Western marsh harrier / Rohrweihe (Circus aeruginosus)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Meint Rohrweihe. 2022-05-21 16:00:56 Switzerland NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 1/1600

Classification: Genus Harriers (Circus); Subfamily True hawks (Accipitrinae); Family Accipitridae
General: The western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) is a large harrier, a bird of prey from temperate and subtropical western Eurasia and adjacent Africa. It is also known as the Eurasian marsh harrier. The genus name Circus is derived from the Ancient Greek kirkos, referring to a bird of prey named for its circling flight (kirkos, "circle"), probably the hen harrier. The specific aeruginosus is Latin for "rusty".[3] [more]
Calls: Call: A sharp "kwii-uuu" of about a seconds length, rapidly ascending in pitch, and ending on a falling tone. [Link]
Physical details: length=48-56 cm, wingspan=115-130 cm, weight=405-800 g
Habitats: Agricultural

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
XC884134 - Western Marsh Harrier - Circus äruginosus - whooping, swooping call.

Call: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.

Call attributes: song Frequency: ,
First documented observation: 2022-05-21 in Switzerland. Most recent observation: 2024-12-07 in Bodenseeregion und Ostschweiz.


Rohrweihe, Altnau. 2024-12-07 13:32:02 Bodenseeregion und Ostschweiz Canon EOS R7 24-240mm Shutter speed 9.625
ISO 200
Exposure 1/800

Web pages with this species:

FOK3 expedition to Lake Constance, 2024