Marsh tit / Sumpfmeise (Poecile palustris)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUSumpfmeise richtung Wildertweiher. 2024-09-09 08:12:48 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 8.625
ISO 6400
Exposure 1/400
Classification: Genus Poecile; Family Titmice (Paridae)
I see them occasionally at the Luppmen or our house, but maybe 1% as often as Kohlmeisen and Blaumeisen. BirdNet suggested a Wiesenmeise, but those are rare here and Sumpfmeisen not uncommon according to BirdLife Zurich
Etymology: Auch Nonnenmeise genannt - weil es auch eine Moenchmeise gibt? [Link]
Vocalization: Most easily identified by sound. Especially in areas where plumage is less distinct compared to Willow Tit, like in Britain. [Link]
Klapperlied - 6-8 Noten 'angeschlagen'
Song: Klapperlied. Reihe (6-8) weich angeschlagene Töne mittlerer Höhe. Ähnlich der Klappergrasmücke aber weicher. (Sumpf ist weich) Oft auch Rufe wie „psja“ zu hören. Ziemlich scharf u. gepresst. [Link]
Calls: Most typical call an explosive, sneeze-like "pee-choo", starting high-pitched and ending on a lower note.
. [Link]
Physical details: length=11 cm, wingspan=18-19 cm, weight=10-13 g
Habitats: Forest Song: General: Higher-pitched than great tit, sometimes repetitive 1- and 2-note tunes like them, sometimes simple melodies, usually pure, sometimes chirpy or raspy.
Song: 'Song: A simple one or two note call repeated in series. Usually rising slightly in pitch, and with a "liquid" quality.'. [Link]
At it's hl-rest-hl, or 7-8 2-noter swoops. names lh-break-hl as a pistjä call and also has a series of 7 or 8 falling 'swoops'. [Link]
Song attributes: Mnemnoic: 1-Noter, Sumpf laenger als Kohl Melody: simple rhythmic (hhmmlll), fast, Frequency: 2-10 KHz
XC727754 - Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris.
XC778730 - Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris - the two-note song BirdID, recorded in France.
Calls: 1: Falling note, relatively long, sometimes repeated - like the pee below without the choo?
Call from Xeno-Canto
Call from Xeno-Canto XC594764 marsh tit call.
'Swooping' call on the Luppmen
'Swooping' call on the Luppmen Chiffchaff calls go up, marsh tit calls down! Luppmen 2020-10-21 08:38:51
2: BirdID (at Nord U.) says an explosive, sneeze-like "pee-choo",, similar to Blaumeise with clear note followed by rough ones, but hll
Call from Xeno-Canto
Call from Xeno-Canto XC733901 - Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris - pee-choo call, sometimes just pee - recorded in Germany. Germany
Call attributes: Call melody: one note, slow, Frequency: 6-9 KHz, Special sounds: swoop.
First documented observation: 2020-05-04 in Luppmen. Most recent observation: 2025-01-10 in Fehraltorf.
Evtl Sumpfmeise. 2025-01-10 15:43:45 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 8.375 ISO 250 Exposure 1/320 |
Up, up, and away! says our marsh tit. 2024-12-13 13:29:30 Greater Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10 ISO 5000 Exposure 1/1000 |
Sumpfmeise kommt mit der Meise-Gruppe zu uns. 2024-12-13 13:29:26 Greater Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 10 ISO 5000 Exposure 1/1000 |
Sumpfmeise im Abflug. 2024-09-09 08:12:48 Fehraltorf Canon EOS R7 200-800mm Shutter speed 8.625 ISO 6400 Exposure 1/400 |
Meint Sumpfmeise. 2023-06-19 07:41:52 Bolle di Magadino NIKON D3100 ISO 400 Exposure 0.001 |
Xenocanto Sumpfmeise XC541415-DM673204 Sum call-1Apr cut1b2 rau1 HP800.
Fehraltorf 2020-09-20 14:54:03 ♫ 2020-09-20 14:54:03 Source: BirdNet 20200920_145403 birdnet 936 almost certain speck - Marsh tit - Fehraltorf.mp3 Fehraltorf (song?)
Sumpfmeise hinter Bhfstr 51, Fehraltorf, leider mit viel Plätschern unseren Brunnens. Fehraltorf 2024-06-27 07:03:00
Texaid container 2020-12-05 09:45:33 ♫ 2020-12-05 09:45:33 Source: BirdNet 20201205_094533 birdnet 1102 near texaid container - Marsh tit - Fehraltorf.mp3 Texaid container (song?)
BirdNet hatte Sumpfmeise gesagt. Luppmen 2020-05-04 06:51:23
Uster 2020-11-08 14:54:26 ♫ 2020-11-08 14:54:26 Source: BirdNet 20201108_145426 birdnet 1073 simple slightly falling note twee twee twee - Marsh tit - Uster.mp3 Uster (song?)
Fehraltorf 2020-09-21 14:37:11 ♫ 2020-09-21 14:37:11 Source: BirdNet 20200921_143711 birdnet 933 reservoir - Marsh tit - Fehraltorf.mp3 Fehraltorf (song?)
Einzelne Sumpfmeise am Luppmen im Industriegebiet Fehraltorf. Luppmen 2024-12-18 12:39:00
Wald bei Speck, Singdrossel Gesang, plus Zaunkönig Gesang bei 40 Sek, Kohlmeise, Buchfink, Tannenmeise, im Hintergrund evtl Sumpfmeise, Buntspecht. Wald bei Speck 2023-06-13 12:53:22 Singers: Song thrush, Eurasian wren, Great tit, Common chaffinch, Coal tit, Marsh tit, Great spotted woodpecker
Sumpfmeisen in bäumen. Fehraltorf 2021-01-07 12:16:17
Luppmen 2020-10-24 15:40:46 ♫ 2020-10-24 15:40:46 Source: BirdNet 20201024_154046 birdnet 1045 one note call on Luppmen - Marsh tit - Fehraltorf.mp3 Luppmen (call)
BirdNet meint Sumpfmeisen. Luppmen 2020-09-02 15:12:11
Birdweather-Marsh Tit. Greater Fehraltorf 2024-10-31 15:34:05
SUMPFMEISE GESANG - Parus palustris - Kees Vanger YouTube.
Sumpfmeisen und wer singt 7 Noten hhmmlll. Luppmen 2020-05-29 07:37:46 Melody: hhmmlll
Fehraltorf 2020-09-20 14:54:53 ♫ 2020-09-20 14:54:53 Source: BirdNet 20200920_145453 birdnet 937 uncertain - Marsh tit - Fehraltorf.mp3 Fehraltorf (song?)
Carona 2021-04-04 14:05:46 Singers: Willow tit, Marsh tit
♫ 2021-04-04 14:05:46 Source: BirdNet 20210404_140546 birdnet 1408 - Willow Tit and-or Marsh Tit (uncertain) - Willow Tit - Morcote.mp3 Carona (song?)
Sumpfmeise Rufe unter anderem. Greater Fehraltorf 2024-09-09 08:09:00
Sumpfmeise 2-Noten Ruf hl, Fehraltorf im Industriegebiet. Fehraltorf 2024-12-18 12:39:00 Melody: hl
Fehraltorf 2020-10-08 15:31:24 ♫ 2020-10-08 15:31:24 Source: BirdNet 20201008_153124 birdnet 977 says wild guess marsh tit but later same song - No confident detection - Fehraltorf.mp3 Fehraltorf (song)
Additional Images
Sumpfmeise. 2021-08-19 10:02:00 Kaltbrunner-Riet NIKON D5600 ISO 800 Exposure 0.002 |
Sumpfmeise daheim. 2020-12-08 14:26:34 Luppmen NIKON D5600 ISO 1800 Exposure 0.002 |
Sumpfmeise auf Annas Sonnenblumen. 2020-10-22 13:13:36 Fehraltorf NIKON D5600 ISO 400 Exposure 0.001 |
Sumpfmeise auf Annas Sonnenblumen. 2020-10-21 08:40:20 Luppmen NIKON D5600 ISO 2000 Exposure 0.002 |
Sumpfmeise auf Annas Sonnenblumen. 2020-10-21 08:40:08 Luppmen NIKON D5600 ISO 2000 Exposure 0.002 |