Bergvögel Cheatsheet

Images and brief info about song and calls. A total of 21 species is included.
No information about song motif Non-musical Simple rhythmic Simple rhythmic: whoop Stereotype melodic Stereotype melodic: trill Improvised melodic Improvised melodic: rattle Sings 30 seconds or longer One note Non-singer
Name/Image Song mnemonic/description Description
Alpine chough / Alpendohle (Pyrrhocorax graculus)
Auf dem Dach unter Vrenelisgärtli 2021-01-01 09.43.48 Profile
Song Weird sounding chirping, often in large flocks. ♫ XC769199 - Alpine Chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus graculus - song recorded in Morocco. Source: XENOCANTO XC769199 - Alpine Chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus graculus - song recorded in Morocco.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ XC512155 - Alpine Chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus - flight call recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO XC512155 - Alpine Chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus - flight call recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (flight call)

Simple rhythmic
Willow tit / Weidenmeise (Poecile montanus)
Willow tit. 2020-04-25 08.51.40 Luppmen Profile
Song Songs I've heard alternate two notes and look like a sine wave on the sonogram. Apart from minor differences in diet and size, Alpine Tit and Willow Tit can only be identified by their song. The Willow Tit utters a series of long, descending notes («tyoo tyoo tyoo tyoo»), whereas the Alpine Tit’s territorial song consists of short notes on an even pitch («dee dee dee dee dee»). See more here. ♫ Source: OTHER 509229 (song)
Song: 1.Gesangstyp: „ziü ziü ziü „ etwas wehmütig, die einzelnen Töne leicht absinkend, nicht klappernd. Bei Unterart Alpenmeise auf gleicher Höhe bleibend. 2.Gesangstyp: variable, schwätzende, helle Folge m. trillerndem Schluss. [Link] Song: Song: One or two soft, clear, melancholic notes repeated in a slow, even rhythm. At first rising slightly in pitch, then gradually falling. In some areas song is evenly pitched. [Link] Calls: Folge v. etwas heiser näselnden „zi zi dääh dääh. (einmalige Laute) [Link] Calls: Call: Most characteristic call a frequently uttered, nasal "ti ti chaa chaa chaa". First notes high pitched and the following lower, coarse, nasal and drawn. Sometimes uttered without the introductory high pitched notes. [Link]
Spotted flycatcher / Grauschnäpper (Muscicapa striata)
In a pinch barbed wire will do instead of a tree branch. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia-300px-SpottedFlycatcheronfence.jpg Profile
Song High (6-8 KHz?) short sound repeated every half to 5 seconds. ♫ XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata. Source: XENOCANTO XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata.mp3 (song?)

Calls General: To me something between a one-note and an extremely simple melody, namely med-med chk-hi-med-med, with a very irregular speed, not at all like a metronome.
Call: Most calls high pitched with a buzzing, "electric" timbre. [Link]XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata - Sounds similar to what I know. Source: XENOCANTO XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata.mp3 (call)

Song: Gesang 'unauffaellig' - zirp x 2-3, mal steigender tWIT Song: Song a primitive, slow series of various buzzing and very high pitched sounds. No recurring phrases. [Link] Calls: The discreet calls often goes unnoticed. Most calls high pitched with a buzzing, "electric" timbre. Alarm call a sharp, drawn "tzreeeee-check", with the second syllable abruptly clipping the sound. [Link]
White-winged snowfinch / Schneesperling (Montifringilla nivalis)
Wikipedia: White-winged snowfinch Source: OTHER 1200px-Snowfinch.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Mountain
Song The XC song I downloaded is a faint chirping. Should follow up on song - most talk about calls. ♫ XC736093 - White-winged Snowfinch - Montifringilla nivalis - song recorded in Switzerland. Source: XENOCANTO XC736093 - White-winged Snowfinch - Montifringilla nivalis - song recorded in Switzerland.mp3 Switzerland (song)

Song: Song a staccato, variable phrase, consisting of short burst of sharp chattering in uneven tempo. The timbre is ringing, rich in harmonics and partly rolling. [Link] Calls: Among the various contact call the commonest are a high-pitched, sharp "zeet", a deeper, Brambling-like "veet, or a sparrow-like "peea". Alarm call a rolling "trr-r-r-rt", resembling Crested Tit. [Link]
Ring ouzel / Ringdrossel (Turdus torquatus)
Ringdrossel. 2023-05-27 11.28.22 Amden Hinder Hoechi Profile
Song BirdID says Song a primitive, plaintive series of short phrases, often with only 1-2 syllables (I heard 2-3 in Amden, sometimes chirpy, sometimes less musical). ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC721589 - Ring Ouzel - Turdus torquatus - song.mp3 (song)

Song: Habe mit dem Buntspecht verwechselt - Ringdrossel singt 2-3 Noten - hilft das? [Link] Song: Song a primitive, plaintive series of short phrases. Often with only one or two syllables. Interspersed with eerie, higher pitched sounds, reminiscent of Song Thrush. [Link] Calls: Alarm call a series of "chok-chok". Thicker and more resonant than Redwing. [Link]
Simple rhythmic: whoop
Tree pipit / Baumpieper (Anthus trivialis)
Wikipedia baumpieper Anthus trivialis. Von Vogelartinfo - Eigenes Werk, GFDL 1.2, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia baumpieper Anthus_trivialis.jpg Profile
Song Reminds me of a greenfinch - series of trills, whoops and other sounds with a long pause ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC570506 - Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis - song.mp3 (song)

Song: Mehrere unterschiedliche Tonreihen aneinandergefügt. Zuletzt „zia zia zia ziah“. Zuerst auf Baum sitzend, dann im Singflug, Zia-Rufe während Gleitflug (Fallschirmvogel) [Link] Song: Song characteristic. Starts with a series of Chaffinch-like "che-che-che" which gives way to long, descending, "ricocheting" whistling notes (especially at the end of song-flight). [Link] Calls: “psiet“ etwas nach unten gezogen. Auch „zieh“ [Link] Calls: Flight call a short buzzing "tzzzeet". Given at even pitch, and in a fuller tone than Red-Throated Pipit. [Link]
Stereotype melodic
Blue rock-thrush / Blaumerle (Monticola solitarius)
MerlinBirdID schlaegt Blaumerle vor, koennte aber genauso gut in Kaltbrunnerriet ein Amsel sein. 2022-06-04 12.05.18 Kaltbrunner-Riet Profile
Song Pretty short up-and-down song heard in Mallorca ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC659831 - Blue Rock Thrush - Monticola solitarius - song is a variable up and down - recorded in France.mp3 (song)

Red crossbill / Fichtenkreuzschnabel (Loxia curvirostra)
Wikimedia Red Crossbills (Male). Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikimedia Red_Crossbills_(Male).jpg Profile
Song Repeated hi-low pattern...well, doesn't always sound like that. The very short beginning of my Stazersee recording before the static sets in does, as well as a song found online. One recording reminds me of cicada sounds. ♫ XC775798 - Red Crossbill - Loxia curvirostra - song. Source: XENOCANTO XC775798 - Red Crossbill - Loxia curvirostra - song.mp3 (song)

Song: The song consist of improvised, resonant twittering, and series of contact calls with no apparent phrases. It is generally faster, with less marked pauses than in Parrot Crossbill, and the phrasing seems more random. [Link] Calls: Contact call similar to Parroy Crossbill's "tupp", but is on average higher and less powerful, with a "cut-off" ending. In sum: Parrot Crossbill; hard attack, soft ending, Crossbill: softer attack, cut-off ending. Beware regional variations and overlap in pitch of calls with Parrot. [Link]
Eurasian bullfinch / Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Gimpel gesehen das erste Mal, Ammler Höhenweg. 2021-08-02 15.55.56 Profile
Song 3-note long M, pause, HL (somewhat falling)...Gim! Gim-peeel! Sounds a bit like a pirol. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC637392 - Eurasian Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula - song, recorded in France.mp3 (song)

Calls laconic 1 note call w slight dip? Song NABU 1 parakeet like puppy-dog whining, NABU 2 whistles, 2-syllable peek-a-boo, ... ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC214867 - Eurasian Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula - contact call, recorded in Germany.mp3 Germany (contact call)

Song: Song a quiet, modest mix of contact call and various chirping sounds, with peculiar harmonics. [Link] Calls: Contact call a soft, full-bodied, descending, pure whistle; "peeuu". [Link]
Dunnock / Heckenbraunelle (Prunella modularis)
Wikpedia photo because mine is poor. Source: WIKIPEDIA Dunnock oder Heckenbraunelle aus Wikipedia weil nur gehört.jpg Profile
Song General: High-pitched, repetitive but complex little tune.
Song: Melodisch, slowly rising, roughly like black-cap warbler, which I guessed in the quiz. [Link] ♫ XC778759 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis - song recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO XC778759 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis - song recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (song)

Calls Swooping staccato call 0.5 seconds long heard near Lendikon. Repeated irregularly after 1-3.5 seconds. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC594397 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis modularis - call recorded in Poland.mp3 (call)

Song: Singt schon im Vorfrühling. Klangfarbe ähnlich Gartenbaumläufer. Aufbau ähnlich Zaunkönig, aber ohne Triller. Viel leiser und dünner. [Link] Song: Song a fast and evenly paced, high pitched stream of clear notes. No consistent phrasing. Similar in timbre to Robin, but does not vary tempo or pitch nearly as much. Often compared to the sound of a squeaky wheelbarrow. [Link] Calls: Hohe „zi“ „tsi“. Auf dem Zug „zieht“. Etwas absinkend.. [Link] Calls: Contact call a dry, thick trill "trrr", and a short King Fisher-like, high-pitched "zeep". [Link] Similar to: Black cap warbler , European robin (Dunnock song stays around same pitch, isn't cascading)
Wallcreeper / Mauerläufer (Tichodroma muraria)
Wikipedia: Wallcreeper Source: OTHER 1200px-Wallcreeper_%28Tichodroma_muraria%29_female_Piatra_Craiului.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Mountain
Song 5-notes LlmHh with pirol-like slowness and tone. ♫ XC569274 - Wallcreeper - Tichodroma muraria - song, this one sounds likes a pi-rol. Source: XENOCANTO XC569274 - Wallcreeper - Tichodroma muraria - song, this one sounds likes a pi-rol.mp3 (song)

Song: Song variable in length, but main characteristic a sequence of 4-6 long, ascending whistles with timbre recalling whistling kettle. More complex and varied phrases are mixed with the long whistles. Both male and female sings. [Link] Calls: Alarm call a thin trilling "vuiirrrrrrr". Flight call one or several soft whistles, often with (very) short trill as attack or tail. [Link] Similar to: Eurasian golden oriole (Mauerläufer kennt nur eine Melodie?, Pirol diverse kurze.)
Stereotype melodic: trill
Grey wagtail / Gebirgsstelze (Motacilla cinerea)
Gebirgsstelze am Wissbach. 2024-04-27 09.16.16 Schachen, Tobel Wissbach till Degersheim Profile
Song BirdID says Song simple but variable. I hear trills up to 2 seconds long and chirps. Another description says a series of calls, not very melodic. I noted zwitx3, sometimes hhhhhll. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC767550 - Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea - song with trills and a cheek-cheek.mp3 (song)

Song: Song simple but variable. Sometimes with more elaborate song-flight like White Wagtail. [Link] Calls: Contact call short, metallic and with a clipped ending. Often disyllabic, "tzeet-tzeet", with each syllable more separated than in White Wagtail, and timbre more "dirty". Often starts with the contact call, followed by short melodic phrases. [Link]
Rock bunting / Zippammer (Emberiza cia)
Wikipedia: Rock bunting Source: OTHER 1200px-Rock_Bunting_%28Cochem%29.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Mountain
Song AppearanceAndIdentification: orange-brauner bauch, weisse brust+kopf mit 3 schwarzen streifen am kopf (unter/am/ueber Augen), braun+dunkelbraun auf Fluegeln; aber Weibchen eher braun
Song: Notes from 2022: Short song, relatively long pause, repeated with slight variation? Has a very short triller of just 3 notes.
May have heard and seen one walking parallel to the Aa on the way to Pfaeffikersee today, though the visual ID is very uncertain; the Xeno-Canto song here sounds different than my 2022 description - musical like a chaffinch but rising, not falling. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC653755 - Rock Bunting - Emberiza cia - song, recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (song)

Song: Song variable, but usually distinct. [Link] Calls: Recalls stuttering Dunnock. Jerky, uneven thythm and tempo, with fairly large register and recognizible bunting timbre. May include mimicry. Alarm call a thin, short "seeeep", with clipped ending, similar to Cirl Bunting. [Link]
Improvised melodic
Common rock thrush / Steinrötel (Monticola saxatilis)
Steinroetel. 2022-05-21 15.36.14 Profile
Song Nabu: Den weichen, melodischen Gesang trägt das Männchen zumeist im Singflug vor. [Link]
Improvised melodic: rattle
Northern wheatear / Steinschmätzer (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Male northern wheatear, photo by Andreas Trepte - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5 Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikimedia Steinschmaetzer_Northern_wheatear_male.jpg Profile
Song The Wheatear song consists of short phrases with marked pauses. Each phrase is often introduced by the "weet" sound, then followed by hastened, creaking, rattling and warbling sounds of 1-2 seconds duration. The "check" sound is also often included in the song. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC730221 - Northern Wheatear - Oenanthe oenanthe - song recorded in France, just 2-3 notes, then long pause.mp3 (song)

Song: Kurze, wechselvolle Strophe mit vielen unreinen Tönen. Meist von erhöhter Warte aus oder in kurzem Singflug vorgetragen. [Link] Song: The Wheatear song consists of short phrases with marked pauses. The "check" sound is also often included in the song. [Link] Calls: „Tschack“ auch „hiit“ (saugend) [Link] Calls: Contact and alarm call a high pitched, sharp "weet", followed by a hard "check", like hitting two rocks together. The "weet" sound is much sharper than the similar sound in Whinchat and Stonechat. Wheater usually repeats the "weet" sound more frequently than the "check" sound. The "check" of Stonechat is less pure and more gritty. [Link]
Sings 30 seconds or longer
Alpine accentor / Alpenbraunelle (Prunella collaris)
Wikipedia: Alpine accentor Source: OTHER Alpine_accentor_saganta.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Mountain
Song Fast, long, chirpy ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC688398 - Alpine Accentor - Prunella collaris - long song recorded in France.mp3 (song)

Song: Song is a varied stream of melodious and chattering notes, more resembling skylark than the much higher pitched Dunnock. [Link] Calls: Most common call a noisy "tchrt", often repeated in short, retarding series. Also has a more pleasant, ringing Snow Bunting-like "prrrriitt". [Link]
One note
Western bonelli's warbler / Berglaubsänger (Phylloscopus bonelli)
Wikipedia Berglaubsaenger Phylloscopus bonelli. From Sébastien Bertru -, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Berglaubsaenger Phylloscopus_bonelli.jpg Profile
Song Single note repeated 6 or 8 times quickly in half a second ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC720128 - Western Bonelli's Warbler - Phylloscopus bonelli - song, recorded in France.mp3 (song)

Song: Reihe(5-10) von gleichhohen Schlägen, ähnlich dem Schwirren der obigen Art [Waldlaubsänger], aber langsamer, einzelne Töne deutlich getrennt, etwas scheppernd. Kann mit Klappergrasmücke verwechselt werden) [Link]
Water pipit / Bergpieper (Anthus spinoletta)
Bergpieper glaube ich. 2023-05-27 09.38.16 Amden Hinder Hoechi Profile
Song Er singt überwiegend fliegend ein ein- bis zweisilbiges „zip“ oder „tsi tsi“. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC716570 - Water Pipit - Anthus spinoletta - song, recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (song)

Appearance and identification: wie ein grauer Fink. [Link] Song: Monoton, GAR NICHT BERGIG. Tsilp tsilp, gleich note, wiederholt sich über 10+ Sekunden, leicht schneller aber nicht zu viel. [Link] Song: Meist drei nicht scharf abgesetzte lange Tonreihen. Singflug. Mittelteilstück rauer und geräuschhafter als bei obiger Art [Wiesenpieper]. [Link] Song: Song slightly more melodious, often with Tree Pipit like glissandi at end of phrase. [Link] Calls: „fist“, etwas rauer als bei obiger Art [Wiesenpieper]. [Link] Calls: Contact call sharper and more drawn. [Link]
Meadow pipit / Wiesenpieper (Anthus pratensis)
Wikipedia: Meadow pipit Source: OTHER 1200px-Wiesenpieper_Meadow_pipit.jpg Profile
Song Single note, possibly rising at the end. (Or: long 4 second phrases, gradually louder then softer; swoopy or whoopy.) Sings in flight. BirdID: Song very similar to Rock Pipit, but tone less full and more brittle. Lacks Rock Pipit's closing trill, and beginning is less "hammering". - but what does a rock pipit sound like? ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC722919 - Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis - song.mp3 (song)

Song: Ähnlich Baumpieper, aber ohne Zia-Rufe. Vollständiger Gesang nur in flatterndem Singflug. Lange Strophen. Mittelstück meist zart und hoch [Link] Song: Song very similar to Rock Pipit, but tone less full and more brittle. Lacks Rock Pipit's closing trill, and beginning is less "hammering". [Link] Calls: fast tonlos „ist, ist.“ [Link] Calls: Contact call a short "eest". Similar to Rock Pipit but shorter,cleaner and most often in quick series. Warning call a sharp, high pitched "tzeet". Also a rattling "trrrrt". [Link]
Red-billed chough / Alpenkrähe (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
Wikipedia: Red-billed chough Source: OTHER Pyrrhocorax_pyrrhocorax_-standing-8.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Mountain
Song This birds doesn't sing, only calls. Calls Higher-pitched falling graak. ♫ XC417702 - Red-billed Chough - Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax - flight call recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO XC417702 - Red-billed Chough - Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax - flight call recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (flight call)

Calls: Ebird: Gives a variety of calls, including a loud “chaw!”, as well as higher-pitched gull-like mewing calls. [Link]
No information about song motif
Rock ptarmigan / Alpenschneehuhn (Lagopus muta)
Wikipedia: Rock ptarmigan Source: OTHER 1200px-Rock_Ptarmigan_%28Lagopus_Muta%29.jpg Profile No documented observation ■■ Habitats: Mountain
Calls: Call of male a very distinct "rrrrrrr", being a rattling rapid pulse of clicks, like running a stick along a picket fence. [Link]