All bird songs
All songs sorted by known birds.
Tawny pipit (Anthus campestris)
Alternate classification: Alauda campestris
Song simple. Consists of three notes merged in a short, continuous and ringing "tsee-ro-ee", given every 1-2 seconds.Wikipedia: Tawny pipit Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC726515 - Tawny Pipit - Anthus campestris - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina)
Chipping sparrow. 2022-05-05 18.58.00 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 11.11.03 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 10.03.12 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 10.03.12 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 11.14.01 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 05.14.38 Cockeysville (song?)
Marsh tit (Poecile palustris)
Alternate classification: Parus palustris
Higher-pitched than great tit, sometimes repetitive 1- and 2-note tunes like them, sometimes simple melodies, usually pure, sometimes chirpy or raspy.Photographed on the Luppmen in September 2019 I didn't recognize it then but I'm pretty sure now. 2019-09-22 18.45.30 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Willow tit, Marsh tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-04 14.05.46 (song?)
♫ Sumpfmeisen in baeumen. 2021-01-07 12.16.17 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-12-05 09.45.33 Texaid container (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-08 14.54.26 Uster (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-24 15.40.46 Luppmen (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-21 08.38.51 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-08 15.31.24 Fehraltorf (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-21 14.37.11 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-20 14.54.53 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-20 14.54.03 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ BirdNet meint Sumpfmeisen. Source: BirdNet 2020-09-02 15.12.11 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Sumpfmeisen und wer singt 7 Noten hhmmlll. 2020-05-29 07.37.46 Luppmen (song?)
♫ BirdNet hatte Sumpfmeise gesagt. Source: BirdNet 2020-05-04 06.51.23 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC594764 marsh tit call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ Xenocanto Sumpfmeise XC541415-DM673204 Sum call-1Apr cut1b2 rau1 HP800. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC541415-Sumpfmeise. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ SUMPFMEISE GESANG - Parus palustris - Kees Vanger YouTube. (song?)
Alpine swift (Tachymarptis melba)
Alternate classification: Apus melba
1200px-%CE%92%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%87%CF%84%CE%AC%CF%81%CE%B1 Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba.Wikipedia: Alpine swift Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-20 12.18.16 Luppmen (song?)
Black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
Alternate classification: Larus ridibundus
Black-headed gull - without a black head in winter plumage, or as a young bird.On a canal feeding into the Pfäffikersee Paradoxically, they don't have to have a black head. 2020-10-30 16.51.58 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-27 16.51.23 Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-27 16.51.23 Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 15.27.51 Pfäffikersee (song?)
American robin (Turdus migratorius)
Also known as: Robin
American Robin intensely building a nest. 2022-04-26 16.58.36 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 13.36.17 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 19.28.48 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-11 20.42.53 Cockeysville (song?)
Water pipit (Anthus spinoletta)
Alternate classification: Pipastes spinoletta
Er singt überwiegend fliegend ein ein- bis zweisilbiges „zip“ oder „tsi tsi“. [Link]Bergpieper, bin ich der Meinung. 2021-06-27 05.38.28 Wildhaus Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 10.19.11 Grabs (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-19 14.08.13 Bergstation Urnerboden (song?)
♫ XC716570 - Water Pipit - Anthus spinoletta - song, recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO Spain (song)
Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)
Alternate classification: Saxicola torquata rubicola
Also known as: European stonechat, Europäisches Schwarzkehlchen
Series of short, often squawky little bits, sometimes like a house sparrow, often repeated with only small variation. E.g. MmLMH? Balancing act of a stonechat bei Colonia de Sant Pere, Mallorca. 2022-04-15 15.19.42 Mallorca Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 13.33.07 (song?)
European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
Also known as: Distelfink
General: Hectic sing-song, quite chaotic in feeding groups. But kept as songbird, so I guess more melodic when singing solo. A bit like a black cap warbler (Mönchsgrasmücke).Nach Disteln mögen sie Sonnenblumenkerne 2020-10-13 09.21.10 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ ZOOM0101 LR Distelfink bei Wauwilermoos. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-22 15.57.54 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 14.23.39 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-19 11.38.55 Uznach (song?)
♫ Stieglitz im Park bei Laudinella, St Moritz. 2021-07-29 09.10.05 (song?)
♫ Apparently a stieglitz beim Mini-Golf und Hotel Laudinella in St Moritz den ich mit einem grfink verwechselt habe. 2021-07-28 12.13.33 (song?)
♫ Stieglitz bei Schwendisee nahe Wildhaus. 2021-06-26 13.50.20 Wildhaus (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-20 14.44.24 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-13 11.54.34 Muralto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.03.36 Gambarogno (song?)
Singers: Black cap warbler, European goldfinch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 12.10.39 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-30 14.06.43 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-27 09.21.57 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-08 16.24.57 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-25 13.25.39 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, European goldfinch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-23 10.07.10 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Distelfink in der Birke. 2020-07-26 14.20.35 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Distelfink hinter Kinderkrippe einhorn. 2020-07-20 12.35.49 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-20 12.33.43 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Vielleicht distelfink Volketswil coop Bau und Hobby. 2020-07-06 10.47.48 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Stieglitz am Luppmen. 2020-07-05 18.25.12 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Stieglitz meint BirdNet. Source: BirdNet 2020-07-05 18.20.00 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-01 10.44.04 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-16 15.46.47 Locarno (song?)
Singers: European goldfinch, Common redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-13 18.24.16 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 08.20.42 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Stieglitz bahnhof wetzikon. 2020-05-19 09.24.22 Bahnhof Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-19 09.20.08 Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Distelfink plus heli. 2020-04-27 11.49.59 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 11.45.23 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC468566 European Goldfinch call in UK. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC526383 European Goldfinch flight call. Source: XENOCANTO (flight call)
♫ 20220617-084200-ZOOM0093 LR Stieglitz am Luppmen. Source: Zoom H6 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC638230 - European Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Common firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla)
Alternate classification: Regulus regulus ignicapillus
Also known as: Firecrest
Very high rhythmic repetition of about 3 secondsWikipedia Sommergoldhaehnchen (Regulus ignicapilla) weiblich. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-26 11.03.49 Wildhaus (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 12.12.54 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 11.53.19 Uster (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-14 09.32.29 Levanto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 15.50.16 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.15.07 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.14.44 Sils (song?)
Singers: Coal tit, Common firecrest
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.31.51 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Coal tit, Common firecrest
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.31.51 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.31.51 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.29.31 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.29.31 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.29.09 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.28.08 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Xenocanto Common firecrest XC546986-Roitelet triple bandeau cht 31.5.19. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio)
Reminds me a bit of a Rohrsaenger with its short, varied bits. BirdID says Song surprisingly varied with many expert imitations of small passerines, interwoven with bell-like ringing and dry chirping sounds. May be confusing and hard to identify if bird not seen. Song not very loud, but phrases can be very long. 'May be confusing' - tell me about it! What's not confusing about trying to tell apart 422 species of Swiss birds!Patrick Brontë's annotated copy of Thomas Bewick’s 'A History of British Birds' Part of a collection sold at Sotheby's in June 2021 and expected to bring 1-2 million dollars. The page shown in the newspaper features the red-backed shrike, a bird whose habitat loss in less intensive agricultural land has led to shrinking populations. Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-25 08.47.59 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 13.16.17 Uznach (song?)
♫ XC386987 - Red-backed Shrike - Lanius collurio - song with mimicry. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC386987 - Red-backed Shrike - Lanius collurio - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Common stonechat (Saxicola torquatus)
Alternate classification: Saxicola torquata
Also known as: African stonechat, European stonechat
1200px-Saxicola stejnegeri%2C Hanoi%2C Vietnam 4G4A3231.Wikipedia: Common stonechat Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ XC710467 - European Stonechat - Saxicola rubicola rubicola. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC633658 - European Stonechat - Saxicola rubicola - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Eurasian teal (Anas crecca)
Alternate classification: Nettion crecca, Anas crecca crecca
Also known as: Common teal, Eurasian green-winged teal, Green-winged teal
Krickente pfaeffikersee.Krickente am Aa-Bach beim Südende des Pfäffikersee 2021-01-26 15.41.54 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC619133-Krickente von Peter Bosman, Belgium. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius)
Little ringed plover %28Charadrius dubius%29 Photograph by Shantanu Kuveskar.Wikipedia: Little ringed plover Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-12 13.52.04 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 11.10.23 (song?)
White-eyed vireo (Vireo griseus)
White-eyed vireo. 2022-05-01 09.22.26 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-01 09.28.06 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-01 09.18.13 Cockeysville (song?)
Common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus)
Also known as: Common woodpigeon, Common wood-pigeon
Taube. 2020-04-11 08.25.00 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: European robin, Common wood pigeon
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-23 18.19.45 Staldenweiher (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 08.32.57 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-10 15.15.10 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.13.11 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.32.58 Luppmen (song?)
Coal tit (Periparus ater)
Alternate classification: Parus ater
Higher-pitched than great tit,
with more slurs instead of pure notes.
Usually 2 or 3 notes in varied order.
To me it seems they have a repertoire of songs, like their 'big brothers', the great tits.Coal tit in Wikipedia. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-25 13.59.48 Sils (song?)
Singers: Mistle thrush, Coal tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 08.54.48 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-08 12.29.30 Gambarogno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 13.38.04 Carona (song?)
Singers: Willow tit, Coal tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 13.35.30 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 11.27.53 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 10.54.38 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Coal tit, Goldcrest
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-20 12.46.15 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-20 12.46.10 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Tannenmeise lmhlmhlmh plus kettensäge. 2020-12-14 11.41.25 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Coal tit, Great spotted woodpecker
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-08 16.02.44 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-08 16.02.06 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.45.25 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.34.45 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 17.06.52 Uster (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 17.01.52 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-31 11.50.26 Pragelpass (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-13 13.21.29 Hirzli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-13 13.19.40 Hirzli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-13 13.18.19 Hirzli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-13 13.16.52 Hirzli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-13 13.15.05 Hirzli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-13 13.14.21 Hirzli (song?)
Singers: Common redstart, Coal tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-14 17.56.23 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.14.06 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.14.00 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-09 12.31.06 Sils (song?)
Singers: Coal tit, Common firecrest
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.31.51 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Coal tit, Common firecrest
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.31.51 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-19 16.16.05 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-19 16.16.05 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-19 16.15.59 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 17.17.38 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 17.17.20 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ XC539352 coal tit 1m04. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Fernando po olive-back (Nesocharis shelleyi)
Also known as: Shelley's oliveback
Singers: Great spotted woodpecker, Fernando po olive-back
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.50.54 Fehraltorf (call)
Common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)
Also known as: Eurasian moorhen, Teichralle
Teichhuhn bei Rapperswil.Teichhuhn bei Rapperswil 2021-02-12 12.54.22 Rapperswil Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Long-tailed tit, Common moorhen
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 11.59.03 (song?)
Eurasian coot (Fulica atra)
Also known as: Taucherli, Blässhühner
Taucherli.Baby coots near Fehraltorf 2020-04-14 18.00.54 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Taucherli Pfaeffikersee. 2021-02-05 10.34.24 Pfäffikersee (song?)
Cirl bunting (Emberiza cirlus)
Zaumammer in den Reben bei Maienfeld. 2021-05-29 08.48.26 Maienfeld Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 14.46.03 (song?)
Singers: Cirl bunting, European serin, Rock bunting
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 14.37.37 (song?)
Pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)
Saebelschnaebler bei Ses Salines. 2022-04-08 17.01.38 Mallorca Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-08 17.18.58 (song?)
Common raven (Corvus corax)
Also known as: Northern raven
Graak!Kolkrabe am Aabach, Wetzikon. 2021-03-10 09.49.56 Wetzikon Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-13 12.35.38 Levanto (song?)
Eurasian green woodpecker (Picus viridis)
Also known as: European green woodpecker
Green woodpecker, Ecoteaux. In Loic and Laure's garden 2021-05-17 17.13.28 Ecoteaux Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-08 14.35.47 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ XC627157 Gruenspecht laughing call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Common starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Also known as: European starling
I find their individual song amusing, with its (long) whoops and weird noises.
As a group, they're just noisy!Im richtigen Licht schimmern die Federn. 2020-04-11 07.54.52 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Star bei Bahnhofstrasse 2, Fehraltorf. 2022-03-31 14.02.11 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-23 17.26.09 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-10 09.08.37 Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-10 09.07.29 Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-14 17.56.55 Locarno (song?)
♫ Star, etwas langweilig. 2020-05-04 06.53.30 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 08.41.33 Friedliweid (song?)
♫ Star Richtung russikon. 2020-04-19 15.35.25 Russikon (song?)
♫ Star bei den kuehen. 2020-04-13 07.52.47 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Star bei den kuehen. 2020-04-13 07.51.54 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Star mesikon. 2020-04-12 12.04.11 Mesikon (song?)
♫ 2020-04-11 07.57.33 Luppmen (song?)
Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)
Alternate classification: Oriolus oriolus oriolus
A soft, lowish whistling. In my opinion, the golden oriole has a beautiful voice, but no imagination as to melody - it's always the same few notes.Wikimedia Eurasian golden oriole. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-19 12.26.59 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-20 10.51.57 (song?)
♫ Pirol. 2021-05-10 09.09.45 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 09.09.04 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-23 17.40.15 Staldenweiher (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-25 14.35.03 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC565722 eurasian golden oriole call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC567973 eurasian golden oriole song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ 20100614 Eurasian Golden Oriole male song, female call plus 4 other birds, Moehlin, Switzerland. Switzerland (song)
Savi's warbler (Locustella luscinioides)
Alternate classification: Locustella luscinoides
Endless buzzing like an insect or machinery. Lower tone than Feldschwirl/Wikipedia - Rohrschwirl Chiemgau. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
Singers: Savi's warbler, European turtle-dove
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 13.53.03 Uznach (song?)
♫ XC710242 - Savi's Warbler - Locustella luscinioides - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Common linnet (Linaria cannabina)
Alternate classification: Carduelis cannabina
Also known as: Eurasian linnet
General: Aehnlich wie ein Rohrsaenger aber nur kurze Segmente mit klaren Pausen.Song: Nabu: Sein Gesang umfasst trillernde, kurze und musikalische pfeifende Laute, unter anderem „piUU“, „trrüh“ und „tu-ki-jüüh“. [Link]
Paar bei Colonia de Sant Pere, Mallorca - MerlinBirdID suggests eurasian linnet or less likely cirl bunting. 2022-04-15 15.36.36 Mallorca Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC705526 - Common Linnet - Linaria cannabina cannabina - song, recorded in England. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
House finch (Haemorhous mexicanus)
Alternate classification: Fringilla mexicana
Also known as: California linnet
House Finch on Cherrywood Court. 2022-04-28 11.03.30 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-02 16.21.57 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: House finch, Northern cardinal
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 15.56.54 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: House finch, Northern cardinal
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 15.56.54 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-11 14.52.57 Cockeysville (song?)
Melodious warbler (Hippolais polyglotta)
Repeats bits 6-9 times, makes pauses, but also sings like mad with a distorted chirpy voice. Sometimes sings a descending trill that could be a giveaway. Can sing low (2k) or fairly high (8k)Wikipedia: Melodious warbler Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 13.42.05 Uznach (song?)
European nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
Also known as: Eurasian nuthatch
Song: Song a simple series of loud notes [Link]Kleiber schwaendi. 2020-04-04 15.28.00 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-03-13 14.38.40 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 15.43.23 Weisslingen (song?)
Singers: Short-toed treecreeper, European nuthatch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-03 08.21.45 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: European robin, European nuthatch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-03 08.18.30 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Sputtery tik or ticking calls from a group of europan robins, never seen, plus eurasian nuthatch, blackcap warbler, probably magpie. 2021-07-03 08.05.14 (call)
Singers: European nuthatch, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 06.46.25 Wildhaus (song)
Singers: Song thrush, European nuthatch
♫ Song thrush waldgasse plus maybe kleiber. 2021-04-21 09.23.14 (song)
♫ Kleiber etc. 2021-04-09 11.44.20 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-08 11.49.06 Gambarogno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-03 15.22.35 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-03 15.13.08 Lugano (song?)
♫ Kleiber in Carona, immer x4. 2021-04-02 08.41.09 Carona (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, European nuthatch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 15.58.42 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: European nuthatch, European robin
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-19 15.49.30 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-12 12.06.42 Mesikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-12 12.06.42 Mesikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-12 12.06.22 Mesikon (song?)
♫ XC632108 Kleiber whoop Ruf von Albert Noorlander in den Nederlanden. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC535510 Kleiber douit Ruf von Stanislas Wroza in Frankreich. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC575424 Kleiber douit Ruf von Stanislas Wroza in Estland. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC522601 - Eurasian Nuthatch - Sitta europaea. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC129686 - Eurasian Nuthatch - Sitta europaea caesia. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC423335 - Eurasian Nuthatch - Sitta europaea caesia. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)
Alternate classification: Corvus glandarius
Harsh crow-like call, or quiet questioning, 'grumbling', or plaintive cries.Eichelhaeher for profile. 2020-04-17 08.48.34 Wald Fehraltorf Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-04 08.11.14 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.22.09 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-16 13.50.28 Tremona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-16 12.00.59 Tremona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-14 10.26.01 Levanto (song?)
Singers: Eurasian hobby, Eurasian jay
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 13.14.03 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Im wald wild mix including eurasian jay. 2020-05-07 10.35.45 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Soft introspective song in bg near Eichelhäher. 2020-04-23 10.53.43 Luppmen (song)
Singers: Eurasian jay, Common chiffchaff
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-17 08.09.58 Wald Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ XC519564 Eurasian Jay strange song maybe like grumbling I heard. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC536051 Eurasian Jay harsh call 20s. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Great tit (Parus major)
Said to have a repertoire as a species of 50 or more different songs, albeit simple ones, up to 10 per individual. Females prefer a male with a large repertoire. One two-note song sounds like a squeaky bed.Kohlmeise auf ast. 2020-04-13 10.29.27 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 15.05.12 (song?)
♫ Kohlmeise neben Futterstelle am Luppmen. 2022-03-23 09.16.56 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Duelling great tits plus flowing Limmat and a rope hitting a flagpole. 2022-02-20 11.44.15 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0028 LR Kohlmeise singt 2-Noten Lied Bahnhofstrasse, Fehraltorf. Source: Zoom H6 2022-01-07 14.09.10 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Common kingfisher, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-22 12.46.21 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 07.13.54 Fehraltorf (call)
Singers: Great tit, Eurasian blue tit
♫ Kontaktrufe Kohlmeise, evtl auch Blaumeisen im Garten, am Luppmen. 2021-08-09 08.20.56 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-09 08.53.01 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Kohlmeise am Luppmen. 2021-06-07 08.14.26 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 06.29.32 Muralto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-19 14.38.07 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-19 05.53.46 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-03 17.52.34 Lugano (song?)
♫ Dawn chorus on the Luppmen with robin, blue tit, great tit, possibly starling or other bird. 2021-03-18 05.54.58 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Dawn chorus - blackbird, robins, great tits. 2021-03-08 05.37.58 (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Mallard, Carrion crow
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-15 09.11.22 Pfaeffikon (song?)
♫ Scolding great tit at the Luppmen. 2021-02-09 16.46.35 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Kohlmeisen Gesang in Januar 2021. 2021-01-22 09.07.25 (song?)
♫ Zwei kohlmeisen singen. 2021-01-21 16.39.15 (song?)
♫ Kohlmeisen singen wieder. 2021-01-21 12.30.29 (song?)
♫ Great tit chatter. 2021-01-20 17.01.54 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-31 09.31.40 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-30 07.20.23 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Eurasian blue tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-28 07.38.00 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-24 09.17.48 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-24 09.07.01 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.26.34 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-21 08.41.45 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-16 12.24.10 Tremona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-08 15.35.07 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Common chiffchaff
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-05 09.04.33 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 17.06.25 Uster (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 17.04.29 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 16.25.51 Pfäffikersee (song)
Singers: Great tit, European goldfinch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-23 10.07.10 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-14 10.55.23 Levanto (song?)
♫ Kohlmeise chatter am Luppmen. 2020-08-29 07.43.28 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Kohlmeise contact call chatter am Luppmen. 2020-08-29 07.43.28 Luppmen (contact call)
♫ Kohlmeisen futtergruppe luppmen. 2020-08-17 13.55.16 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Kohlmeisen futtergruppe luppmen. 2020-08-17 13.53.26 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-08-10 09.34.25 Luppmen (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-14 20.38.21 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-14 20.38.21 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-14 16.19.29 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Kohlmeisen feeding group. 2020-06-28 09.41.22 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Black cap warbler
♫ Tsitsitsi is group of blue tits or small great tits, black cap warbler in background. 2020-06-28 09.36.51 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Eurasian blue tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-22 11.01.11 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Eurasian blue tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-22 10.57.35 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-10 12.52.00 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 09.14.37 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-21 10.05.39 Luppmen (song)
♫ Blackbird, chaffinch, great tits. 2020-05-19 12.53.20 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Great tit
♫ Song thrush maybe plus great tit, blackbird. 2020-05-18 05.05.15 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 19.28.16 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 08.40.28 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Black redstart, Common blackbird, Black cap warbler
♫ 5 minutes around 530 train - kohlmeise, Hausrotschwanz, amsel, moenchsgrasmuecke. 2020-05-04 05.27.00 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Duelling kohlmeisen 2 note song. 2020-05-01 06.11.54 Luppmen (song)
♫ Duelling kohlmeisen 2 note song. 2020-05-01 06.11.54 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-30 06.23.06 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-30 06.20.34 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Blackbird, great tit at luppmen, what's the third bird. 2020-04-30 05.43.56 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Blackbird, great tit at luppmen, what's the third bird. 2020-04-30 05.43.56 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.22.32 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.22.32 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Common chaffinch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 08.45.10 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-24 06.15.03 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 09.00.47 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 06.49.59 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 06.15.39 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 06.31.58 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 06.29.28 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 05.46.49 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Black redstart, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 05.44.09 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Luppmen kohlmeise, high pitched rotkelchen song. 2020-04-22 05.22.51 Luppmen (song)
♫ Luppmen kohlmeise, high pitched song. 2020-04-22 05.22.51 Luppmen (song)
♫ Luppmen facing South to Binario boris blackbird, kohlmeise, more. 2020-04-21 08.11.29 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian magpie, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.36.49 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian magpie, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.36.49 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 06.39.22 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 06.39.22 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-17 06.19.58 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-15 10.51.08 Luppmen (song)
Singers: Great tit, House sparrow, European pied flycatcher
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-15 10.51.08 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Kohlmeise hi lo lo. 2020-04-13 07.08.21 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Kohlmeise hi lo lo. 2020-04-13 07.08.21 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Luppmen 6 note descending kohlmeise song. 2020-04-13 06.32.54 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 06.25.17 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Common blackbird, Great tit
♫ Mönchsgrasmücke amsel kohlmeise taube krähe. 2020-04-13 06.19.02 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Kohlmeisen 2 und 3 noten gesang. 2020-04-12 10.54.26 Mesikon (song?)
♫ Duelling kohlmeisen. 2020-04-10 05.05.53 Luppmen (song?)
♫ One note song probably kohlmeise plus lots of noise. 2020-04-07 18.30.47 Luppmen (song)
♫ Pre sunset concert kohlmeisen. 2020-04-07 18.20.24 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Luppmen 45 min b4 Sunrise great tit, blue tit. 2020-04-05 06.14.35 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Great tit
♫ Amsel kohlmeise etc 70 min b4. 2020-04-03 05.48.35 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Common blackbird
♫ Kohlmeise Amsel other 75 min b4 sunrise. 2020-04-03 05.42.06 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Kohlmeise 100 min b4 sunrise first bird luppmen. 2020-04-03 05.21.43 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, House sparrow
♫ Birdsong Fehraltorf 8am great tit, collared dove, house sparrow. 2020-03-31 08.16.20 Fehraltorf (song)
♫ Presumably am luppmen - kohlmeise. 2019-04-22 20.11.18 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC586723 great tit call wheat chuck-a-chuck. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC580188 great tit begging call. Source: XENOCANTO (begging call)
♫ 2021-09-19-10-13-00-ZOOM0010 LR Great tit check alarm call oder täck Ruf. Source: Zoom H6 Fehraltorf (alarm call)
♫ 2021-09-19-10-36-00-ZOOM0011 LR Kohlmeisen, etc am Luppmen. Source: Zoom H6 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ XC592152 great tit call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola)
1200px-Wood Sandpiper Safari Park.Wikipedia: Wood sandpiper Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-19 08.26.04 Uznach (song?)
Willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)
Also known as: Fitislaubsänger
Song similar to common chaffinch but higher, faster, tendency to descend but with more ups and downs.WikiCommons Fitis 13901013023. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Willow warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-19 09.10.28 Uznach (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-27 17.28.00 Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Willow Warbler in photos, birch tree at Pfäffikersee. 2021-04-22 09.46.27 Pfäffikersee (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Willow warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-22 09.24.42 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-22 09.22.19 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-24 10.30.05 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-24 10.07.55 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ XC556112-Fitis 1 Laubsänger 2 song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Singers: Willow warbler, Yellowhammer
♫ XC444002 - Willow Warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus trochilus - call in UK, with yellowhammer in background. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
European serin (Serinus serinus)
General: Weird hectic song, and you'll probably hear them but not see them, which is a shame, because they're a colorful yellow bird. The song seems to defy description - described variously as the jingling of a bunch of keys, like crushing glass or the pouring of broken glass (the German Wikipedia refers to a nickname 'Glasscutter'), the sound of a cork twising in a bottle (Thomas Seilnacht on, and one source I can no longer find talked about a ruined cassette tape. A Portuguese web site aptly calls it 'a high-pitched and fast rambled sum of indistinctive elements', and U. Cornell's calls it frantically fast, 'a prolonged, wheezy, chirping', 'a buzzing trill'.Song: Das Gesangsrepertoire umfasst über 50 komplexe Silben, die in einem sehr schnellen Tempo und einer sehr stereotypen Reihenfolge eigene Lieder bilden. Starke Variationen finden sich im Übergang von einer Tour (zusammenhängenden Abfolge von Silben, also (Teil-)Strophe) in eine andere (Modulation). Das Gesangsrepertoire ist unter den Stieglitzartigen (Carduelinae) einzigartig.[1] Zudem umfasst es eine variable Menge an Silben, die auch im Gesang anderer Vögel verwendet werden. Es konnte bewiesen werden, dass die Komposition des Repertoires geographisch variiert. [Wikipedia setzt sich ernsthaft mit dem Gesang auseinander]
Wikipedia Girlitz Serinus serinus. Von Andreas Trepte - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 2.5, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Cirl bunting, European serin, Rock bunting
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 14.37.37 (song?)
♫ Girlitz wahrscheinlich erst ab 25 Sekunden. 2021-05-28 18.15.52 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-14 13.55.47 Muralto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-14 07.41.37 Muralto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 13.58.56 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 13.57.56 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-15 12.12.08 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-15 12.12.01 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-15 11.16.54 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-15 11.15.32 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-14 17.35.58 Locarno (song?)
♫ XC637940 - European Serin - Serinus serinus - song, recorded in France. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC637940 - European Serin - Serinus serinus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)
Great-tailed grackle. 2018-02-19 16.00.04 Central America Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet (song?)
Western yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)
Also known as: Wiesenschafstelze
Just a few notes, call seems to be common but song rare. Very short chirp of ~ 1 sec, long pause of 3 secs. At Wauwilermoos it seemed to be 'Twee tweetwee (higher note:) twee!' Schafstelze, Albufera. 2022-04-12 14.59.06 Mallorca Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-22 15.21.04 (song?)
♫ XC721189 - Western Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla flava cinereocapilla - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC653784 - Western Yellow Wagtail - Motacilla flava flavissima - call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
European greenfinch (Chloris chloris)
Alternate classification: Carduelis chloris
General: Sequence of 4-6 rhythmic elements at different pitches.
A sort of trill is often start or end of the sequence,
there are slides.Finally saw one in the birch tree on the Luppmen 2020-07-14 12.00.23 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: European greenfinch, Black cap warbler
♫ Evtl grünfink und mönchsgrasmücke, freudwil. 2021-08-08 16.14.34 (song?)
Singers: European greenfinch, Black redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-08 16.14.06 Uster (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-31 10.22.32 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Grünfink in der birke am Luppmen. 2021-07-23 08.12.31 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-03 06.20.43 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-19 15.52.06 (song?)
♫ Gruenfink am Luppmen. 2021-05-01 10.12.32 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Grünfink usw am Luppmen. 2021-03-01 11.28.46 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-21 09.44.38 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-12 10.36.43 Jona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.36.57 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-14 07.33.28 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-25 08.17.05 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-11 17.49.04 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-10 19.17.31 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-10 08.25.30 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-10 08.25.00 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-08 18.42.04 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 08.28.02 Luppmen (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 08.25.13 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 08.25.13 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 15.19.22 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Sirenbird Uster probably gruenfink. 2019-08-01 10.21.33 Uster (song?)
♫ XenoCanto European Greenfinch XC548561-200419 Verdier MP3. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC312195-Grünfink, Feldbach. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC562593 - European Greenfinch - Chloris chloris. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC661803 - European Greenfinch - Chloris chloris. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ Gruenfink Motif 5 ultraschnell 30ps 3000-8500 Hz leicht fallend. (song?)
♫ XC312195-Grünfink, Feldbach. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ Gruenfink motif 2 - 9x inverted checkmark in 0.65 sec 2200-5700 Hz. (song?)
♫ Gruenfink Motif 6 tuii tuii tuii 6ps 2500-8300 Hz zickzack. (song?)
♫ Gruenfink motif 1 roher absteigender ruf 0x9 sek. (song?)
♫ Gruenfink Motif 3 tschu tschu tschu slow 4ps 2500-5500 Hz. (song?)
♫ Gruenfink motif 4 low slow 6ps 2000-3500 Hz. (song?)
European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)
Trauerschnaepper. 2021-05-04 09.33.06 Flachsee am Reuss Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.19.32 Gambarogno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 09.33.46 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 09.33.46 (song?)
Singers: Great tit, House sparrow, European pied flycatcher
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-15 10.51.08 Luppmen (song?)
Eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna)
1200px-Sturnella magna -Mexico-8.Wikipedia: Eastern meadowlark Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-26 18.23.51 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-26 18.23.51 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-03-02 22.02.35 (song?)
Eastern wood-pewee (Contopus virens)
Eastern wood pewee, last new bird we discovered - at the parking lot shortly before leaving, Oregon Ridge. 2021-06-19 09.34.10 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-01 08.44.50 Cockeysville (song?)
Pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)
1200px-PileatedWoodpeckerFeedingonTree%2C crop.Wikipedia: Pileated woodpecker Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-05 08.16.33 Cockeysville (song?)
Common whitethroat (Sylvia communis)
Also known as: Greater whitethroat
Often ends with more indistinct mimicry, or subsong. May omit characteristic phrase and sing more cryptic for periods of time, and may be more difficult to identify. [Link]Wikipedia: Common whitethroat Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC344648 - Common Whitethroat - Sylvia communis communis - song, recorded in Germany. Source: XENOCANTO Germany (song)
Tree pipit (Anthus trivialis)
Alternate classification: Alauda trivialis
Reminds me of a greenfinch - series of trills, whoops and other sounds with a long pauseWikipedia baumpieper Anthus trivialis. Von Vogelartinfo - Eigenes Werk, GFDL 1.2, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-12 13.02.18 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-12 13.01.36 Sils (song?)
♫ XC649035 - Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC570506 - Tree Pipit - Anthus trivialis - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Hooded warbler (Setophaga citrina)
Alternate classification: Wilsonia citrina
Wilsonia citrina %28Belize%29.Wikipedia: Hooded warbler Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 06.44.04 Cockeysville (song?)
Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto)
Also known as: Eurasian collared-dove
Tuerkentaube am Luppmen annotated.Didn't recognize this collared dove I annotated it with the characteristics I should have recognized 2021-02-01 13.14.42 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Türkentaube. 2020-05-21 07.45.50 Luppmen (song?)
Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra)
Short buzzy trilly sounds, 5-8 notes, high.Mysterium im Rapsfeld von Friedliweid 2020-04-27 11.29.08 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 12.51.30 Grabs (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 07.43.38 (song?)
Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)
Fieldfare.Wacholderdrossel am Luppmen in Fehraltorf 2021-01-16 14.28.10 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-22 15.59.37 (song?)
Black cap warbler (Sylvia atricapilla)
Also known as: Eurasian blackcap
They sometimes sing like a blackbird on speed - also non-stereotypic, seemingly improvised,
in short bursts.
Our local guy ends most of his songs with the same seven notes, which I find a good way to confirm the identification. In Ticino we often heard the 'Leiern' sound - the warblers would sing just the first 3 notes of a longer song, then stop. The order varied; high-medium-low I call 'Figaro' as in the opera, low-high-medium 'whiskey bar', as it sounded to me like the Kurt Weill lyrics, 'O-oh-show me-the-way to-the-next whis-ke-bar' - but the warbler usually stopped after 'way' or 'next' The British authors of The Sound Approach claim to hear 'a warblel and a whistle'. This fellow is singing in a bush across the street from us, at Bahnhofstrasse 18 They seldom like to show themselves, so I was pleased to see him. 2020-04-15 09.20.34 Bahnhofstrasse 18 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: European greenfinch, Black cap warbler
♫ Evtl grünfink und mönchsgrasmücke, freudwil. 2021-08-08 16.14.34 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-05 13.08.32 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 15.37.13 Weisslingen (call)
♫ Mönchsgrasmücke am Luppmen. 2021-07-06 07.44.11 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Mönchsgrasmücke am Luppmen - with typical repeated endings. 2021-07-04 08.24.14 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 07.46.02 Wildhaus (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-03 11.52.14 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-09 05.32.15 Muralto (song?)
♫ Moenchsgrasmuecke am Luppmen. 2021-05-05 11.12.10 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Garden warbler, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 11.11.51 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 11.11.51 Switzerland (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 09.44.44 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 08.23.59 (song?)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Common cuckoo
♫ Moenchsgrasmuecke, Kuckuck. 2021-05-04 08.18.36 (song?)
♫ Moenchsgrasmuecke Studie Fehraltorf. 2021-04-21 07.30.33 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-02 11.59.49 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 14.49.57 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 12.12.47 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 12.11.55 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 12.11.32 Lugano (song?)
Singers: Black cap warbler, European goldfinch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 12.10.39 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 09.22.56 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-31 19.12.00 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-31 08.19.11 Fehraltorf (song?)✔
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-17 09.14.12 Levanto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-14 15.58.50 Luppmen (song)
♫ 3 black cap warblers buchhalde. 2020-07-06 14.41.19 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-01 08.07.00 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Black cap warbler
♫ Tsitsitsi is group of blue tits or small great tits, black cap warbler in background. 2020-06-28 09.36.51 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Garden warbler, Black cap warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 16.22.58 Alpweg (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 15.45.41 Luppmen (call)
♫ Mönchsgrasmücke am Luppmen. 2020-06-27 06.19.42 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Black cap warbler am Luppmen. 2020-06-24 07.23.37 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Black cap warbler in bb mode - loud, clear, melodic. 2020-06-22 11.26.32 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Black cap warbler in bb mode - loud, clear, melodic. 2020-06-22 11.26.32 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-22 10.47.24 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-18 08.58.20 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-16 15.19.10 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-14 18.04.28 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-12 14.03.12 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-09 10.51.51 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 09.03.17 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 08.06.53 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 07.33.51 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Yellowhammer, Black cap warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 07.06.42 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-26 17.41.43 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-10 07.28.15 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-09 16.23.41 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 13.10.46 Hungerseeli (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 12.19.05 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Moenchsgrasmuecke. 2020-05-04 07.00.28 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Black redstart, Common blackbird, Black cap warbler
♫ 5 minutes around 530 train - kohlmeise, Hausrotschwanz, amsel, moenchsgrasmuecke. 2020-05-04 05.27.00 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Pausenlos moenchsgrasmuecke, 30 sekunden vorher verpasst. 2020-05-03 07.21.53 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Pausenlos moenchsgrasmuecke, 30 sekunden vorher verpasst. 2020-05-03 07.21.53 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-30 06.21.41 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-29 14.18.03 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Garden warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.45.54 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.14.50 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Black cap warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 09.26.15 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 10.25.17 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Black cap warbler concert luppmen. 2020-04-19 07.02.32 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Simultaneous Blackbird and black cap warbler at Forest house. 2020-04-17 07.25.35 Forsthaus (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-17 06.22.43 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Blackbird or black cap warbler. 2020-04-16 08.14.00 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Black cap warbler hs. 2020-04-16 07.40.49 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Black cap warbler i think. 2020-04-15 07.57.04 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Black cap warbler toblerone. 2020-04-15 07.55.02 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 08.09.22 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Common blackbird, Great tit
♫ Mönchsgrasmücke amsel kohlmeise taube krähe. 2020-04-13 06.19.02 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Black cap warbler
♫ One note ascending zilpzalp or moenchsgrasmuecke. 2020-04-06 16.03.49 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC546030 black cap warbler so-called tac and djii call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC548858-20200411 Eurasian Blackcap, alarm call part of advertising song, male, Flughafen Belpmoos, Bern, Switzerland. Source: XENOCANTO Switzerland (alarm call)
♫ Source: BirdNet (song?)
European robin (Erithacus rubecula)
General: High pitched but also going low, e.g. 2.9-7.7 KHz.Song: Only for a short period in late summer while they are moulting and inconspicuous do robins stop singing. Both sexes sing. [RSPB article]
Rotkehlchen. 2020-04-02 09.39.00 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: European robin, Red kite
♫ ZOOM0026 LR Rotkehlchen, Rotmilan in Neeracherried. Source: Zoom H6 2021-10-24 09.59.58 Neeracherried (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-10-24 09.54.35 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-10-24 09.11.32 (song?)
Singers: European robin, Common blackbird
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-17 09.36.55 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: European robin, European nuthatch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-03 08.18.30 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen am Luppmen. 2021-02-25 10.15.19 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen am Luppmen. 2021-01-05 07.37.21 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen am Luppmen. 2021-01-03 07.06.12 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen am Luppmen. 2020-12-15 11.12.34 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-30 17.45.36 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-30 13.43.50 Fehraltorf (call)
Singers: Goldcrest, European robin
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-30 13.41.29 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 13.59.00 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-17 12.17.32 Meride (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-16 12.29.14 Tremona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-16 11.59.46 Tremona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-15 18.56.45 Besazio (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-15 18.56.07 Besazio (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-15 18.55.36 Besazio (song?)
Singers: European robin, Common blackbird
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-15 18.55.07 Besazio (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-15 18.54.40 Besazio (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-05 08.32.08 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 15.59.19 Pfäffikersee (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-14 10.27.13 Levanto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-14 10.27.09 Levanto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-14 10.26.46 Levanto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-10 15.23.43 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: European robin, Eurasian wren
♫ Rotkehlchen, zaunkönig höchisteiweg. 2020-07-01 07.58.29 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 16.40.53 Alpweg (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 15.50.16 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Melodious rotkehlchen bei Staldenweiher. 2020-06-23 18.20.41 Staldenweiher (song?)
Singers: European robin, Common wood pigeon
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-23 18.19.45 Staldenweiher (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-18 11.50.41 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-18 11.47.47 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.13.16 Sils (song?)
Singers: European robin, Spotted flycatcher
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 10.22.55 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 08.49.51 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 08.49.13 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen am luppmen. 2020-05-24 14.50.51 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-20 11.00.39 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-19 15.51.25 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: European nuthatch, European robin
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-19 15.49.30 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen at jagdsitz near alter zürichweg. 2020-05-19 15.22.53 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Maybe rotkehlchen alter zürichweg. 2020-05-19 15.02.49 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen. 2020-05-07 13.06.06 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 12.06.13 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 11.36.40 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 10.34.36 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-01 11.59.52 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen meise. 2020-04-28 05.32.39 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: European robin, Common blackbird
♫ Rotkehlchen meise amsel. 2020-04-28 05.25.07 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen auf baum mit Flugzeug. 2020-04-23 09.27.41 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, European robin
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 08.50.21 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, European robin
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 08.50.21 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 05.27.42 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-12 12.09.53 Mesikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-12 12.09.53 Mesikon (song?)
♫ Rotkehlchen luppmen. 2020-04-07 10.08.47 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, European robin, Common chiffchaff
♫ Virtuoso at 0, 30 sec BirdNet says Zaunkoenig evtl Rotkehlchen, auch Zilpzalp. Source: BirdNet 2019-06-04 12.36.07 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC139085 - European Robin - Erithacus rubecula - hawk alarm call from Paul Driver. Source: XENOCANTO (alarm call)
♫ XC192924 - European Robin - Erithacus rubecula - German recordist Johannes Buhl calls it schnickern. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC350243 european robin ticking call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC512416 - European Robin - Erithacus rubecula - named tsii or alarm call by recordist Marcin Solowiej in Poland. Source: XENOCANTO (alarm call)
♫ XC523287 european robin sii call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC496627 European robin srii call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
Alternate classification: Oriolus phoeniceus
Red winged blackbird, female. 2022-05-03 10.27.30 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-01 10.18.45 Cockeysville (song?)
Long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
Alternate classification: Parus caudatus
Nabu: Der Gesang ist ein feines Trillern und selten zu hören. [Link]Schwanzmeise am Pfäffikersee 2021-02-05 13.32.24 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
Singers: Long-tailed tit, Common moorhen
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 11.59.03 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.22.19 Gambarogno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-08 17.26.05 Muralto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-08 15.59.41 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.35.31 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Great spotted woodpecker, Long-tailed tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.35.31 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 14.22.37 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC572437 - Long-tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudatus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC517804 Long-tailed tit flight call. Source: XENOCANTO (flight call)
Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Also known as: Eurasian kestrel
Turmfalke.Flying by Pfäffikon 2020-04-24 12.12.44 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 09.22.14 (song?)
Common tern (Sterna hirundo)
Common tern pfaeffikersee. 2020-05-20 09.31.28 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Great reed warbler, Common tern
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-20 10.01.22 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.08.13 Luppmen (song?)
Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)
Alternate classification: Corvus monedula
Also known as: Eurasian jackdaw, Western jackdaw
Western Jackdaw and Daurian Jackdaw.Wikipedia: Jackdaw Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ XC604997 - Western Jackdaw - Coloeus monedula - call, recorded in England. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo)
1200px-Eurasian Hobby %2814574008925%29 %28cropped%29.Wikipedia: Eurasian hobby Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Eurasian hobby, Eurasian jay
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 13.14.03 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ XC669704 - Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo - call, about twenty peeps. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
Alternate classification: Parus bicolor
Tufted titmouse. 2022-05-03 10.55.46 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 10.57.50 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 10.27.49 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: Tufted titmouse, Carolina wren, Mourning dove
♫ ZOOM0071 LR Probably tufted titmouse and Carolina wren, maybe mourning dove. Source: Zoom H6 2022-04-30 09.38.34 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-28 11.56.51 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-28 11.56.51 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 19.02.53 Phoenix (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.41.32 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.39.47 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 17.36.40 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 17.35.28 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 17.35.28 Cockeysville (song?)
Dartford warbler (Sylvia undata)
Dartford Warbler - Ligura - Italy S4E3711 %2818675159154%29.Wikipedia: Dartford warbler Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 14.36.49 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 14.36.49 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-08 09.21.02 (song?)
Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)
High-pitched, two notes that sound like one, repeated 10-12 times, often followed by whistle that sounds higher to me but usually shows up on the sonogram as the same range. The mnemonic for the staccato song in German is: «Wie, wie, wie, wie hab ich dich lieb». See the image for dialects noted by - the most common Swiss dialect is said to be XlB, though I haven't been able to hear a higher note myself.Goldammer am Aabach, Wetzikon. 2021-03-10 10.36.28 Wetzikon Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Great reed warbler, Yellowhammer
♫ ZOOM0103 LR Drosselrohrsaenger, Goldammer, Wind bei Wauwilermoos. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-22 16.39.30 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-01 15.58.17 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-27 17.34.26 Wetzikon (song?)
Singers: Yellowhammer, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 08.37.16 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-01 08.11.18 Luppmen (song?)
♫ To identify repeated calls, then saw yellowhammer at alpweg and gruebenholzweg. 2020-07-01 08.09.27 Alpweg (call)
♫ 6khz peeping could be yellowhammer. 2020-07-01 07.29.27 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 07.07.21 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Yellowhammer, Black cap warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 07.06.42 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-26 18.05.59 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-26 18.05.16 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Yellowhammer, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Wikipedia Goldammer XN Emberiza citrinella. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
Singers: Yellowhammer, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Wikipedia Goldammer XN Emberiza citrinella. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
♫ XC548502-goldammer-30-sekunden. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Singers: Willow warbler, Yellowhammer
♫ XC444002 - Willow Warbler - Phylloscopus trochilus trochilus - call in UK, with yellowhammer in background. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Canada goose (Branta canadensis)
Alternate classification: Anser canadensis
Canada goose. 2022-05-01 09.55.20 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 10.44.14 Cockeysville (song?)
Western bonelli's warbler (Phylloscopus bonelli)
Also known as: Western Bonelli's warbler
Single note repeated 6 or 8 times quickly in half a secondWikipedia Berglaubsaenger Phylloscopus bonelli. From Sébastien Bertru -, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 15.33.53 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-08 16.34.39 Sils (song?)
♫ XC720128 - Western Bonelli's Warbler - Phylloscopus bonelli - song, recorded in France. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Tenerife blue tit (Cyanistes teneriffae)
Alternate classification: Parus teneriffae
Also known as: African blue tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-03-13 14.17.39 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-03-13 12.12.21 (song?)
Eurasian wigeon (Mareca penelope)
Alternate classification: Anas penelope
Pfeifente Erpel , Neeracher Ried. Die zehnte Entenart, die ich gefunden habe. 2021-02-24 14.05.08 Neeracherried Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC613742-Pfeifente von Adrien Mauss. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
Monotone chirping, rougher than that of the house sparrow. Most 2-7 KHz mit many overtones, i.e. somewhat higher than the house sparrow.In tree by First, ZH. 2020-05-04 17.33.32 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-29 15.23.40 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Great reed warbler, Eurasian tree sparrow
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-20 09.41.57 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ XC558751-Feldsperling. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Black kite (Milvus migrans)
Wikimedia Black Kite (Milvus migrans).Black kite in the air and on the ground Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.32.55 (song?)
Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
Alternate classification: Zonotrichia melodia
Song sparrow, Cromwell Valley Park.Here's a song sparrows Mark and I saw in Cromwell Valley Park. 2021-06-18 10.10.52 Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 07.37.05 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ ZOOM0066 LR Song sparrow, Cherrywood Court. Source: Zoom H6 2022-04-29 08.29.46 Cherrywood (song?)
♫ ZOOM0065 LR Song sparrow, Cherrywood Court. Source: Zoom H6 2022-04-28 11.05.16 Cherrywood (song?)
♫ ZOOM0064 LR Song sparrow, Cherrywood Court. Source: Zoom H6 2022-04-26 10.14.42 Cherrywood (song?)
Singers: Northern cardinal, Grey catbird, Song sparrow
♫ Morning at Cherrywood Court - northern cardinal, gray catbirds, song sparrow. 2021-06-19 07.38.01 Cherrywood (song)
♫ Catbird plus song sparrow, 18 Cherrywood Court. 2021-06-16 20.27.47 Cherrywood (song)
♫ Catbird plus song sparrow, 18 Cherrywood Court. 2021-06-16 20.27.47 Cherrywood (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 14.48.34 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 01.31.28 Cockeysville (song?)
Gadwall (Mareca strepera)
Alternate classification: Chaulelasmus streperus, Anas strepera
Schnatterente.Schnatterente am Greifensee bei Silberweide Es gab dutzende davon, dazwischen eine Krickente. 2021-02-08 15.45.18 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Gadwall, Yellow-footed gull, Eurasian reed warbler
♫ ZOOM0027 LR Schnatterenten, Moewen und an 29 Sekunden eindeutig ein Jet von Swiss, da wir in Neeracherried sehr nach am Kloten Flughafen sind, BirdNet schlaegt auch Teichrohrsaenger vor, wie auch ein Moewe-Typ aus Kalifornien. Source: Zoom H6 2021-10-24 13.12.46 Neeracherried (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-10-24 13.08.14 (song?)
House sparrow (Passer domesticus)
An monotone chirping. Mainly 2-5 KHz with higher overtones.Pair of house sparrows in a tree near Zürichstrasse, Fehraltorf 2020-04-11 07.54.30 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-21 09.45.00 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-08-06 09.04.55 Luppmen (contact call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-25 09.18.27 Luppmen (alarm call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 07.12.55 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 06.50.27 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, House sparrow, European pied flycatcher
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-15 10.51.08 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 08.20.50 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 08.20.26 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, House sparrow
♫ Birdsong Fehraltorf 8am great tit, collared dove, house sparrow. 2020-03-31 08.16.20 Fehraltorf (song)
Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
Wikipedia Kuckuck, Cuculus canorus. Von Locaguapa - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Black cap warbler, Common cuckoo
♫ Moenchsgrasmuecke, Kuckuck. 2021-05-04 08.18.36 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 06.40.54 Luppmen (song?)
Northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Wikimedia Steinschmaetzer Northern wheatear male.Male northern wheatear, photo by Andreas Trepte - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5 Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-29 13.07.31 Lej muragl (song?)
Common buzzard (Buteo buteo)
Alternate classification: Falco buteo
Maeusebussard. 2020-04-17 08.14.46 Wald Fehraltorf Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 15.22.27 Weisslingen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 09.06.53 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 16.09.52 Russikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-04 16.00.25 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 10.28.12 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.26.43 Luppmen (song?)
Red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus)
1200px-Vireo olivaceus -Madison -Wisconsin -USA-8.Wikipedia: Red-eyed vireo Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 09.45.35 Cockeysville (song)✔
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.22.00 Cockeysville (song)
♫ Supposedly red eyed vireo at ncr trail, did not see. 2021-06-15 12.23.30 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 13.30.44 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 13.20.52 Cockeysville (song?)
European turtle-dove (Streptopelia turtur)
Also known as: European turtle dove
1200px-European Turtle Dove %28Streptopelia turtur%29.Wikipedia: European turtle-dove Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Savi's warbler, European turtle-dove
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 13.53.03 Uznach (song?)
Blue rock-thrush (Monticola solitarius)
Alternate classification: Monticola solitaria
Also known as: Blue rock thrush
MerlinBirdID schlaegt Blaumerle vor, koennte aber genauso gut in Kaltbrunnerriet ein Amsel sein. 2022-06-04 12.05.18 Kaltbrunner-Riet Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 11.31.44 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 11.30.07 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 11.29.26 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 11.13.19 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-07 12.12.36 (song?)
Northern parula (Setophaga americana)
Alternate classification: Parula americana
Northernparalua20.Wikipedia: Northern parula Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-01 09.06.58 Cockeysville (song?)
Goosander (Mergus merganser)
Also known as: Common merganser
Gaensesaeger mit lachmoewe pfaeffikersee.Gänsesäger am Nordende des Pfäffikersee 2021-01-26 17.02.58 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 09.09.39 Locarno (song?)
Eastern phoebe (Sayornis phoebe)
Also known as: Dusky flycatcher
1200px-Sayornis phoebe -Owen Conservation Park%2C Madison%2C Wisconsin%2C USA-8.Wikipedia: Eastern phoebe Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-28 11.33.45 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet (song?)
American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
American crow. 2022-05-05 19.32.30 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 13.17.35 Cockeysville (song?)
Rock bunting (Emberiza cia)
General: Short song, relatively long pause, repeated with slight variation? Has a very short triller of just 3 notes.Wikipedia: Rock bunting Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Cirl bunting, European serin, Rock bunting
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 14.37.37 (song?)
♫ XC653755 - Rock Bunting - Emberiza cia - song, recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO Spain (song)
Red-bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus)
Red bellied woodpecker. 2022-04-29 11.51.34 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 11.00.21 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 11.00.21 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 10.28.09 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 10.28.09 (song?)
Blue-gray gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea)
1200px-Blue-gray gnatcatcher in PP %2872317%29.Wikipedia: Blue-gray gnatcatcher Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 11.25.08 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 11.25.08 (song?)
Mourning dove (Zenaida macroura)
Mourning dove. 2022-05-08 09.50.44 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Singers: Tufted titmouse, Carolina wren, Mourning dove
♫ ZOOM0071 LR Probably tufted titmouse and Carolina wren, maybe mourning dove. Source: Zoom H6 2022-04-30 09.38.34 (song?)
Singers: Mourning dove, White-throated sparrow
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-28 11.52.36 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.58.24 Cockeysville (song?)
Great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)
Alternate classification: Picoides major
Call: Nabu: Das bekannteste Geräusch des schwarz-weißen Spechtes ist aber wohl sein kurzes, aber häufiges Trommeln. [Link]In a sonogram I can see about 13 taps in just over half a second, but you can never distinguish so many. It's short but intense, and the second half trails off, especially contrasted with the constant drumming of the three-toed woodpecker. [[Listen here.]]
Song: Other: ‘Drumming’ is the sound that Great Spotted Woodpeckers make by hammering their bills against dead wood 10-20 times over 2-3 seconds. The sound resonates in the dead wood and can be heard over large distances. This drumming acts as an advert and is used by Great spotted Woodpeckers and other woodpecker species instead of a song. [From the GardenBird web site]
Buntspecht hoch im Baum im Wald 'Im Brand' 2020-04-25 07.57.12 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.57.28 Fehraltorf (drumming)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.57.28 Fehraltorf (drumming)
Singers: Great spotted woodpecker, Fernando po olive-back
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.50.54 Fehraltorf (call)
Singers: Coal tit, Great spotted woodpecker
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-08 16.02.44 Fehraltorf (call)
Singers: Great spotted woodpecker, Long-tailed tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.35.31 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-21 15.13.08 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Black woodpecker, Great spotted woodpecker
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-21 15.13.08 Oberreitenbachholzweg, Rumlikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-08 15.50.47 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-22 16.54.04 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-12 12.09.34 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-12 12.09.34 Mesikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-12 12.09.34 Mesikon (song?)
♫ XC129590 Great Spotted Woodpecker call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC625181 buntspecht drumming. Source: XENOCANTO (drumming)
♫ XC200059 Great spotted woodpecker call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Northern Cardinal, female. 2022-05-01 09.02.04 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 13.41.01 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 10.43.00 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 11.54.22 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 10.31.43 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: Northern cardinal, Grey catbird, Song sparrow
♫ Morning at Cherrywood Court - northern cardinal, gray catbirds, song sparrow. 2021-06-19 07.38.01 Cherrywood (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-16 12.29.19 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.49.03 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.36.55 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.17.08 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.09.22 Cockeysville (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 13.48.13 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 12.41.47 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 07.48.13 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 06.41.47 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: House finch, Northern cardinal
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 15.56.54 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: House finch, Northern cardinal
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 15.56.54 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-10 16.26.18 Cockeysville (song?)
Common house martin (Delichon urbicum)
Alternate classification: Delichon urbica
Also known as: Northern House Martin, Common house-martin
MerlinBirdID meint Mehlschwalbe. 2022-05-21 10.11.56 Leuk and surroundings Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-01 15.57.37 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Common house martin, Common redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.00.54 Gambarogno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-08-10 14.45.28 Luppmen (flight call)
Spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)
Alternate classification: Motacilla striata
High (6-8 KHz?) short sound repeated every half to 5 seconds.In a pinch barbed wire will do instead of a tree branch. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Spotted flycatcher, Goldcrest
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.54.33 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 15.26.55 Weisslingen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 15.23.55 Weisslingen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-03 07.51.22 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-20 14.02.40 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-20 14.00.25 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.18.37 Gambarogno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-08-05 15.35.25 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-22 16.58.36 Staldenweiher (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-22 16.57.16 Staldenweiher (song?)
Singers: European robin, Spotted flycatcher
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 10.22.55 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Northern flicker (Colaptes auratus)
Northern Flicker.Wikipedia: Northern flicker Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 12.22.29 (song?)
Common reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus)
Alternate classification: Schoeniclus schoeniclus
Also known as: Reed bunting
General: At Fanel I heard sequences of whistles and trills (buzzes?), just a few notes, but wandering up and down: m h lll, or l m hhh m. Listen to recording of 2022-06-25 13.37.28Song: BirdID: A short sequence of 3-5 brittle and buzzing sounds, repeated consistently with marked pauses. Last sound in phrase often has a conclusive feel, but not always. [Link]
Wikipedia Common reed bunting (emberiza schoeniclus) m. By Charles J. Sharp - Own work, from Sharp Photography, sharpphotography, CC BY-SA 3.0, Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-25 13.37.28 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-25 13.34.10 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 12.31.58 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 12.31.58 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-10 10.25.26 Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-10 10.19.15 Wetzikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-10 12.15.17 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.19.41 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC723277 - Common Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC656275 - Common Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC719864 - Common Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC665288 - Common Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus schoeniclus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC572969 - Common Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC694863 - Common Reed Bunting - Emberiza schoeniclus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
Alternate classification: Motacilla phoenicurus
I though I had these guys figured out after hearing them in Locarno several times, but they're hard to get a handle on! At BirdID they are described the first two parts of a three-part song like this: 'an ascending single note, immediately followed by a trill', whereas in Locarno I heard an initial high-low-high-low, sometimes without the final low, perhaps also a quick middle note, and no trill. Then a relatively short blackbird-like tune of maybe 5-8 notes. Listening to more recordings at XenoCanto has completely confused me now! BirdID also says the song is similar to the black redstart, which I sometimes hear at XenoCanto, but never did in Locarno! They also note a similarity to the Lesser Whitethroat (Klappergrasmücke), which I hope to hear in Maienfeld. Common redstart on a cable In Locarno-Monti 2020-06-17 14.29.54 Locarno Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 14.40.23 Weisslingen (song?)
♫ Gartenrotschwanz bei Maienfeld. 2021-05-29 10.47.46 Maienfeld (song?)
♫ Gartenrotschwanz, Locarno-Muralto. 2021-05-13 08.47.17 Locarno (song?)
Singers: Common house martin, Common redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.00.54 Gambarogno (song?)
♫ Common redstart an hour before dawn at Casa Egner, Locarno-Muralto. 2021-05-10 05.07.35 Locarno (song?)
♫ Gartenrotschwanz singt als erster Vogel morgens in Locarno. 2021-05-09 05.08.49 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-09 05.05.48 Muralto (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-26 09.12.14 Luppmen (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-19 10.09.15 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-19 10.09.15 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-18 07.37.21 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-16 18.16.41 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-15 08.50.03 Locarno (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-15 08.50.03 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-14 17.58.55 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-14 17.57.54 Locarno (song?)
Singers: Common redstart, Coal tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-14 17.56.23 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-13 18.26.13 Locarno (song?)
Singers: European goldfinch, Common redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-13 18.24.16 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-13 18.23.56 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.40.13 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 10.25.32 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC551707 - Common Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC146715 common redstart huit call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC560039 - Common Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus phoenicurus. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
Alternate classification: Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Motacilla schoenobaenus
Constant stream of equally spaced sounds. has a sample that churrs and trills,
similar rhythm to reed warbler / Teichrohrsänger, so maybe that's what it was.
Listening on YouTube videos, you'd call it percussion rather than song!Plainish brown-white bird with black accents usually hidden in the reeds. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ ZOOM0092 LR Evtl Schilfrohrsaenger. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 13.18.08 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0091 LR Evtl Schilfrohrsaenger, viele Imitationen. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 13.12.44 (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Sedge warbler
♫ ZOOM0090 LR Froesche, Amsel, evtl Schilfrohrsaenger. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.48.50 (song?)
♫ Pfäffikersee schilfrohrsänger vielleicht. 2020-05-20 09.50.48 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Pfäffikersee schilfrohrsaenger vielleicht. 2020-05-20 09.50.48 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ XC720662 - Sedge Warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC661577 - Sedge Warbler - Acrocephalus schoenobaenus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
The song is two parts and unvarying. If it were a pop song, you'd call it ABABAB... The second part starts with a sputtering trill. The RSPB in the UK says 'warble with crackling trills.' says 'Der gepresst knirschende Gesang setzt meist lange vor Sonnenaufgang ein und ist der Auftakt für das Vogelkonzert.' says 'Einziger Sänger morgens um drei in den Häuserschluchten'. Obwohl meint, sie singen nicht mehr nach Juli, war ich angenehm überrascht sie in Oktober im Tessin zu hören.Black redstart singing atop a tree This black redstart was singing in the tree by the tennis club behind the train station in Fehraltorf in April 2020 2020-04-23 11.17.18 Fehraltorf Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-29 08.24.41 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Probably black redstart call by Fämi's. 2021-08-22 09.53.21 (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-22 09.52.02 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-09 07.51.24 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: European greenfinch, Black redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-08 16.14.06 Uster (song?)
♫ Melodic water dripping of a black redstart near Luppmenhof. 2021-06-05 09.07.38 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 09.52.18 Carona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 16.50.18 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-25 09.31.38 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-13 18.25.37 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-12 19.00.48 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-12 13.44.20 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-12 13.01.08 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-01 07.01.28 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Black redstart, Common blackbird, Black cap warbler
♫ 5 minutes around 530 train - kohlmeise, Hausrotschwanz, amsel, moenchsgrasmuecke. 2020-05-04 05.27.00 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Black redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-01 09.15.08 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Hausrotschwanz baum tennisklub. 2020-04-23 11.20.27 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Hausrotschwanz im baum bei tennisklub fehraltorf singt. 2020-04-23 11.18.50 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Black redstart, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 05.44.09 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.24.56 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.24.50 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-17 13.21.58 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-17 06.02.41 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Hausrotschwanz schützengasse. 2020-04-15 07.28.14 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 08.26.58 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 07.12.03 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 06.18.50 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 06.15.47 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 06.15.47 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Hausrotschwanz im birkenbaum vor aberhalden fluids ag. 2020-04-11 08.03.18 Aberhalden fluids (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-09 06.51.07 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC657510 - Black Redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC567747-Black Redstart begging call. Source: XENOCANTO (begging call)
♫ XC560014 black redstart call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)
Alternate classification: Turdus polyglottos
Northern Mockingbird. 2022-05-07 11.17.14 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Probably northern mockingbird at Silversage Court, Hunt Valley. 2021-06-20 08.51.26 (song?)
Wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)
Sid-sid-sid-sirrrr. 3 secs, then 5 secs pause.Wahrscheinlich Waldlaubsänger. 2022-05-22 09.52.22 Leuk and surroundings Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC727564 - Wood Warbler - Phylloscopus sibilatrix - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
3-note long M, pause, HL (somewhat falling)...Gim! Gim-peeel!Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-02 16.17.41 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-02 15.47.13 Carona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-21 12.51.52 Adelboden (song?)
♫ XC214867 - Eurasian Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula - contact call, recorded in Germany. Source: XENOCANTO Germany (contact call)
♫ XC637392 - Eurasian Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula - song, recorded in France. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Carolina wren, Cromwell Valley Park. 2021-06-18 10.15.06 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-05 16.30.53 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-05 15.08.07 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-04 10.56.22 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 09.01.44 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-02 11.46.14 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: Tufted titmouse, Carolina wren, Mourning dove
♫ ZOOM0071 LR Probably tufted titmouse and Carolina wren, maybe mourning dove. Source: Zoom H6 2022-04-30 09.38.34 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0068 LR Carolina wren and others. Source: Zoom H6 2022-04-29 08.35.08 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0067 LR Carolina wren sings Figaro. Source: Zoom H6 2022-04-29 08.33.28 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-26 07.56.11 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-26 07.56.11 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 18.19.10 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 13.46.05 Cockeysville (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 13.24.41 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-13 01.28.59 Cockeysville (song?)
Great crested flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus)
Great Crested Flycatcher RWD2.Wikipedia: Great crested flycatcher Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 10.07.56 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 10.07.56 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 10.07.06 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 10.07.06 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-01 07.50.31 Luppmen (call)
♫ Creative Blackbird near hungerseeli plus unknown eg at 45 sec. 2020-06-27 16.53.59 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Creative Blackbird near hungerseeli plus unknown. 2020-06-27 16.53.59 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Unknown, Eurasian wren
♫ Alpweg blackbird zilpzalp and interesting unknown bird, could be zaunkönig, etc. 2020-06-27 16.05.47 Alpweg (song?)
Singers: Unknown, Song thrush
♫ Unknown maybe song thrush plus blackbird. 2020-05-18 04.58.42 Luppmen (song)
Lesser spotted eagle (Clanga pomarina)
Alternate classification: Aquila pomarina
1200px-%D7%A2%D7%99%D7%98 %D7%97%D7%95%D7%A8%D7%A9.Wikipedia: Lesser spotted eagle Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Lesser spotted eagle, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-01 08.18.50 Luppmen (song)
Alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus)
Also known as: Yellow-billed chough
Alpendohle in thon.Auf dem Dach unter Vrenelisgärtli 2021-01-01 09.43.48 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Goldcrest, Alpine chough
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-21 12.51.19 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-20 11.34.56 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-20 11.34.21 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-20 11.28.44 Adelboden (song?)
Singers: Alpine chough, Eurasian magpie
♫ Alpendohlen und Elster in Adelboden. 2021-02-20 11.26.48 Adelboden (song?)
Garden warbler (Sylvia borin)
Alternate classification: Sylvia simplex
Hard to distinguish from mönchsgrasmücke/black cap.Vogelwarte Gartengrasmuecke. Source: VOGELWARTE Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-24 07.19.22 (song?)
Singers: Garden warbler, Common blackbird
♫ ZOOM0089 LR gartengrasmuecke, Amsel. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.46.32 (song?)
Singers: Garden warbler, Common chaffinch
♫ ZOOM0087 LR Ist das wieder die Gartengrasmuecke? Auch Buchfink? Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.38.14 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0082 LR Gartengrasmuecke, Kaltbrunnerriet. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 11.13.02 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0081 LR Gartengrasmuecke, Kaltbrunnerriet. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 11.08.58 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 10.57.21 (song)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Garden warbler, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 11.11.51 (song?)
Singers: Garden warbler, Black cap warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 16.22.58 Alpweg (song?)
♫ Gartengrasmücke hungerseeli. 2020-06-03 10.09.18 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 10.09.08 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Gartengrasmücke hungerseeli. 2020-05-26 17.16.49 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-26 17.16.37 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Schönes Gesang am hungerseeli, BirdNet meinte Garden warbler. Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 10.58.02 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Garden warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.45.54 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.45.54 Auslikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.45.54 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC728633 - Garden Warbler - Sylvia borin - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC728379 - Garden Warbler - Sylvia borin - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Eudyptes sp. clade x (Eudyptes sp. clade X)
Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-CantoSingers: Song thrush, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Singdrossel x 2 oder 3. 2020-05-26 17.55.33 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Yellowhammer, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Wikipedia Goldammer XN Emberiza citrinella. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
Singers: Eurasian skylark, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Wikipedia Feldlerche XN Alauda arvensis. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
Singers: Eurasian skylark, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Wikipedia Feldlerche XN Alauda arvensis. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
Singers: Yellowhammer, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Wikipedia Goldammer XN Emberiza citrinella. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
Black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)
Wikimedia Black Woodpecker adult and young.Black Woodpecker adult and young By Alastair Rae from London, United Kingdom - Black Woodpecker, CC BY-SA 2.0. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Black woodpecker, Great spotted woodpecker
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-21 15.13.08 Oberreitenbachholzweg, Rumlikon (song?)
♫ XC549818 Black woodpecker flight call. Source: XENOCANTO (flight call)
♫ XC553023 Black woodpecker drumming. Source: XENOCANTO (drumming)
♫ XC679746 - Black Woodpecker - Dryocopus martius. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC554337 Black woodpecker song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Eurasian magpie (Pica pica)
Alternate classification: Corvus pica
Familiar rattleElster bei friedliweid. 2020-04-13 10.26.40 Friedliweid Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Alpine chough, Eurasian magpie
♫ Alpendohlen und Elster in Adelboden. 2021-02-20 11.26.48 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-19 10.28.01 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Elster plus sparrows at Schenkel Hof. 2020-10-08 14.53.05 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-01 10.20.40 Uster (song?)
♫ Elster noch einmal. 2020-05-17 08.15.23 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Elster Gespräch zwischen zwei Bäumen am Luppmen. 2020-05-17 08.04.55 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Elster. 2020-05-04 06.28.53 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Elster paar vorm haus. 2020-04-30 07.14.05 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian magpie, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.36.49 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian magpie, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.36.49 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.34.10 Luppmen (song?)
Common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Alternate classification: Gracula atthis
Eisvogel pfaeffikersee.Eisvogel beim Pfaeffikersee Ein paar sind im Herbst und Winter am Meteorwasserkanal nahe Schellenberger Textil zu sehen. 2020-11-17 10.57.56 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Common kingfisher, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-22 12.46.21 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-12 14.35.44 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-08 15.58.38 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ XC511677 Common kingfisher call similar to one from NABU app. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Lesser spotted woodpecker (Dryobates minor)
Alternate classification: Picoides minor, Dendrocopos minor
Drumming in lieu of song. Fast, constant.Kleinspecht am luppmen. Never saw one until after a heavy snowfall one checked out the trees along the Luppmen 2021-01-16 12.56.16 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC625101 Kleinspecht call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC552636 Kleinspecht drumming. Source: XENOCANTO (drumming)
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Alternate classification: Anas platyrhynchos f. domestica
Also known as: Northern mallard
Stockente mutter mit 4 babys.Mother and 4 of 9 babies on the Pfäffikersee 2020-05-20 09.12.44 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Great tit, Mallard, Carrion crow
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-15 09.11.22 Pfaeffikon (song?)
Marsh warbler (Acrocephalus palustris)
Alternate classification: Notiocichla palustris
Weird, squeaky, urgent, more variable than reed warbler, with imitations of European and African birds.Sumpfrohrsaenger wahrscheinlich. 2021-05-04 08.12.50 Flachsee am Reuss Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ ZOOM0106 LR Sumpfrohrsaenger, La Sauge. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-23 17.17.48 La Sauge (song?)
♫ ZOOM0088 LR Sumpfrohrsaenger, Kaltbrunnerriet, vom Turm aus? Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.42.16 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0085 LR Sumpfrohrsaenger, Kaltbrunnerriet. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.09.32 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0084 LR Sumpfrohrsaenger, Kaltbrunnerriet. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.04.18 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0083 LR Sumpfrohrsaenger, Kaltbrunnerriet mit Imitationen, plus echte Froesche. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 11.22.04 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 10.38.53 (song?)
♫ XC728884 - Marsh Warbler - Acrocephalus palustris - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata)
Blue Jay. 2022-05-08 09.48.40 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-05 16.33.03 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-02 16.11.40 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-02 08.58.54 Cockeysville (song?)
Wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)
Alternate classification: Hylocichla mustelinus
Wood thrush, magnificent singer. 2022-05-05 18.37.08 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ ZOOM0078 LR Wood thrush, beautiful singer, on NCR trail. Source: Zoom H6 2022-05-05 18.44.16 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-05 18.36.40 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-05 16.36.15 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 17.52.31 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-12 17.52.31 Cockeysville (song?)
Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica)
Alternate classification: Erithacus svecius
Often one little phrase or even a single note repeated, a bit like a nightingale? Occasional figaro?Wikipedia: Bluethroat Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC131272 - Bluethroat - Luscinia svecica volgae - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
Can be a sequence of unrelated weird but musical sounds - trills, churrs, human-like whistles - very amusing.Luscinia megarhynchos - common nightingale in Wikipedia. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Common nightingale, Common blackbird
♫ Nachtigall, Amsel, usw beim Teleport, Leuk. 2022-05-22 08.09.03 (song?)
Singers: Common nightingale, Common blackbird
♫ Nachtigall, Amsel, usw beim Teleport, Leuk. 2022-05-22 08.09.03 (song?)
Singers: Common nightingale, Willow tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 06.19.21 Wildhaus (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-19 08.11.10 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-19 07.15.41 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 12.04.25 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-18 07.37.32 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-18 07.37.05 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 08.52.55 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-19 07.09.22 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-19 06.54.11 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-19 06.54.00 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC505897 - Common Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos - song, recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO Spain (song)
Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
Also known as: treecreeper
I say: it sounds like a faster higher chaffinch song. Wikipedia says: The male's song begins with srrih, srrih followed in turn by a few twittering notes, a longer descending ripple, and a whistle that falls and then rises.As seen creeping up a tree trunk Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 14.38.06 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 11.00.14 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-21 12.48.52 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.13.00 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-10 12.19.11 Sils (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Eurasian treecreeper
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 08.20.16 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC206282 Eurasian treecreeper call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC656422 - Eurasian Treecreeper - Certhia familiaris - song, recorded in Sweden. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC574757 Eurasian treecreeper alarm call. Source: XENOCANTO (alarm call)
♫ XC579996 Eurasian Treecreeper call-200729-005 N6 10h39 Cfamiliaris 1. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Song thrush (Turdus philomelos)
Paced like a blackbird, humorous mix of elements like a nightingale. Huge range, elements from 2-5 KHz, others 6.5-9 KHzSingdrossel Isle de Brehat, Brittany. 2019-06-16 15.35.33 Île-de-Bréhat Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Singdrossel plus Kuhglocken nahe Wildhaus. 2021-06-27 07.34.49 Wildhaus (song?)
Singers: European nuthatch, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 06.46.25 Wildhaus (song)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Garden warbler, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 11.11.51 (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, European nuthatch
♫ Song thrush waldgasse plus maybe kleiber. 2021-04-21 09.23.14 (song)
♫ Song Thrush waldgasse, see photo. 2021-04-21 09.17.55 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 09.15.21 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Yellowhammer, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 08.37.16 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 08.26.17 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Singdrossel beim Hungerseeli. 2021-03-29 10.43.28 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Singdrossel Bauma. 2020-07-10 15.24.41 Bauma (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-10 15.24.27 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Lesser spotted eagle, Song thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-01 08.18.50 Luppmen (song)
♫ Various birds including calls, perhaps song thrush re BirdNet - see excerpt with same timestamp. Source: BirdNet 2020-07-01 08.18.50 Luppmen (song)
Singers: Song thrush, Common blackbird
♫ Lustiger singdrossel beim hungerseeli plus amsel. 2020-06-27 16.56.26 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Eurasian wren
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 15.59.50 Alpweg (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, European nuthatch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 15.58.42 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Singdrossel bei hungerseeli. 2020-06-03 09.55.53 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 09.55.41 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Song thrush säumerweg. 2020-05-29 08.09.41 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 08.08.30 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Mehr singdrossel. 2020-05-26 17.58.59 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Singdrossel x 2 oder 3. 2020-05-26 17.55.33 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-26 17.55.23 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Hungerseeli evtl singdrossel. 2020-05-26 17.34.26 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Great tit
♫ Song thrush maybe plus great tit, blackbird. 2020-05-18 05.05.15 Luppmen (song)
Singers: Unknown, Song thrush
♫ Unknown maybe song thrush plus blackbird. 2020-05-18 04.58.42 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 11.17.30 Hungerseeli (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.35.19 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Common chiffchaff
♫ Singdrossel taube zilpzalp wald bei seegräben. 2020-04-27 13.15.15 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Common chiffchaff
♫ Singdrossel taube zilpzalp wald bei seegräben. 2020-04-27 13.15.15 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Song thrush in tree see photos. 2020-04-25 07.49.38 Luppmen (song)
♫ Song thrush in tree see photos with chiffchaff. 2020-04-25 07.49.38 Luppmen (song)
♫ Im Brand song thrush. 2020-04-25 07.38.13 Luppmen (song)
♫ Im Brand song thrush. 2020-04-25 07.36.04 Luppmen (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 07.35.33 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Singdrossel pf. 2020-04-24 10.31.19 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-24 10.30.14 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-24 10.29.08 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Singdrossel wald bei speck. 2020-04-22 18.08.18 Wald bei Speck (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 18.08.07 Wald bei Speck (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 18.07.17 Wald bei Speck (song?)
♫ XC570136 song thrush alarm call. Source: XENOCANTO (alarm call)
♫ XC389294 song thrush contact call. Source: XENOCANTO (contact call)
♫ XC570138 song thrush alarm call. Source: XENOCANTO (alarm call)
Middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocoptes medius)
Alternate classification: Leiopicus medius, Dendrocoptes medius, Picoides medius, Dendrocopos medius
Vogelwarte Mittelspecht. Source: VOGELWARTE Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC624229 Mittelspecht call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla)
1200px-Setophaga ruticilla -Chiquimula%2C Guatemala -male-8-4c.Wikipedia: American redstart Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-02 08.57.40 Cockeysville (song?)
Corn bunting (Emberiza calandra)
Alternate classification: Miliaria calandra
General: Song is an ascending trill or buzz that climbs about an octave - 4-8 KHz. Grauammer im gleichen Busch wie Neuntoeter, mit typischem dunklen Brustfleck und dickem Schnabel. 2022-06-25 09.02.26 La Sauge Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-25 08.51.56 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-08 15.37.09 (song?)
♫ XC632949 - Corn Bunting - Emberiza calandra - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)
Barn swallow. 2022-05-05 09.41.44 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Barn swallows on the hunt, some quite high. 2020-08-18 13.01.00 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 09.43.58 Hungerseeli (song?)
Elfin-woods warbler (Setophaga angelae)
Alternate classification: Dendroica angelae
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 11.13.53 Hungerseeli (song?)
Great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Alternate classification: Turdus arundinaceus
General: Sounds to me like croak cheep cheep!
Listening on YouTube videos, you'd call it percussion rather than song!Song: In Vergleich zu Teichrohrsänger langsamer und lauter. [Link]
Brown-white bird usually hidden in the reeds. 2022-05-21 10.39.42 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Great reed warbler, Yellowhammer
♫ ZOOM0103 LR Drosselrohrsaenger, Goldammer, Wind bei Wauwilermoos. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-22 16.39.30 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0102 LR check check check von drosselrohrsaengern bei Wauwilermoos. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-22 16.08.44 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 12.09.42 (song?)
♫ Drosselrohrsänger mit Kuhglocken Leukerfeld. 2022-05-21 10.45.00 (song?)
♫ Drosselrohrsänger mit Kuhglocken, Leukerfeld. 2022-05-21 10.45.00 (song?)
♫ Drosselrohrsänger mit Kuhglocken Leukerfeld. 2022-05-21 10.45.00 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-12 12.25.06 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-12 12.24.14 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-20 12.56.21 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.51.46 Locarno (song?)
Singers: Great reed warbler, Common tern
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-20 10.01.22 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Drosselrohrsänger weird croak croak chirp. 2020-05-20 09.45.29 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Drosselrohrsänger. 2020-05-20 09.42.29 Pfäffikersee (song?)
Singers: Great reed warbler, Eurasian tree sparrow
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-20 09.41.57 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ XC661392 - Great Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus arundinaceus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Alternate classification: Nannus troglodytes
High-pitched, melodic, very variable with many trills and whistles.Eurasian Wren foraging in the reeds at the frozen Lake Pfaeffikon 2021-02-15 08.41.30 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-19 11.48.31 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.43.19 Uster (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.43.19 Uster (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 13.59.25 Weisslingen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-19 07.25.03 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 10.36.53 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 11.16.16 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Zaunkoenige am Luppmen. 2021-02-25 15.48.06 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-30 21.40.29 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, Mistle thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-30 21.40.16 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Mistle thrush, Eurasian wren
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-30 16.56.23 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-08 15.18.10 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, Common blackbird
♫ Zaunkönig plus amsel plus Flugzeug. 2020-07-14 16.03.00 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: European robin, Eurasian wren
♫ Rotkehlchen, zaunkönig höchisteiweg. 2020-07-01 07.58.29 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Zaunkönig bei alpweg. 2020-07-01 07.13.26 Alpweg (song?)
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Unknown, Eurasian wren
♫ Alpweg blackbird zilpzalp and interesting unknown bird, could be zaunkönig, etc. 2020-06-27 16.05.47 Alpweg (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Eurasian wren
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-27 15.59.50 Alpweg (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Eurasian wren
♫ Buchfink evtl zaunkönig bei brandrütiweg. 2020-06-03 09.48.15 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Eurasian wren
♫ Buchfink evtl zaunkönig bro brandrütiweg. 2020-06-03 09.48.15 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 09.47.03 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 09.36.53 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, Common chaffinch
♫ Zaunkönig plus buchfink Speckwald. 2020-05-07 11.52.49 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 10.43.48 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.47.52 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.31.34 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 08.40.36 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 08.40.36 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 08.12.31 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 09.58.19 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Zaunkönig maybe at 20,29,39. 2020-04-17 08.05.25 Wald Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Zaunkönig. 2019-07-07 11.41.41 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Zaunkönig Onsernonetal. 2019-07-07 11.41.41 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, European robin, Common chiffchaff
♫ Virtuoso at 0, 30 sec BirdNet says Zaunkoenig evtl Rotkehlchen, auch Zilpzalp. Source: BirdNet 2019-06-04 12.36.07 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC195946 Eurasian wren call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC554714-Zaunkoenig song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC555640-Zaunkönig 10-Sekunden song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
European crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus)
Alternate classification: Parus cristatus
Also known as: Crested tit
Higher-pitched than great tit - how distinguish from coal tit, etc?Wikipedia - Haubenmeise - Lophophanes cristatus - 01 - Carlos Delgado. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC560609-european-crested-tit-lophophanes cristatus2020.05.20 11.51 01. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Grebe pfaeffikersee.Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 13.21.43 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 10.31.08 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 10.29.03 (song?)
Carrion crow (Corvus corone)
Also known as: hooded crow, Rabenkrähe
Graak!Kraehe am luppmen. 2020-04-15 09.15.28 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Great tit, Mallard, Carrion crow
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-15 09.11.22 Pfaeffikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 16.03.56 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 15.08.34 Auslikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-03 09.44.58 Hungerseeli (song?)
Common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)
Also known as: Weidenlaubsänger
Seems to consist of 3 notes repeated randomly, occasionally just 2 notes.
Though says they stop singing at the end of July, I do hear their 3-note song occasionally in October,
but just one or two repetitions.In our back yard in Fehraltorf 2020-10-03 12.44.50 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-10-24 09.31.04 (call)
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Willow warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-19 09.10.28 Uznach (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 07.21.48 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-26 11.51.21 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 15.09.57 Weisslingen (song?)
♫ Zilpzalp plus whoop im brändli. 2021-03-23 14.32.35 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-31 09.07.20 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-05 11.31.56 Fehraltorf (call)
Singers: Great tit, Common chiffchaff
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-05 09.04.33 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-30 16.59.15 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-13 13.55.01 Hirzli (song?)
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Unknown, Eurasian wren
♫ Alpweg blackbird zilpzalp and interesting unknown bird, could be zaunkönig, etc. 2020-06-27 16.05.47 Alpweg (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-09 10.47.23 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 10.20.11 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common chiffchaff
♫ Einfaches schönes amsel Lied plus zilpzalp, Fluglärm. 2020-05-07 10.17.27 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-01 11.58.45 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Common chiffchaff
♫ Singdrossel taube zilpzalp wald bei seegräben. 2020-04-27 13.15.15 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Common chiffchaff
♫ Singdrossel taube zilpzalp wald bei seegräben. 2020-04-27 13.15.15 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Blackbird Saeumenweg mit Zilpzalp, Hahn. 2020-04-25 08.22.37 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-24 06.13.35 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Common chaffinch
♫ Chirping atop tree plus zilpzalp, buchfink. 2020-04-23 09.45.13 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkelchen zilpzalp Flugzeug waldkorporation. 2020-04-23 09.34.02 Forsthaus (song?)
♫ Leaky hose plus zilpzalp. 2020-04-23 09.31.53 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 06.51.41 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-17 08.20.39 Wald Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Eurasian jay, Common chiffchaff
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-17 08.09.58 Wald Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Dunnock, Common chiffchaff
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-16 07.54.44 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Nur zilpzalp. 2020-04-06 16.04.05 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Black cap warbler
♫ One note ascending zilpzalp or moenchsgrasmuecke. 2020-04-06 16.03.49 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, European robin, Common chiffchaff
♫ Virtuoso at 0, 30 sec BirdNet says Zaunkoenig evtl Rotkehlchen, auch Zilpzalp. Source: BirdNet 2019-06-04 12.36.07 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common chiffchaff
♫ Forsthaus dit dat amsel zilpzalp etc. 2019-06-04 11.44.39 Forsthaus (song?)
♫ XC656913 - Common Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita - call recorded in Belgium. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Alternate classification: Parus caeruleus
High-pitched, often descending, occasionally ascending.Erste Blaumeise aufgenommen in Fehraltorf Ich hatte sie lange gehoert aber als Kohlmeise miserkannt (es ist oft aehnlich und ich war Anfaenger. Dann habe ich diesen auf einem Baum gesehen, und es wurde klar, dass sie wirklich auch bei uns leben. 2020-04-15 19.12.31 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Great tit, Eurasian blue tit
♫ Kontaktrufe Kohlmeise, evtl auch Blaumeisen im Garten, am Luppmen. 2021-08-09 08.20.56 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 06.29.32 Muralto (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Willow warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-22 09.24.42 (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-19 05.53.46 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-08 15.19.08 Gambarogno (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-02 15.57.24 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-28 07.48.05 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Eurasian blue tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-28 07.38.00 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Eurasian blue tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-22 11.01.11 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Eurasian blue tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-22 10.57.35 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-18 17.38.40 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Black cap warbler
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 09.26.15 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-24 10.19.09 Pfäffikersee (song?)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 06.49.59 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 06.17.05 Luppmen (song)
Singers: Eurasian blue tit, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 06.15.39 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 06.22.20 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-21 22.02.57 Staldenweiher (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-18 07.29.12 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-16 15.31.28 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-16 15.29.05 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Eurasian blue tit top of tree at luppmen. 2020-04-15 17.58.14 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 06.32.15 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-13 06.32.07 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC555029 blaumeise. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ XC581312 blaumeise begging call. Source: XENOCANTO (begging call)
♫ XC574294 blaumeise call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
1200px-Brown thrasher in CP %2802147%29.Wikipedia: Brown thrasher Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 08.27.34 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-29 08.27.34 Cockeysville (song?)
Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus)
General: I mistook this one for a woodpecker the first time I heard it, partly because BirdNet also did! Rattle generated in vocal tract, not with the beak!Misteldrossel. 2020-05-07 12.56.02 Hungerseeli Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-20 13.18.10 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 09.41.46 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 09.35.10 (song?)
♫ Wonderful bb-like song supposedly Mistle thrush at Keltenweg-Waldgasse intersection. 2021-04-21 08.56.01 (song)
Singers: Mistle thrush, Coal tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-21 08.54.48 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-18 15.58.51 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 11.19.41 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, Mistle thrush
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-30 21.40.16 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: Mistle thrush, Eurasian wren
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-30 16.56.23 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Misteldrossel. 2020-05-07 12.56.43 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Mistle thrush. 2020-05-07 12.56.43 Hungerseeli (song?)
Eurasian siskin (Spinus spinus)
Alternate classification: Carduelis spinus
Erlenzeisig bei Rapperswil. 2021-02-12 13.07.42 Rapperswil Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-21 12.08.30 Adelboden (song?)
Eurasian reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
Alternate classification: Turdus scirpaceus
Weird, squeaky, urgent. Slower than Sumpfrohrsaenger.Teichrohrsaenger wahrscheinlich. 2021-05-04 09.21.14 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-24 16.27.01 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-19 12.12.50 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0095 LR Teichrohrsaenger am Rhein bei Thurauen. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-19 11.09.06 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0094 LR Teichrohrsaenger am Rhein bei Thurauen. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-19 11.07.40 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-19 11.02.05 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-04 12.00.35 (song?)
Singers: Gadwall, Yellow-footed gull, Eurasian reed warbler
♫ ZOOM0027 LR Schnatterenten, Moewen und an 29 Sekunden eindeutig ein Jet von Swiss, da wir in Neeracherried sehr nach am Kloten Flughafen sind, BirdNet schlaegt auch Teichrohrsaenger vor, wie auch ein Moewe-Typ aus Kalifornien. Source: Zoom H6 2021-10-24 13.12.46 Neeracherried (song?)
♫ Teichrohrsänger, see photos. 2021-05-10 09.22.20 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.50.04 Gambarogno (song?)
♫ Teichrohrsänger wahrscheinlich, siehe Foto. 2021-05-04 09.26.55 (song?)
♫ Teichrohrsänger am Flachsee, siehe Foto. 2021-05-04 08.14.32 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-04 07.46.29 (song?)
♫ Teichrohrsänger am Flachsee. 2021-05-04 07.44.10 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-20 09.49.40 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.29.30 Auslikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 14.05.35 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC653035 - Eurasian Reed Warbler - Acrocephalus scirpaceus - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Willow tit (Parus montanus)
Willow tit. 2020-04-25 08.51.40 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
Singers: Willow tit, Marsh tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-04 14.05.46 (song?)
Singers: Willow tit, Coal tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-01 13.35.30 Lugano (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 15.47.24 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.26.11 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.25.38 Sils (song?)
♫ Willow tit st moritz. 2020-06-09 16.09.28 Sils (song?)
♫ Willow tit st moritz noisy until 50. 2020-06-09 16.09.28 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-09 16.06.43 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-09 12.33.28 Sils (song?)
♫ XC371134 Willow Tit song - rhenanus subspecis at Gruenenbergpass, Bern, Switzerland. Source: XENOCANTO Switzerland (song)
Common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
General: A medium long phrase that slowly descends (I think of it bouncing down a staircase), then usually takes a jump up before a final descent.Song: In Bavaria the mnemonic for the typical chaffinch song is: „Ich hätte gerne ein Weizenbier“, i.e. "I'd like another Weizenbier". [DasHaus]
In tree by First, ZH. 2020-05-04 17.33.36 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Buchfink Badi Auslikon. 2022-06-12 13.17.54 Auslikon (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-10 10.24.41 (song?)
Singers: Garden warbler, Common chaffinch
♫ ZOOM0087 LR Ist das wieder die Gartengrasmuecke? Auch Buchfink? Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.38.14 (song?)
♫ Buchfink usw in Leukerbad, Hotel Astoria. 2022-05-21 20.17.39 (song?)
♫ Buchfink usw in Leukerbad, Hotel Astoria. 2022-05-21 20.17.39 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-03-13 12.33.16 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 08.10.41 (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-03 07.46.17 Uster (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-19 14.29.22 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-15 14.30.37 (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-21 13.42.25 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Buchfink Pfaeffikersee. 2021-02-15 08.20.03 Pfäffikersee (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-09-21 14.32.59 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-14 20.38.42 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-01 07.07.33 Alpweg (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-14 12.55.18 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-11 13.26.39 Sils (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-10 12.45.37 Sils (song?)
♫ Isola am silsersee buchfink etc. 2020-06-09 11.56.54 Sils (song?)
♫ Buchfink bullingerplatz. 2020-06-05 10.43.02 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Buchfink am Luppmen. 2020-06-05 06.46.54 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Eurasian wren
♫ Buchfink evtl zaunkönig bei brandrütiweg. 2020-06-03 09.48.15 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Eurasian wren
♫ Buchfink evtl zaunkönig bro brandrütiweg. 2020-06-03 09.48.15 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 08.12.19 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Buchfink pfeifft, dann etwas interessanter - what. 2020-05-26 17.27.25 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-26 17.27.08 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-19 15.54.54 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-19 15.54.42 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 11.59.04 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 11.59.04 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, Common chaffinch
♫ Zaunkönig plus buchfink Speckwald. 2020-05-07 11.52.49 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-07 11.34.55 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Black redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-01 09.15.08 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Common blackbird
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.27.06 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Common chaffinch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 08.45.10 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Eurasian treecreeper
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-25 08.20.16 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chiffchaff, Common chaffinch
♫ Chirping atop tree plus zilpzalp, buchfink. 2020-04-23 09.45.13 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, European robin
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 08.50.21 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, European robin
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-23 08.50.21 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-16 08.11.18 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common chaffinch
♫ Amsel plus buchfink maybe. 2020-04-13 07.35.34 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Woods buchfink, other maybe. 2020-04-06 15.26.11 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common chaffinch
♫ Wald amsel plus buchfink. 2019-06-08 16.52.30 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Buchfink at 9, 22, 30... 2019-06-04 12.45.05 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Buchfink. 2019-06-04 12.45.05 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Buchfink. 2019-06-04 12.45.05 Luppmen (song?)
♫ XC460303 common chaffinch ping call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC561049 common chaffinch ti-huit call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC71019 common chaffinch rain call. Source: XENOCANTO (rain call)
Yellow-footed gull (Larus livens)
1200px-Larus livens 2910976.Wikipedia: Yellow-footed gull Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Singers: Gadwall, Yellow-footed gull, Eurasian reed warbler
♫ ZOOM0027 LR Schnatterenten, Moewen und an 29 Sekunden eindeutig ein Jet von Swiss, da wir in Neeracherried sehr nach am Kloten Flughafen sind, BirdNet schlaegt auch Teichrohrsaenger vor, wie auch ein Moewe-Typ aus Kalifornien. Source: Zoom H6 2021-10-24 13.12.46 Neeracherried (song?)
Eurasian wryneck (Jynx torquilla)
Wendehals in Susten. 2022-05-21 10.28.36 Leuk and surroundings Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-10 15.15.59 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-20 14.22.27 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 12.00.48 Locarno (song?)
♫ Wendehals, bolle magadino. 2021-05-10 08.28.04 Bolle Magadino (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-10 08.25.23 Gambarogno (song?)
Grey catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)
Alternate classification: Muscicapa carolinensis
Also known as: Gray catbird
Gray catbird. 2022-04-30 09.51.08 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 09.02.06 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 08.38.48 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: Northern cardinal, Grey catbird, Song sparrow
♫ Morning at Cherrywood Court - northern cardinal, gray catbirds, song sparrow. 2021-06-19 07.38.01 Cherrywood (song)
♫ Gray catbird weird song, Cherrywood Court. 2021-06-16 07.38.03 Cherrywood (song)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-15 17.52.38 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-11 07.38.34 Cockeysville (song?)
Algerian nuthatch (Sitta ledanti)
1200px-SittaLedanti.svg.Wikipedia: Algerian nuthatch Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet (song?)
White-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus)
Wonderfully weird sequence of chirps, cheeps, growls. Elements often repeated twice. In a quiz, I mistook it for a starling. This recording reminds me of other water songbirds like the Marsh warbler and various reed warblers.Wikipedia - Cinclus cinclus, Wasseramsel. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC528686-Wasseramsel call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC512901-Wasseramsel. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)
Alternate classification: Loxia curvirostris
Also known as: Common crossbill
Repeated hi-low pattern...well, doesn't always sound like that.
The very short beginning of my Stazersee recording before the static sets in does,
as well as a song found online.
One recording reminds me of cicada sounds.Wikimedia Red Crossbills (Male). Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-13 12.28.51 Sils (song?)
♫ XC575836 Red crossbill song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Also known as: Kormoran
Kormoran pfaeffikersee.Cormorant Cormorants' feathers lack the waterproofing that ducks have, so you often see them drying their wings on a convenient perch. 2021-01-26 15.56.30 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ ZOOM0104 LR Hunderte von Kormoran, La Sauge. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-23 15.52.40 La Sauge (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-19 07.39.23 (song?)
Red kite (Milvus milvus)
Rotmilan pfaeffikersee.Im Baum am Pfäffikersee 2020-05-20 08.58.48 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: European robin, Red kite
♫ ZOOM0026 LR Rotkehlchen, Rotmilan in Neeracherried. Source: Zoom H6 2021-10-24 09.59.58 Neeracherried (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-10-24 09.02.17 (song?)
♫ Check if red kite begging calls. 2021-08-14 10.02.45 (begging call)
♫ Rotmilan. 2020-05-24 16.56.51 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotmilan im nest bei Pistolenschützenhaus. 2020-05-01 12.13.54 Luppmen (song?)
Zitting cisticola (Cisticola juncidis)
Zistensaenger in der Luft in Albufera. 2022-04-12 15.03.34 Mallorca Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-08 14.43.27 (song?)
Willow tit (Poecile montanus)
Alternate classification: Poecile montana, Parus montanus
Also known as: Alpine tit, Mönchsmeise, Alpenmeise
Songs I've heard alternate two notes and look like a sine wave on the sonogram. Apart from minor differences in diet and size, Alpine Tit and Willow Tit can only be identified by their song. The Willow Tit utters a series of long, descending notes («tyoo tyoo tyoo tyoo»), whereas the Alpine Tit’s territorial song consists of short notes on an even pitch («dee dee dee dee dee»).
See more here.Willow tit. 2020-04-25 08.51.40 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Common nightingale, Willow tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 06.19.21 Wildhaus (song?)
Lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca)
Alternate classification: Curruca curruca, Sylvia curruca
Also known as: Zaungrasmücke
Song typically consists of two parts. An indistinct chattering and warbling, subsong-like part similar to [common] Whitethroat, which is usually followed by a dry, fast and rattling trill. The trill carries much further than the chattering part. May be difficult to identify if trill is omitted. [Link]Wikipedia: Lesser whitethroat Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC652419 - Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)
Alternate classification: Penthestes carolinensis
Possibly two Carolina chickadees. 2022-05-05 18.19.16 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 10.06.13 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-02 10.54.12 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-11 07.35.38 Cockeysville (song?)
Icterine warbler (Hippolais icterina)
Alternate classification: Hippolais hippolais
Short bits 4-8 notes, sometimes with a little pause, overall a greenfinch feel. Some whoops, some chucks like a great tit, some bits like a house sparrow, even a meow. BirdLife Schweiz says full of vigor, includes some mis-tones and creaky calls; eBird says Song is fast, loud, and melodious with lots of mimicry.Can sing low (2k) or high (10k)Wikipedia: Icterine warbler Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC554419 - Icterine Warbler - Hippolais icterina - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Common blackbird (Turdus merula)
Also known as: Eurasian blackbird
Other: Gut zu erkennen ist die Amsel.
Sie singt melodiös, erklärt Heller, «zuerst flötend und dann gegen Schluss so schnirpslig».
Die Amsel singe gerne dort, wo sie gut gehört werde, etwa vor Hauswänden, die den Schall nicht schlucken.
Ich wollte schauen was schnirpslig heisst, aber diese ist diese einzige Verwendung, die Google kennt!
Der flötende Teil ist relativ tief, 1.5-3 KHz, der schnirpslige aber 2.5-7 KHz.
(Schnirpslig ist ein schones Wort das der Redner erfunden hat - Google findet nur diese eine Webseite mit dem Wort!) [Von der SRF Webseite:]Amsel bei friedliweid. 2020-04-13 10.28.42 Friedliweid Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Common blackbird, Sedge warbler
♫ ZOOM0090 LR Froesche, Amsel, evtl Schilfrohrsaenger. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.48.50 (song?)
Singers: Garden warbler, Common blackbird
♫ ZOOM0089 LR gartengrasmuecke, Amsel. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-04 12.46.32 (song?)
Singers: Common nightingale, Common blackbird
♫ Nachtigall, Amsel, usw beim Teleport, Leuk. 2022-05-22 08.09.03 (song?)
Singers: Common nightingale, Common blackbird
♫ Nachtigall, Amsel, usw beim Teleport, Leuk. 2022-05-22 08.09.03 (song?)
♫ ZOOM0079 LR Amsel am Luppmen. Source: Zoom H6 2022-05-09 19.49.24 Luppmen (song?)
♫ ZOOM0035 LR Amsel an der Limmat beim Sonnenuntergang. Source: Zoom H6 2022-02-21 19.20.04 (song?)
♫ Subsong von jungen Amseln im Garten bei uns und Nachbarn, Meisen auch im Hintergrund. 2021-08-23 09.57.22 (song)
Singers: European robin, Common blackbird
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-17 09.36.55 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 18.26.11 Fehraltorf (call)
♫ Bird with two song types in Schwanden - amsel. 2021-03-24 06.11.05 (song)
♫ Amsel am Luppmen. 2021-03-06 18.17.14 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-15 10.06.37 Fehraltorf (song?)
Singers: European robin, Common blackbird
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-15 18.55.07 Besazio (song?)
Singers: Eurasian wren, Common blackbird
♫ Zaunkönig plus amsel plus Flugzeug. 2020-07-14 16.03.00 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel schön schnirpslig Sackholzweg. 2020-07-08 16.09.31 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Song thrush, Common blackbird
♫ Lustiger singdrossel beim hungerseeli plus amsel. 2020-06-27 16.56.26 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-23 06.18.54 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common redstart
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-06-15 08.50.03 Locarno (song?)
♫ Locarno evtl amsel. 2020-06-13 18.29.15 Locarno (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 07.37.25 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-29 07.33.37 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel am Luppmen. 2020-05-29 05.02.19 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel. 2020-05-29 05.02.19 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel. 2020-05-24 16.18.11 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel. 2020-05-24 16.16.27 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel weiher Pfäffikon. 2020-05-24 16.14.14 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common chiffchaff
♫ Einfaches schönes amsel Lied plus zilpzalp, Fluglärm. 2020-05-07 10.17.27 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Black redstart, Common blackbird, Black cap warbler
♫ 5 minutes around 530 train - kohlmeise, Hausrotschwanz, amsel, moenchsgrasmuecke. 2020-05-04 05.27.00 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-30 05.58.17 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkelchen meise amsel. 2020-04-28 05.25.07 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Rotkelchen meise amsel. 2020-04-28 05.25.07 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: European robin, Common blackbird
♫ Rotkehlchen meise amsel. 2020-04-28 05.25.07 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common chaffinch, Common blackbird
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.27.06 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-27 13.26.50 Luppmen (song?)
♫ 2 amseln, meisen. 2020-04-24 05.48.59 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Black redstart, Great tit
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-22 05.44.09 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel friedliweid. 2020-04-13 07.41.50 Friedliweid (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common chaffinch
♫ Amsel plus buchfink maybe. 2020-04-13 07.35.34 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel friedliweid. 2020-04-13 07.32.16 Friedliweid (song?)
♫ 4 note song plus amsel. 2020-04-13 06.41.55 Luppmen (song)
Singers: Black cap warbler, Common blackbird, Great tit
♫ Mönchsgrasmücke amsel kohlmeise taube krähe. 2020-04-13 06.19.02 Luppmen (song?)
♫ Amsel etc 50 min b4. 2020-04-03 06.06.45 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Great tit
♫ Amsel kohlmeise etc 70 min b4. 2020-04-03 05.48.35 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Great tit, Common blackbird
♫ Kohlmeise Amsel other 75 min b4 sunrise. 2020-04-03 05.42.06 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common chaffinch
♫ Wald amsel plus buchfink. 2019-06-08 16.52.30 Luppmen (song?)
Singers: Common blackbird, Common chiffchaff
♫ Forsthaus dit dat amsel zilpzalp etc. 2019-06-04 11.44.39 Forsthaus (song?)
♫ XC557335 common blackbird alarm call. Source: XENOCANTO (alarm call)
Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)
Fast drumming, constant volume, longer than great spotted woodpecker's.Männchen mit gut erkennbarem gelben Oberkopf. Von Alberto Chiarle -, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ XC627431 dreizehenspecht drumming. Source: XENOCANTO (drumming)
♫ XC498796 Dreizehenspecht call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) says high-pitched song that gently rises and falls.Wintergoldhähnchen beim Meteorwasserkanal am Pfäffikersee. Endlich habe ich einen bei uns gesehen! 2020-10-30 16.44.10 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Singers: Spotted flycatcher, Goldcrest
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.54.33 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-08-14 09.22.44 (song?)
Singers: Goldcrest, Alpine chough
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-21 12.51.19 Adelboden (song?)
Singers: Coal tit, Goldcrest
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-20 12.46.15 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-20 12.45.34 Adelboden (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-11-02 14.38.27 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-30 15.36.56 Pfaeffikon (song?)
Singers: Goldcrest, European robin
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-30 13.41.29 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.48.07 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-22 15.30.27 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Near Praegelpass probably Goldcrest. 2020-07-31 12.07.10 Pragelpass (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-31 12.05.15 Pragelpass (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-07-13 11.26.51 Niederurnen (song?)
♫ WikiCommons-Regulus regulus - Goldcrest XC475114. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Desert lark (Ammomanes deserti)
Alternate classification: Alauda deserti
1200px-Steinlerche.Wikipedia: Desert lark Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-08 17.17.43 (song?)
Grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus)
Also known as: Grey-faced woodpecker, Gray-headed woodpecker
Drumming in lieu of song. Fast, constant, somehow less harsh than great and middle spotted woodpeckers.Vogelwarte Grauspecht. Note that it's quite green despite its name. Source: VOGELWARTE Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ XC628962 Grauspecht drumming. Source: XENOCANTO (drumming)
♫ XC623125 grauspecht call. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis)
Fast chirpy improvization without a break, not very high, reminds me of a nightingale or a Eurasian reed warbler/Teichrohrsänger with the exact rhythm, but most likely sung in a cornfield. Or a Singdrossel that repeats its elements longer that that guy. Repeats elements 1-8 times. Sometimes buzzy/trilly. Can go on for minutes at a time.Wikipedia Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis). Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Feldlerche im Feld bei La Sauge. 2022-06-25 09.25.21 La Sauge (song?)
♫ ZOOM0109 LR Feldlerche singt ununterbrochen im Maisfeld bei La Sauge. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-25 08.39.30 La Sauge (song?)
♫ ZOOM0108 LR Feldlerche singt ununterbrochen im Maisfeld bei La Sauge. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-25 08.35.36 La Sauge (song?)
♫ ZOOM0107 LR Maisfeld bei La Sauge, Feldlerche singt ununterbrochen. Source: Zoom H6 2022-06-25 08.32.30 La Sauge (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-06-25 08.22.24 La Sauge (song?)
♫ XC685846 - Eurasian Skylark - Alauda arvensis - song, recorded in France. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Singers: Eurasian skylark, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Wikipedia Feldlerche XN Alauda arvensis. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
Singers: Eurasian skylark, Eudyptes sp. clade x
♫ Wikipedia Feldlerche XN Alauda arvensis. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
House wren (Troglodytes aedon)
House wren. 2022-05-05 08.41.48 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-05 08.39.31 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-05-03 10.31.53 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Weird catbird, house wrens, crows, Cherrywood Court. 2021-06-17 07.49.41 Cherrywood (song?)
Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea)
Also known as: Scopoli's shearwater
Cory%27s Shearwater from the Crossley ID Guide Britain and Ireland crop.Wikipedia: Cory's shearwater Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Cory's Shearwaters at Hotel Jardin Tecina, La Gomera edited down. 2022-03-17 21.42.26 La Gomera (song?)
♫ Cory's Shearwaters meowing at Hotel Jardin Tecina in Playa Santiago, La Gomera edited down. 2022-03-16 22.04.37 La Gomera (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-03-16 22.03.45 (song?)
♫ Cory's Shearwater from YouTube. 2012-07-16 00.00.00 (song?)
Dunnock (Prunella modularis)
High-pitched, repetitive but complex little tune.Wikpedia photo because never seen. Source: WIKIPEDIA Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 15.54.39 Weisslingen (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 12.55.28 Grabs (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-16 07.55.16 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-16 07.55.09 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-16 07.54.44 Hungerseeli (song?)
Singers: Dunnock, Common chiffchaff
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-04-16 07.54.44 Hungerseeli (song?)
♫ XC594397 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis modularis. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
♫ Wikipedia Dunnock (Prunella modularis) (W1CDR0001422 BD6) song. Source: WIKIPEDIA (song)
♫ Wikipedia Dunnock (Prunella modularis) (W1CDR0001422 BD6). Source: WIKIPEDIA (song?)
Common grasshopper warbler (Locustella naevia)
Also known as: Common grasshopper-warbler
Buzzing like an insect or machinery. BirdLife Schweiz says like a grasshopper (which is after all the English name).Wikipedia: Common grasshopper warbler Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ XC557238 - Common Grasshopper Warbler - Locustella naevia - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
White-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)
White throated sparrow. 2022-04-28 18.48.42 Maryland Profile Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 09.48.51 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-30 09.48.51 Cockeysville (song?)
Singers: Mourning dove, White-throated sparrow
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-28 11.52.36 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-28 11.51.13 Cockeysville (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-28 11.51.13 Cockeysville (song?)
White wagtail (Motacilla alba)
Usually just calls. This song is just a few chirpy slurs, sometimes rising-rising-falling.White wagtail at edge of field near Mesikon 2020-04-25 07.21.02 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-19 08.27.01 (song?)
♫ Friedliweid Hof wagtail Bachstelze see photo. 2020-04-06 16.19.59 Friedliweid (song?)
♫ XC644775 - White Wagtail - Motacilla alba alba - call, recorded in Estonia. Source: XENOCANTO (call)
♫ XC694995 - White Wagtail - Motacilla alba - song recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO Spain (song)
White stork (Ciconia ciconia)
Alternate classification: Ardea ciconia
The famous Klappern.Stork in field towards Mesikon 2020-04-25 07.19.22 Luppmen Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-05-20 08.50.06 Luppmen (song?)
Tawny owl (Strix aluco)
Strix aluco 3 %28Martin Mecnarowski%29.Wikipedia: Tawny owl Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Waldkauz in Carona. 2021-04-05 03.44.43 Carona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-04-03 22.06.25 Lugano (song?)
Cetti's warbler (Cettia cetti)
1200px-37-090505-cettis-warbler-at-Kalloni-east-river.Wikipedia: Cetti's warbler Profile Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-12 14.20.43 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2022-04-12 14.07.40 (song?)
Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis)
Single note, possibly rising at the end. (Or: long 4 second phrases, gradually louder then softer; swoopy or whoopy.) Sings in flight. BirdID: Song very similar to Rock Pipit, but tone less full and more brittle. Lacks Rock Pipit's closing trill, and beginning is less "hammering". - but what does a rock pipit sound like?Wikipedia: Meadow pipit Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-06-27 11.35.44 Grabs (song?)
♫ XC722919 - Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
Short-toed treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla)
General: It sounds to me like a 5-7 note song like 'five k low high higher', 'short song in the gar-DEN'. The individual notes have the same backward checkmark shape as the call. It's basically the same across Europe.Song: The song of the nominate subspecies is an evenly spaced sequence of notes teet-teet-teet-e-roi-tiit. [Link]
Its song is short, loud and rhythmic. [Link]
[In comparison with the visually similar Eurasian treecreeper, it] has a clearer, louder more staccato contact call of ‘sreet’ or ‘sree’ and a short ‘wit’ during normal activity [Link]
Gartenbaumlaeufer, Mesikomerweg, Pfaeffikersee. 2021-04-27 17.01.28 Pfäffikersee Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-20 14.21.12 Weisslingen (call)
Singers: Short-toed treecreeper, European nuthatch
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-07-03 08.21.45 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-05-19 07.45.18 (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-03-29 10.52.01 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-24 17.40.12 Uster (call)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-21 15.15.02 Fehraltorf (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-16 12.23.26 Tremona (song?)
♫ Source: BirdNet 2020-10-16 11.53.19 Tremona (song?)
♫ XC625133 - Short-toed Treecreeper - Certhia brachydactyla - song. Source: XENOCANTO (song)
♫ XC569503 - Short-toed Treecreeper - Certhia brachydactyla. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)
Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata)
Grosser Brachvogel. 2021-02-12 11.59.24 Profile Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
♫ Source: BirdNet 2021-02-12 12.04.49 Jona (song?)
♫ XC625195-grosser brachvogel, michal jezierski, uk. Source: XENOCANTO (song?)