04 07.49.06 Neeracherried Profile
Calls: Very vocal with characteristic repertoire of very high-pitched calls. Often heard is a disyllabic call, drawn out and slightly rising in pitch in the second part. This is often repeated in a series of rising tones in a cyclic manner, with approx 5 tones in each cycle. [Link]
Common greenshank / Grünschenkel (Tringa nebularia)
MerlinBirdID says common greenshank, probably non-breeding adult. 2022-04-12 14.52.08 Mallorca Profile
Song: Song a clear disyllabic "cloo-eeee", repeated in cycles but each phrase clearly separated. At close range a short creaky sound is audible (between each phrase). Redshank may sing in a slightly similar way, but in continuous, linked phrases. [Link]
Common redshank / Rotschenkel (Tringa totanus)
Common redshank plus common pochard. 2022-04-12 14.02.38 Mallorca Profile
Song: Song similar to Wood Sandpiper, but with three accented notes in each cycle, not two. [Link]
Green sandpiper / Waldwasserläufer (Tringa ochropus)
Waldwasserlaeufer. 2023-07-08 19.09.34 Neeracherried Profile
Calls: Sharp, penetrating calls. Display call a high-pitched "kee-kleeoo-eet", continuously repeated with a wave-like motion in pitch. Other common calls have similar timbre and tone with different phrasing like; "klooeett -klee-klee-klee-klee-klee" and a rising pitch. [Link]
Ruff / Kampfläufer (Calidris pugnax)
Wikipedia: Ruff Source: OTHER 1200px-Philomachus_pugnax_-Diergaarde_Blijdorp-8c.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Wetland
Little stint / Zwergstrandläufer (Calidris minuta)
Wikipedia: Little stint Source: OTHER Little_Stint_%28Calidris_minuta%29_2.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Wetland
Song: Song a cyclic series of thin "peee-peee-peee" rising and falling in pitch. [Link] Calls: Contact call a quite soft, short, high pitched "pit". Sometimes uttered in series, or as soft chattering. [Link]
Spotted redshank / Dunkler Wasserläufer (Tringa erythropus)
Dunkler Wasserlaeufer. 2021-10-24 10.25.42 Neeracherried Profile
Calls: Flight call loud and diagnostic, and is often the first sign of the species' presence; a sharp and short, disyllabic "koo-eett", with the first syllable falling in pitch and the second rising sharply. Display call a squeaky, but melodic "krroo-lee-ooo" repeated in cycles. Alarm call a falcon-like "ke-ke-ke-ke". [Link]
Common snipe / Bekassine (Gallinago gallinago)
Rechts nach Links - drei Bekassinen, Kiebitz, Krickenten. 2021-10-24 10.34.58 Neeracherried Profile
Song: Song an unmistakable bleating, drumming sound produced by vibrating tail feathers in sky-dives. [Link] Calls: Almost always give diagnostic hoarse and nasal "kaaat" call when flushed. Another territorial call is a rhythmic, mechanical and sharp "tika-tika-tka", or "ika-ka-ka". [Link]
Eurasian woodcock / Waldschnepfe (Scolopax rusticola)
Wikipedia: Eurasian woodcock Source: OTHER Scolopax_rusticola.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Forest
Calls: Flies above treetops while calling with 3-5 deep croaking grunts, followed by an explosive high-pitched sneeze, "psst". [Link]
Northern lapwing / Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus)
Kiebitz, Neeracher Ried. 2021-02-24 12.46.02 Neeracherried Profile
Song This birds doesn't sing, only calls. Calls: Ruf ist entweder mhhhh oder Bogen-artiges hoch und runter. [Link] Calls: Territorial call: Dry, introductory phrases followed by drawn-out mewing sounds; "wyrrr-peeeoo-weeep". Alarm call "pee-wit". [Link]
No information about song motif
Curlew sandpiper / Sichelstrandläufer (Calidris ferruginea)
Wikipedia: Curlew sandpiper Source: OTHER 1200px-Calidris_ferruginea%2C_winter_adult%2C_Pak_Thale.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Wetland
Calls: Flight call a soft, ringing and rolling "krrrrrt, with variations. Lacks the hoarse, nasal quality of similar call by Dunlin. [Link]
Temminck's stint / Temminckstrandläufer (Calidris temminckii)
Wikipedia: Temminck's stint Source: OTHER 1200px-Temmincks_Stint.jpg Profile No documented observation ■❑ Habitats: Wetland
Black-tailed godwit / Uferschnepfe (Limosa limosa)
Wikipedia: Black-tailed godwit Source: OTHER 1200px-Black-tailed_Godwit_Uferschnepfe.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Wetland