Goosander / Gänsesäger (Mergus merganser)

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Background - Spergo Maggiore in Italian is Gänsesäger in German, Goosander or common merganser in English. 2024-07-03 17:44:08 Switzerland Galaxy S24 Ultra Shutter speed 1/401
ISO 12
Exposure 1/401

Classification: Genus Mergus (Mergus); Tribe Seaducks (Mergini); Subfamily Dabbling ducks plus extinct (Anatinae); Family Waterfowl (Anatidae)
This bird appears across the great seas in the following continents: Europe, North America.
Zuerst gesehen am Pfäffikersee.
Vocalization: Male: Mostly heard when courting. A twanging, disyllabic "whip-ooooo", first syllable ascending and second whistle-like and rapidly falling. Female: A coarse "ahrrr ahrrrr", or a raspy drawn "ah-ahrrrrrr ah-ahrrrrr", slightly rising, then falling in pitch. Also various cackling sounds. [Link]
Physical details: length=58-66 cm, wingspan=82-97 cm, weight=900-2100 g
Habitats: River and lake

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
Locarno 2021-05-10 09:09:39 ♫ 2021-05-10 09:09:39 Source: BirdNet 20210510_090939 birdnet 1539 - Common Merganser plus Golden Oriole - = - Common Merganser - Locarno.mp3 Locarno (song)

First documented observation: 2021-05-10 in Locarno. Most recent observation: 2024-07-03 in Switzerland.

Web pages with this species:

Summer in Switzerland, 2024