Wanted to see!

I've seen but never heard these birds in Switzerland. The sections labelled Where to observe refer to the excellent book, obviously in German, Vögel Beobachten in der Schweiz von Schweizer et al (e.g. buy hereExcluded are birds that are seldom seen here, such as vagrants and rare migrants. A total of 17 species is included, 17 of them have been observed.

Habitat: Wetland:

Bearded reedling / Bartmeise (Panurus biarmicus)

Wikipedia: Bearded reedling Source: OTHER 1200px-Panurus_biarmicus_-Oare_Marshes%2C_Kent%2C_England_-male-8_%283%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Panurus (Panurus); Family Old world warblers (Sylviidae)
General: The bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus) is a small, sexually dimorphic reed-bed passerine bird. It is frequently known as the bearded tit, due to some similarities to the long-tailed tit, or the bearded parrotbill. It is the only species in the family Panuridae. [more]
Vocalization: More often heard than seen. [Link]
Song: Song a primitive, 3-syllable phrase, consisting of contact call-like sounds. [Link]
Calls: Usually identified by contact call; a ringing, explosive "tschin" with a characteristic "dirty" timbre. Also a hard and very short "pit", often mixed with the previous. [Link]
Physical details: length=12 cm, wingspan=16-18 cm, weight=12-18 g
Habitats: Wetland

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
♫ XC765306 - Bearded Reedling - Panurus biarmicus - two types of calls, one-note and two-note. Source: XENOCANTO XC765306 - Bearded Reedling - Panurus biarmicus - two types of calls, one-note and two-note.mp3 (song)

Call: Chirping

Call attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: 3-7 KHz
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 year-round. 34 Neeracherried S. 208 year-round. 36 Greifensee S. 222 year-round. 37 Oberer Pfäffikersee S. 229 Migrant. 43 Ermatinger Becken S. 267 year-round. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 year-round.

Great bittern / Rohrdommel (Botaurus stellaris)

Alternate classification: Ardea stellaris
Also known as: Eurasian bittern

Rohrdommel - ausgestopft - von Silberweide Naturzentrum. 2021-10-30 13:24:28 Source: OTHER 20211030_132428-DSC_0583 Rohrdommel - ausgestopft - von Silberweide Naturzentrum. Vielen Dank, dass sie es draussen aufgestellt haben, damit ich ein schoeneres Foto habe machen koennen!.JPG Greifensee NIKON D5600 ISO 6400
Exposure 0.001

Classification: Genus Brown bitterns (Botaurus); Family Herons (Ardeidae)
General: The Eurasian bittern or great bittern (Botaurus stellaris) is a wading bird in the bittern subfamily (Botaurinae) of the heron family Ardeidae. There are two subspecies, the northern race (B. s. stellaris) breeding in parts of Europe and across the Palearctic, as well as on the northern coast of Africa, while the southern race (B. s. capensis) is endemic to parts of southern Africa. It is a secretive bird, seldom seen in the open as it prefers to skulk in reed beds and thick vegetation near water bodies. Its presence is apparent in the spring, when the booming call of the male during the breeding season can be heard. It feeds on fish, small mammals, fledgling birds, amphibians, crustaceans and insects. [more]
Song: Song unmistakable and far reaching (up to 5 km). Pitch very deep, with timbre similar to blowing on a big empty bottle. At close range an "inbreath" is also audible (1-3 dampened, higher pitched introductory notes). [Link]
Calls: Flight call a deep croaking "graat". [Link]
Physical details: length=70-80 cm, wingspan=125-135 cm, weight=867-1940 g
Habitats: Wetland

Call: A little buzz/beep that sounds more like an appliance or app.
Call attributes: Call melody: non-musical, slow, Frequency: low (1-3 KHz),
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 Winter guest. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 Migrant, Winter guest. 29 Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178 Winter guest. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 Winter guest. 36 Greifensee S. 222 Winter guest. 37 Oberer Pfäffikersee S. 229 Migrant, Winter guest. 38 Rapperswil-Jona und Frauenwinkel S. 236 Migrant, Winter guest. 40 Kaltbrunner Riet S. 250 Winter guest. 43 Ermatinger Becken S. 267 Winter guest. 48 Bolle di Magadino S. 299 Winter guest. 49 Magadinoebene S. 300 Winter guest. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 Migrant, Winter guest.

Savi's warbler / Rohrschwirl (Locustella luscinioides)

Alternate classification: Locustella luscinoides

Wikipedia - Rohrschwirl Chiemgau. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia - Rohrschwirl_Chiemgau.jpg
Classification: Genus Locustella (Locustella); Family Locustellidae (Locustellidae)
General: Savi's warbler (Locustella luscinioides) is a species of Old World warbler in the grass warbler genus Locustella. It breeds in Europe and the western Palearctic. It is migratory, wintering in northern and sub-Saharan Africa. [more]
Song: Gesang ähnlich obiger Art [Feldschwirl]. Tiefere Tonlage, höhere Frequenz. Strophen meist kürzer [Link]
Song insect-like and high-pitched. A monotonous stream of even clicks similar to the whirring of a sewing machine. Song most similar to Grasshopper Warbler but faster (each click hard to distinguish), and lower pitched with less, ringing quality, due to less prominent high frequencies. At closer range a Robin-like, accelerating ticking is heard, introducing the actual song. [Link]
Physical details: length=14 cm, wingspan=18-21 cm, weight=14-16 g
Habitats: Wetland
Song or calls similar to: Common grasshopper warbler, Nightjar.
Song: Endless buzzing like an insect or machinery. Lower tone than Feldschwirl.
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: 3-5 KHz
♫ XC710242 - Savi's Warbler - Locustella luscinioides - song. Source: XENOCANTO XC710242 - Savi's Warbler - Locustella luscinioides - song.mp3 (song)

Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 Migrant, Breeder. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 Migrant, Breeder. 29 Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178 Migrant, Breeder. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 Breeder. 34 Neeracherried S. 208 Migrant, Breeder. 36 Greifensee S. 222 Migrant, Breeder. 37 Oberer Pfäffikersee S. 229 Breeder. 38 Rapperswil-Jona und Frauenwinkel S. 236 Breeder. 39 Nuoler Ried S. 243 Migrant, Breeder. 40 Kaltbrunner Riet S. 250 Migrant, Breeder. 48 Bolle di Magadino S. 299 Migrant, Breeder. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 Migrant, Breeder.

Pied avocet / Säbelschnäbler (Recurvirostra avosetta)

Wikipedia: Pied avocet Source: OTHER 1200px-Pied_Avocet_Recurvirostra_avosetta.jpg
Classification: Genus Recurvirostra (Recurvirostra); Family Recurvirostridae (Recurvirostridae)
General: The pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) is a large black and white wader in the avocet and stilt family, Recurvirostridae. They breed in temperate Europe and across the Palearctic to Central Asia then on to the Russian Far East. It is a migratory species and most winter in Africa or southern Asia. Some remain to winter in the mildest parts of their range, for example in southern Spain and southern England. The pied avocet is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies. [more]
Vocalization: Not very vocal away from breeding ground. [Link]
Calls: Most common contact call a soft, short "kluitt" reminiscent of Ringed Plover, but harder and less varied. Also sometimes followed by repeated chattering: "kluitt-trt-trt-trt-trt-trt-trt". [Link]
Physical details: length=42-45 cm, wingspan=77-80 cm, weight=260-290 g
Habitats: Wetland

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
♫ 2022-04-08 17:18:58 Source: BirdNet 20220408_171858 birdnet - Säbelschnäbler - Säbelschnäbler - Campos.mp3 Mallorca (song)

Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Little ringed plover / Flussregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius)

Wikipedia: Little ringed plover Source: OTHER Little_ringed_plover_%28Charadrius_dubius%29_Photograph_by_Shantanu_Kuveskar.jpg
Classification: Genus Charadrius (Charadrius); Family Charadriidae (Charadriidae)
General: The little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) is a small plover. The genus name Charadrius is a Late Latin word for a yellowish bird mentioned in the fourth-century Vulgate. It derives from Ancient Greek kharadrios a bird found in river valleys (kharadra, "ravine"). The specific dubius is Latin for doubtful, since Sonnerat, writing in 1776, thought this bird might be just a variant of common ringed plover.[2] [more]
Vocalization: Quite different from Ringed Plover. Sharper sounding, lacking Ringed's soft tone. Often starts with a rolling "r". [Link]
Calls: Common calls are a two syllable "krrll-uuit" with a rising pitch or just a sharp, rolling "krrri-krrri". Also a longer rolling "krree-looo" with pitch rising in first syllable and falling in the second. [Link]
Physical details: length=14-15 cm, wingspan=42-48 cm, weight=32-48 g
Habitats: Wetland

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
♫ 2022-04-10 11:10:23 Source: BirdNet 20220410_111023 birdnet - Flussregenpfeifer - Flussregenpfeifer - Felanitx.mp3 Mallorca (song)

Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 Migrant. 24 Chamoson — Leytron S. 148 Migrant. 25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant, Breeder. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 Migrant. 29 Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178 Migrant, Breeder. 31 Reussdelta S. 191 Migrant, Breeder. 34 Neeracherried S. 208 Migrant. 35 Thurauen und Niderholz S. 215 Migrant, Breeder. 38 Rapperswil-Jona und Frauenwinkel S. 236 Migrant, Breeder. 39 Nuoler Ried S. 243 Migrant. 43 Ermatinger Becken S. 267 Migrant. 45 Steinacher Bucht und Arbon S. 277 Migrant. 53 Bündner Herrschaft Malans S. 320 Migrant, Breeder. 54 Maloja S. 326 Migrant. 56 Auenlandschaft Beyer — Samedan S. 336 Breeder. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 Migrant.

Habitat: Forest:

Western bonelli's warbler / Berglaubsänger (Phylloscopus bonelli)

Wikipedia Berglaubsänger Phylloscopus bonelli. From Sébastien Bertru - https://www.flickr.com/photos/aigledayres/5911604938/, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Berglaubsaenger Phylloscopus_bonelli.jpg Canon EOS 450D Shutter speed 9
ISO 200
Exposure 1/500

Classification: Genus Phylloscopus (Phylloscopus); Family Phylloscopidae (Phylloscopidae)
Roman von Sury likes them, but notes that their habitat is increasingly disappearing in Switzerland.
Song: Reihe(5-10) von gleichhohen Schlägen, ähnlich dem Schwirren der obigen Art [Waldlaubsänger], aber langsamer, einzelne Töne deutlich getrennt, etwas scheppernd. Kann mit Klappergrasmücke verwechselt werden) [Link]
Habitats: Forest

Song: Single note repeated 6 or 8 times quickly in half a second
Song attributes: Melody: one note, fast, Frequency: 3-7 KHz
♫ XC720128 - Western Bonelli's Warbler - Phylloscopus bonelli - song, recorded in France. Source: XENOCANTO XC720128 - Western Bonelli's Warbler - Phylloscopus bonelli - song, recorded in France.mp3 (song)

Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ 2020-06-08 16:34:39 Source: BirdNet 20200608_163439 birdnet 585 - Western Bonelli's warbler.mp3 Sils (song?)

♫ 2020-06-11 15:33:53 Source: BirdNet 20200611_153353 birdnet 618 - Western Bonelli's warbler.mp3 Sils (song?)

Where to observe

24 Chamoson — Leytron S. 148 Migrant, Breeder. 25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant, Breeder. 26 Aletsch S. 160 Migrant, Breeder. 27 Sörenberg: Salwideli S. 166 Migrant. 30 Urserental und Furkapass S. 185 Migrant, Breeder. 31 Reussdelta S. 191 Migrant. 46 Obertoggenburg S. 281 Breeder. 50 Val Piora: Ritomsee S. 305 Migrant, Breeder. 53 Bündner Herrschaft Malans S. 320 Migrant, Breeder. 54 Maloja S. 326 Migrant, Breeder. 55 Stazerwald S. 331 Migrant, Breeder. 56 Auenlandschaft Beyer — Samedan S. 336 Migrant, Breeder. 57 Schweizerischer Nationalpark — Munt la Schera S. 342 Migrant, Breeder. 58 Ramosch S. 348 Migrant, Breeder.

Hawfinch / Kernbeisser (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)

Wikipedia: Hawfinch Source: OTHER 1200px-Coccothraustes_coccothraustes_Parco_Della_Piana_around_Firenze%2C_Italy.jpg
Classification: Genus Coccothraustes (Coccothraustes); Subfamily Carduelinae (Carduelinae); Family Fringillidae (Fringillidae)
General: The hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) is a passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. It is the only species placed in the genus Coccothraustes. Its closest living relatives are the Chinese grosbeak (Eophona migratoria) and Japanese grosbeak (Eophona personata) of East Asia, and the evening grosbeak (Hesperiphona vespertina) and hooded grosbeak (Hesperiphona abeillei) of North America. [more]
Calls: Most typical call a sharp and explosive "tzek", with abrupt, emphasized, cut-off ending. Quite similar to Robin, but harder, with each syllable marginally longer with a slightly wheezing timbre. Repetitions are slower and more singular than Robin. Diagnostic when interspersed with high frequency notes. [Link]
Physical details: length=18 cm, wingspan=29-33 cm, weight=46-70 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
♫ 2024-10-31 13:29:37 Birdweather-Hawfinch. Source: BIRDWEATHER 20241031_132937-Birdweather-Hawfinch.mp3 Greater Fehraltorf (song)

Call: Found no references to song

♫ XC712663 - Hawfinch - Coccothraustes coccothraustes - whit whit tsirp, recorded in Sweden, redubbed by me to a call. Source: XENOCANTO XC712663 - Hawfinch - Coccothraustes coccothraustes - whit whit tsirp, recorded in Sweden, redubbed by me to a call.mp3 (call)

Call attributes: Call melody: one note, fast, Frequency: 4-8 KHz,
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Eurasian golden oriole / Pirol (Oriolus oriolus)

Alternate classification: Oriolus oriolus oriolus

Wikimedia Eurasian golden oriole. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikimedia Eurasian golden oriole.jpg
Classification: Genus Oriolus (Oriolus); Family Corvidae (Corvidae)
Pirol: auffälligen Sexualdimorphismus. Wo/Habitat: lichter Auenwälder, Bruchwälder und gewässernaher Gehölze. Ebenso zählen Laub-, Misch- und Nadelwälder sowie Parks, große Gärten, Friedhöfe, Streuobstwiesen, hohe Obstbäume, Windschutzgürtel und Alleen zu seinen Brutgebieten, wo er sich überwiegend im Kronendach höherer Bäume aufhält. Der Verbreitungsschwerpunkt liegt hier im kontinentaleren Osteuropa. knapp amselgross; Presence april 15 - September 15 https://www.vogelwarte.ch/de/voegel/voegel-der-schweiz/pirol
In Western Europe they prefer open broadleaf forests and plantations, copses, riverine forest, orchards, large gardens.They reside in Switzerland from mid-April to mid-September, breeding in mid-May to mid-July. They predominate near the German and French borders, from Lake Constance to Geneva. I want to try to see one at Neeracherried or Thurauen.
Geography: Wikipedia: only member of the oriole family of passerine birds breeding in Northern Hemisphere temperate regions. It is a summer migrant in Europe and western Asia and spends the winter season in central and southern Africa. [Link]
Song: Varied repertoire, but song and common contact call very distinct. Song a series of 1-2 seconds long phrases of 3-5 yodeling, clear, fluting notes, interspersed with 2-3 second pauses. Tone very full-bodied, melodic and pleasing. [Link]
Calls: Flötenrufen Oft wird der Gesang allerdings vom Star treffend ähnlich nachgeahmt. [Link]
Contact call surprisingly different: A forced, drawn "weeackt", slightly resembling Jay, but less harsh, and much more nasal. Other sounds include a Wryneck-like warning call. [Link]
Physical details: length=24 cm, wingspan=44-47 cm, weight=56-79 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: A soft, lowish whistling. In my opinion, the golden oriole has a beautiful voice, but no imagination as to melody - it's always the same few notes.
Song attributes: Melody: stereotype melodic, slow, Frequency: 0-1 KHz Singing season: 04-22 - 09-21
♫ XC567973 eurasian golden oriole song. Source: XENOCANTO XC567973 eurasian golden oriole song.mp3 (song)

Call: 3 somewhat harsh ascending notes, more melodic than a Eurasian jay call

♫ XC565722 eurasian golden oriole call. Source: XENOCANTO XC565722 eurasian golden oriole call.mp3 (call)

Call attributes: Call melody: simple rhythmic, slow, Frequency: medium (1-5 KHz),
Presence: 04-15 - 09-15
Breeding: 03-15 - 07-15
Migration in: 04-15 - 06-10
Migration out: 07-10 - 09-15
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ 2020-05-25 14:35:03 Source: BirdNet 20200525_143503 birdnet 544 looking for high falling note, - Eurasian golden oriole.mp3 Luppmen (song?)

♫ 2020-06-23 17:40:15 Source: BirdNet 20200623_174015 birdnet 704 i doubt golden Oriole, need another hypothesis - Eurasian golden oriole.mp3 Staldenweiher (song?)

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 Breeder. 24 Chamoson — Leytron S. 148 Migrant, Breeder. 25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant, Breeder. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 Migrant. 29 Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178 Migrant, Breeder. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 Breeder. 35 Thurauen und Niderholz S. 215 Breeder. 40 Kaltbrunner Riet S. 250 Migrant. 41 Klettgau S. 261 Migrant. 47 Bannriet und Spitzmäder S. 287 Breeder. 48 Bolle di Magadino S. 299 Migrant. 49 Magadinoebene S. 300 Migrant, Breeder. 53 Bündner Herrschaft Malans S. 320 Migrant, Breeder. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 Migrant, Breeder.

Tawny owl / Waldkauz (Strix aluco)

Wikipedia: Tawny owl Source: OTHER Strix_aluco_3_%28Martin_Mecnarowski%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Strix (Strix); Family Strigidae (Strigidae)
Zuerst gehört in Carona südlich von Lugano
Vocalization: Other often heard sounds; a sharp, short, disyllabic "kiu-wik". First syllable ascending then descending, and last ascending in pitch. [Link]
Song: Song a resonant descending "hoooooo". After 2-3 sec. [Link]
Calls: typically followed by a slightly ascending, vibrating "hohohohohoho" and quickly another descending "hooooooo". Complete phrase: "hoooooo, hohohohohoho-hoooooo". May omit parts. [Link]
Physical details: length=37-39 cm, wingspan=94-104 cm, weight=340-620 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
♫ 2021-04-05 03:44:43 Waldkauz in Carona. Carona (song)

Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Middle spotted woodpecker / Mittelspecht (Dendrocoptes medius)

Alternate classification: Leiopicus medius, Picoides medius, Dendrocopos medius

Vogelwarte Mittelspecht. Source: VOGELWARTE Vogelwarte Mittelspecht.jpg
Classification: Genus Dendrocopos (Dendrocopos); Family Woodpeckers (Picidae)
Habitat: Der Mittelspecht ist ein Habitatspezialist, der bei uns hauptsächlich ehemalige Mittelwälder mit zahlreichen Alteichen besiedelt. Der Bestand ist gefährdet und langfristig wird er sich nur halten können, wenn grossflächige Wälder mit der Eiche als Hauptbaumart bestehen bleiben. [Link]
Song: Im Gegensatz zu anderen Spechten trommelt der Mittelspecht nur sehr selten. [Link]
Song is a series of short, mewing and nasal "peeaa peeaa peeaa ", where each syllable quickly rises in pitch, but the overall phrase is fairly constant. [Link]
Calls: Contact and alarm call consists of a series of short "kitt" sounds, where the first syllable is clearer and distinctly in a higher pitch than the rest of the phrase. Seldom drums. [Link]
Physical details: length=20-22 cm, wingspan=33-34 cm, weight=50-80 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
♫ 2024-04-07 13:50:00 Mittelspecht bei Seegräben, heavily edited with noise reduction, hipass, etc. (song)

Call: Stattdessen ist in der Brutzeit das klagende Quäken zu hören, womit der Mittelspecht sein Revier markiert. [Link]

♫ XC624229 Mittelspecht call. Source: XENOCANTO XC624229 Mittelspecht call.mp3 (call)

Call attributes: Call melody: simple rhythmic, slow, Frequency: 0-4 KHz,
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 year-round. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 year-round. 35 Thurauen und Niderholz S. 215 year-round.

Turtle dove / Turteltaube (Streptopelia turtur)

Also known as: European turtle-dove, European turtle dove

Wikipedia European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur). Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia European_Turtle_Dove_(Streptopelia_turtur).jpg
Classification: Genus Streptopelia (Streptopelia); Family Pigeons (Columbidae)
General: Die Turteltaube (Streptopelia turtur) ist eine Vogelart aus der Familie der Tauben. Das Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst weite Teile der westlichen und zentralen Paläarktis und reicht vom nördlichen Afrika, der iberischen Halbinsel und Großbritannien nach Osten über den Nahen und Mittleren Osten bis Nordwestchina und in die Mongolei. Im Mittelmeerraum ist die Turteltaube besonders häufig. Nach einer im Jahr 2007 veröffentlichten Studie der EU ist ihr Bestand jedoch in den letzten 25 Jahren um 62 Prozent zurückgegangen.[1] Der Bestandsrückgang wird auf veränderte landwirtschaftliche Anbaumethoden und den Rückgang der Erdraucharten zurückgeführt, die bei der Ernährung der Turteltauben eine große Rolle spielen. Zu den für den Bestandsrückgang verantwortlichen Faktoren gehört aber auch der Abschuss der Tauben insbesondere im Mittelmeerraum während der Zugzeiten. [more]
Song: Song: a deep, rolling, and slightly ascending cooing; "trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr trrr-trrrr" with variations in rhythm. Sometimes birds sticks to a phrase, but phrases varies between individuals. [Link]
Physical details: length=26-28 cm, wingspan=47-53 cm, weight=100-180 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: Trilling coo.
Song attributes: Melody: one note, slow, Frequency: low (1-3 KHz)
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

24 Chamoson — Leytron S. 148 Migrant. 25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant, Breeder. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 Migrant. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 Migrant. 35 Thurauen und Niderholz S. 215 Breeder. 39 Nuoler Ried S. 243 Migrant. 40 Kaltbrunner Riet S. 250 Migrant. 41 Klettgau S. 261 Migrant, Breeder. 48 Bolle di Magadino S. 299 Migrant. 49 Magadinoebene S. 300 Migrant, Breeder. 53 Bündner Herrschaft Malans S. 320 Migrant, Breeder. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 Migrant.

Habitat: Agricultural:

Lesser whitethroat / Klappergrasmücke (Sylvia curruca)

Alternate classification: Curruca curruca
Also known as: Zaungrasmücke

Wikipedia: Lesser whitethroat Source: OTHER Sylvia_curruca_1_%28Martin_Mecnarowski%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Sylvia (Sylvia); Subfamily Sylviinae (Sylviinae); Family Old world warblers (Sylviidae)
Wollte diese in Klettgau suchen 2023, bin darueber gestolpert bei Bad Vilbel, Deutschland.
Seasonal Behavior: Nach ihrer Ankunft im April oder Mai verrät sich diese rastlose und geschickt durch das Geäst hüpfende Grasmücke am ehesten durch ihren Gesang. Das eintönige Klappern ist weithin hörbar und hat ihr den deutschen Artnamen eingebracht. Das Männchen versucht, ein im Revier erscheinendes Weibchen durch Vorausfliegen zu einem Wahlnest zu locken. [Link]
Song: Klappernd. (Müllerchen) An Berglaubsänger erinnernd. Klappertöne (5-8) Aber oft mit leisem schwatzendem Vorgesang, der fehlen kann. Kann auch an Sumpfmeise erinnern, doch sind bei dieser die Klappertöne mehr von oben her angeschlagen. [Link]
Song typically consists of two parts. An indistinct chattering and warbling, subsong-like part similar to Whitethroat, which is usually followed by a dry, fast and rattling trill. The trill carries much further than the chattering part. May be difficult to identify if trill is omitted. [Link]
Calls: „tze“ oder „tett“ [Link]
Warning call a hard "check" similar to Blackcap but slightly softer. [Link]
Physical details: length=12-13 cm, wingspan=16-20 cm, weight=10-14 g
Habitats: Agricultural

Song: Song typically consists of two parts. An indistinct chattering and warbling, subsong-like part similar to [common] Whitethroat, which is usually followed by a dry, fast and rattling trill. The trill carries much further than the chattering part. May be difficult to identify if trill is omitted. [Link]
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, slow, Frequency: 3-5 KHz Special sounds: trill
♫ XC652419 - Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca - song. Source: XENOCANTO XC652419 - Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca - song.mp3 (song)

Call: BirdID says: Warning call a hard "check" similar to Blackcap but slightly softer

Source: OTHER 575779 (call)

Call attributes: Call melody: one note, slow, Frequency: 2-7 KHz, Special sounds: sputter/pebble-clatter.
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 Migrant. 24 Chamoson — Leytron S. 148 Migrant. 25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant, Breeder. 26 Aletsch S. 160 Migrant, Breeder. 27 Sörenberg: Salwideli S. 166 Migrant, Breeder. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 Migrant. 29 Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178 Migrant. 30 Urserental und Furkapass S. 185 Migrant, Breeder. 31 Reussdelta S. 191 Migrant. 32 Rothenthurm S. 196 Migrant, Breeder. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 Migrant. 34 Neeracherried S. 208 Migrant. 36 Greifensee S. 222 Migrant. 37 Oberer Pfäffikersee S. 229 Migrant. 38 Rapperswil-Jona und Frauenwinkel S. 236 Migrant. 39 Nuoler Ried S. 243 Migrant. 40 Kaltbrunner Riet S. 250 Migrant. 41 Klettgau S. 261 Migrant. 46 Obertoggenburg S. 281 Breeder. 47 Bannriet und Spitzmäder S. 287 Migrant. 48 Bolle di Magadino S. 299 Migrant. 49 Magadinoebene S. 300 Migrant. 50 Val Piora: Ritomsee S. 305 Migrant, Breeder. 51 Vals S. 310 Migrant, Breeder. 53 Bündner Herrschaft Malans S. 320 Migrant. 54 Maloja S. 326 Migrant, Breeder. 55 Stazerwald S. 331 Migrant, Breeder. 56 Auenlandschaft Beyer — Samedan S. 336 Migrant, Breeder. 57 Schweizerischer Nationalpark — Munt la Schera S. 342 Migrant, Breeder. 58 Ramosch S. 348 Migrant, Breeder. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 Migrant.

Common whitethroat / Dorngrasmücke (Sylvia communis)

Also known as: Greater whitethroat

Wikipedia: Common whitethroat Source: OTHER 1200px-Common_Whitethroat.jpg
Classification: Genus Sylvia (Sylvia); Subfamily Sylviinae (Sylviinae); Family Old world warblers (Sylviidae)
General: Die Dorngrasmücke (Sylvia communis) ist ein Singvogel aus der Gattung der Grasmücken (Sylvia) und in Europa weit verbreitet. Sie bevorzugt Lebensräume mit dornigen Büschen, in denen sie ihr Nest anlegt. [more]
Vocalization: Variable. Usually recognized by fairly concise phrase, usually with three ascending and descending parts. [Link]
Song: Gesang kurz und rau (Kürzester Name).Oft im Singflug aber auch ab Warte. Wenn im Singflug dann Strophe etwas länger. [Link]
Often ends with more indistinct mimicry, or subsong. May omit characteristic phrase and sing more cryptic for periods of time, and may be more difficult to identify. [Link]
Calls: heiser, etwas nasal „wäd“ warnt m.“tschähr“. [Link]
Warning call a harsh, drawn "weeet", usually with accented ending, sometimes rising abruptly in pitch. [Link]
Physical details: length=14 cm, wingspan=18-23 cm, weight=13-18 g
Habitats: Agricultural

Song: Song: Often ends with more indistinct mimicry, or subsong. May omit characteristic phrase and sing more cryptic for periods of time, and may be more difficult to identify. [Link]
Relativ kurzer gesang, an Anfang fallend, dann entweder weiter oder steigend. 7-14 notes. [Link]
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: 3-7 KHz Special sounds: mimicry
♫ XC344648 - Common Whitethroat - Sylvia communis communis - song, recorded in Germany. Source: XENOCANTO XC344648 - Common Whitethroat - Sylvia communis communis - song, recorded in Germany.mp3 Germany (song)

Call: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording. - but really OWN

♫ 2023-07-16 10:03:00 Dorngrasmücke buzzy calls. Neunkirch, Schaffhausen (call)

Call attributes: song Frequency: ,
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

24 Chamoson — Leytron S. 148 Migrant. 25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant, Breeder. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 Migrant, Breeder. 29 Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178 Migrant, Breeder. 31 Reussdelta S. 191 Migrant. 32 Rothenthurm S. 196 Migrant. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 Migrant. 37 Oberer Pfäffikersee S. 229 Migrant. 38 Rapperswil-Jona und Frauenwinkel S. 236 Migrant. 39 Nuoler Ried S. 243 Migrant. 40 Kaltbrunner Riet S. 250 Migrant. 41 Klettgau S. 261 Migrant, Breeder. 47 Bannriet und Spitzmäder S. 287 Migrant. 48 Bolle di Magadino S. 299 Migrant. 49 Magadinoebene S. 300 Migrant. 58 Ramosch S. 348 Migrant. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 Migrant.

Rook / Saatkrähe (Corvus frugilegus)

Wikipedia Saatkrähe photo - English Rook, scientific Corvus frugilegus. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Saatkraehe photo - English Rook, scientific Corvus_frugilegus.jpg
Classification: Genus Crows (Corvus); Family Corvidae (Corvidae)
General: The rook (Corvus frugilegus) is a member of the family Corvidae in the passerine order of birds. It is found in the Palearctic, its range extending from Scandinavia and western Europe to eastern Siberia. It is a large, gregarious, black-feathered bird, distinguished from similar species by the whitish featherless area on the face. Rooks nest collectively in the tops of tall trees, often close to farms or villages; the groups of nests are known as rookeries. [more]
Vocalization: Makes similar caws as Carrion Crow, but is harsher, softer, flatter with less rolling r's. [Link]
Song: Also gives a varied song of soft gurgling and rattling sounds, interwoven with calls at breeding ground. [Link]
Physical details: length=44-46 cm, wingspan=81-99 cm, weight=280-340 g
Habitats: Agricultural

Song: Gurgling and rattling, but mostly calls
Song attributes: Melody: non-musical, fast, Frequency: 0-3 KHz Special sounds: weird
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 year-round. 25 Leuk S. 153 year-round. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 year-round. 29 Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178 year-round. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 year-round. 36 Greifensee S. 222 year-round. 41 Klettgau S. 261 year-round. 43 Ermatinger Becken S. 267 year-round. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 year-round.

Melodious warbler / Orpheusspötter (Hippolais polyglotta)

Wikipedia: Melodious warbler Source: OTHER 1200px-Hippolais_polyglotta.jpg
Classification: Genus Hippolais (Hippolais); Subfamily Acrocephalinae (Acrocephalinae); Family Old world warblers (Sylviidae)
Looking for it in Kaltbrunnenriet - didn't find it in June 2022.
Etymology: polyglotta is from Ancient Greek polus, "many", and glossa, "tongue" and means "harmonious". [Link]
Yellow belly, brown back, very similar to Icterine warbler.
Appearance and identification: Ebird: Compared to Icterine Warbler, wings are shorter and lack the pale panel. [Link]
Habitats: Agricultural

Song: Repeats bits 6-9 times, makes pauses, but also sings like mad with a distorted chirpy voice. Sometimes sings a descending trill that could be a giveaway. Can sing low (2k) or fairly high (8k)
Song attributes: Melody: improvised melodic, very fast, Frequency: 2-8 KHz Special sounds: trill
♫ XC572815 - Melodious Warbler - Hippolais polyglotta - song recorded in the Netherlands. Source: XENOCANTO XC572815 - Melodious Warbler - Hippolais polyglotta - song recorded in the Netherlands .mp3 (song)

Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto NABU

Where to observe

24 Chamoson — Leytron S. 148 Migrant, Breeder. 25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant, Breeder.

Eurasian scops owl / Zwergohreule (Otus scops)

Wikipedia: Eurasian scops owl Source: OTHER 1200px-Scops_Owl_%28Otus_scops%29%2C_Kalloni%2C_Lesvos%2C_Greece%2C_19.04.2015_%2816773748434%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Otus (Otus); Family Strigidae (Strigidae)
General: The Eurasian scops owl (Otus scops), also known as the European scops owl or just scops owl, is a small owl in the typical owl family Strigidae. Its breeding range extends from southern Europe eastwards to southern Siberia and the western Himalayas. It is migratory, wintering in Africa south of the Sahara. [more]
Song: Song: a slightly descending, short "klooit". The tone is resonant, clear and pure, unlike Little Owl. [Link]
Calls: Calls uttered endlessly in a frequency of about 20 a minute. Resembles Midwife Toad (Alytes), but is clearly modulated in pitch, as opposed to the toads straight tone. [Link]
Physical details: length=19-20 cm, wingspan=53-63 cm, weight=60-120 g
Habitats: Agricultural

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
♫ 2024-05-28 03:57:00 Hat eine Zwergohreule gehört vor 4 Uhr morgens, eine einzelne Note weit im Hintergrund, wie auch ein Amsel, einen Misteldrossel und eine Mittelmeermöwe. Levanto (song)

Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant, Breeder. 49 Magadinoebene S. 300 Migrant, Breeder.

Habitat: Mountain:

Meadow pipit / Wiesenpieper (Anthus pratensis)

Wikipedia: Meadow pipit Source: OTHER 1200px-Wiesenpieper_Meadow_pipit.jpg
Classification: Genus Anthus (Anthus); Family Motacillidae (Motacillidae)
Looks like Misteldrossel
Seasonal Behavior: Meadow Pipits can often be observed in large numbers when they gather on fields during migration. They like to stay in meadows with high grass or on arable land and only fly up when disturbed or when a bird of prey appears, which is why they are often overlooked. [Link]
Song: Ähnlich Baumpieper, aber ohne Zia-Rufe. Vollständiger Gesang nur in flatterndem Singflug. Lange Strophen. Mittelstück meist zart und hoch [Link]
Song very similar to Rock Pipit, but tone less full and more brittle. Lacks Rock Pipit's closing trill, and beginning is less "hammering". [Link]
Calls: fast tonlos „ist, ist.“ [Link]
Contact call a short "eest". Similar to Rock Pipit but shorter,cleaner and most often in quick series. Warning call a sharp, high pitched "tzeet". Also a rattling "trrrrt". [Link]
Physical details: length=14 cm, wingspan=22-25 cm, weight=15-22 g
Habitats: Mountain
Looks similar to: Mistle thrush.
Song: Single note, possibly rising at the end. (Or: long 4 second phrases, gradually louder then softer; swoopy or whoopy.) Sings in flight. BirdID: Song very similar to Rock Pipit, but tone less full and more brittle. Lacks Rock Pipit's closing trill, and beginning is less "hammering". - but what does a rock pipit sound like?
Song attributes: Melody: one note, fast, Frequency: medium (1-5 KHz)
♫ XC722919 - Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis - song. Source: XENOCANTO XC722919 - Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis - song.mp3 (song)

Call: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.

♫ XC930459 - Meadow Pipit flight call - Anthus pratensis. Source: XENOCANTO XC930459 - Meadow Pipit flight call - Anthus pratensis.mp3 (flight call)

Call attributes: flight call Frequency: ,
Details Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Where to observe

20 Klingnauer Stausee S. 126 Migrant. 24 Chamoson — Leytron S. 148 Migrant. 25 Leuk S. 153 Migrant. 27 Sörenberg: Salwideli S. 166 Migrant, Breeder. 28 Wauwiler Ebene S. 171 Migrant. 29 Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178 Migrant. 31 Reussdelta S. 191 Migrant. 32 Rothenthurm S. 196 Migrant, Breeder. 33 Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202 Migrant, Winter guest. 34 Neeracherried S. 208 Migrant, Winter guest. 36 Greifensee S. 222 Migrant. 37 Oberer Pfäffikersee S. 229 Migrant. 38 Rapperswil-Jona und Frauenwinkel S. 236 Migrant. 39 Nuoler Ried S. 243 Migrant, Winter guest. 40 Kaltbrunner Riet S. 250 Migrant. 41 Klettgau S. 261 Migrant. 45 Steinacher Bucht und Arbon S. 277 Migrant. 46 Obertoggenburg S. 281 Migrant. 47 Bannriet und Spitzmäder S. 287 Migrant. 48 Bolle di Magadino S. 299 Migrant. 49 Magadinoebene S. 300 Migrant, Winter guest. 56 Auenlandschaft Beyer — Samedan S. 336 Migrant. 9 Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72 Migrant.

Where to observe

Klingnauer Stausee S. 126: Bearded reedling, Eurasian golden oriole (B), Great bittern (W), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (D), Meadow pipit (D), Middle spotted woodpecker, Rook, Savi's warbler (DB)
Neeracherried S. 208: Bearded reedling, Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (D), Meadow pipit (DW), Savi's warbler (DB)
Greifensee S. 222: Bearded reedling, Great bittern (W), Lesser whitethroat (D), Meadow pipit (D), Rook, Savi's warbler (DB)
Oberer Pfäffikersee S. 229: Bearded reedling (D), Common whitethroat (D), Great bittern (DW), Lesser whitethroat (D), Meadow pipit (D), Savi's warbler (B)
Ermatinger Becken S. 267: Bearded reedling, Great bittern (W), Little ringed plover (D), Rook
Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin und La Sauge S. 72: Bearded reedling, Common whitethroat (D), Eurasian golden oriole (DB), Great bittern (DW), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (D), Meadow pipit (D), Rook, Savi's warbler (DB), Turtle dove (D)
Wauwiler Ebene S. 171: Common whitethroat (DB), Eurasian golden oriole (D), Great bittern (DW), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (D), Meadow pipit (D), Rook, Savi's warbler (DB), Turtle dove (D)
Flachsee und Stille Reuss S. 178: Common whitethroat (DB), Eurasian golden oriole (DB), Great bittern (W), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (DB), Meadow pipit (D), Rook, Savi's warbler (DB)
Zürich Chatzenseen S. 202: Common whitethroat (D), Eurasian golden oriole (B), Great bittern (W), Lesser whitethroat (D), Meadow pipit (DW), Middle spotted woodpecker, Rook, Savi's warbler (B), Turtle dove (D)
Rapperswil-Jona und Frauenwinkel S. 236: Common whitethroat (D), Great bittern (DW), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (DB), Meadow pipit (D), Savi's warbler (B)
Kaltbrunner Riet S. 250: Common whitethroat (D), Eurasian golden oriole (D), Great bittern (W), Lesser whitethroat (D), Meadow pipit (D), Savi's warbler (DB), Turtle dove (D)
Bolle di Magadino S. 299: Common whitethroat (D), Eurasian golden oriole (D), Great bittern (W), Lesser whitethroat (D), Meadow pipit (D), Savi's warbler (DB), Turtle dove (D)
Magadinoebene S. 300: Common whitethroat (D), Eurasian golden oriole (DB), Eurasian scops owl (DB), Great bittern (W), Lesser whitethroat (D), Meadow pipit (DW), Turtle dove (DB)
Nuoler Ried S. 243: Common whitethroat (D), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (D), Meadow pipit (DW), Savi's warbler (DB), Turtle dove (D)
Chamoson — Leytron S. 148: Common whitethroat (D), Eurasian golden oriole (DB), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (D), Meadow pipit (D), Melodious warbler (DB), Turtle dove (D), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Leuk S. 153: Common whitethroat (DB), Eurasian golden oriole (DB), Eurasian scops owl (DB), Lesser whitethroat (DB), Little ringed plover (DB), Meadow pipit (D), Melodious warbler (DB), Rook, Turtle dove (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Reussdelta S. 191: Common whitethroat (D), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (DB), Meadow pipit (D), Western bonelli's warbler (D)
Thurauen und Niderholz S. 215: Eurasian golden oriole (B), Little ringed plover (DB), Middle spotted woodpecker, Turtle dove (B)
Steinacher Bucht und Arbon S. 277: Little ringed plover (D), Meadow pipit (D)
Bündner Herrschaft Malans S. 320: Eurasian golden oriole (DB), Lesser whitethroat (D), Little ringed plover (DB), Turtle dove (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Maloja S. 326: Lesser whitethroat (DB), Little ringed plover (D), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Auenlandschaft Beyer — Samedan S. 336: Lesser whitethroat (DB), Little ringed plover (B), Meadow pipit (D), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Aletsch S. 160: Lesser whitethroat (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Sörenberg: Salwideli S. 166: Lesser whitethroat (DB), Meadow pipit (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (D)
Urserental und Furkapass S. 185: Lesser whitethroat (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Obertoggenburg S. 281: Lesser whitethroat (B), Meadow pipit (D), Western bonelli's warbler (B)
Val Piora: Ritomsee S. 305: Lesser whitethroat (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Stazerwald S. 331: Lesser whitethroat (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Schweizerischer Nationalpark — Munt la Schera S. 342: Lesser whitethroat (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Ramosch S. 348: Common whitethroat (D), Lesser whitethroat (DB), Western bonelli's warbler (DB)
Klettgau S. 261: Common whitethroat (DB), Eurasian golden oriole (D), Lesser whitethroat (D), Meadow pipit (D), Rook, Turtle dove (DB)
Bannriet und Spitzmäder S. 287: Common whitethroat (D), Eurasian golden oriole (B), Lesser whitethroat (D), Meadow pipit (D)
Rothenthurm S. 196: Common whitethroat (D), Lesser whitethroat (DB), Meadow pipit (DB)
Vals S. 310: Lesser whitethroat (DB)


Images are mostly from Wikipedia, see details via profile.
Bearded reedling / Bartmeise (Panurus biarmicus) Profile
Great bittern / Rohrdommel (Botaurus stellaris) Profile
Savi's warbler / Rohrschwirl (Locustella luscinioides) Profile
Pied avocet / Säbelschnäbler (Recurvirostra avosetta) Profile
Little ringed plover / Flussregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius) Profile
Western bonelli's warbler / Berglaubsänger (Phylloscopus bonelli) Profile
Hawfinch / Kernbeisser (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) Profile
Eurasian golden oriole / Pirol (Oriolus oriolus) Profile
Tawny owl / Waldkauz (Strix aluco) Profile
Middle spotted woodpecker / Mittelspecht (Dendrocoptes medius) Profile
Turtle dove / Turteltaube (Streptopelia turtur) Profile
Lesser whitethroat / Klappergrasmücke (Sylvia curruca) Profile
Common whitethroat / Dorngrasmücke (Sylvia communis) Profile
Rook / Saatkrähe (Corvus frugilegus) Profile
Melodious warbler / Orpheusspötter (Hippolais polyglotta) Profile
Eurasian scops owl / Zwergohreule (Otus scops) Profile
Meadow pipit / Wiesenpieper (Anthus pratensis) Profile